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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess body compostion and cardio-respiratory fitness in whole Iranian university students and formulatenationalnorms.Method: Sample was 2240 male and female of Iranian students aged between 19 and 25 from six great universities which were selected randomly. BMI, WHR, skin fold thickness in triceps area were measured. Percent body fat (skin fold method) and maximum oxygen consumption (step test) were also estimated.Results: BMI for men and women were nearly the same 22.4±3.15 and 22.21±2.98 kg/m2 and WHR tor male and female were 0.83±0.05 and 0.75±0.05 respectively. Skin fold thickness in Triceps area for male and female were: 14.49±6.83 and 19.92±9.21 mm. Percent body fat in male was lower than female (15.22±6.47 and 18.13±6.40) also maximum Oxyten Consumption showed 48.47±:8.3 and 34.95±2.93 ml/kg-1/min-1 for male and female respectively.Conclusion: The result of assessment revealed that the body composition of the majority of Iranian male and female students are in optimal condition with male being better condition. Further more, male are in better cardio respiratory fitness when compared to women. Thus, it appears that the rate of movement deprivation in women Iranian university students is higher than men. Due to several positive contribution of physical activity with health and proficiency, the result of this study emphasis on major concerns that must be placed upon.

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Purpose: The aim of this research was to design and construct an instrument for measuring and recording motor performance and also finding its reliability.Method: Searching the literature in this domain, we could design the primary plan. Then, the first model of this instrument was constructed and prepare for testing.This instrument includes two sections. One is hard wear for doing various movement pattern by subject and another is soft wear for data recording and analysis.Results: For computing the reliability, 25 male students were selected randomly from Amir kabir University of Tehran. Each of them performed a fixed movement patter and repeated one week later. The test retes technique showed %83.5 correlation for reaction time and %88 for movement time.

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of three bouts of 90 minute high intensity intermittent exercise (specific for soccer) in a week along with carbohydrate supplementation on immune cell responses in soccer players. Method: For this reason, twelve elite soccer players were selected from volunteers and divided in three groups of carbohydrate, placebo and control, respectively. They were studied in 12 daytime courses. For evaluation of immune cell responses blood samples were taken in six phase (Three phases in resting state and three phases immediately after exercise) and were analyzed in laboratory with respected method. One way analysis variance (ANOV A) and LSD post hoc test used for determination of any significance difference between groups.Results: Results show that three boutsof90 minute high intensity intermittent exercise along with carbohydrate supplementation induce significant difference in leukocyte indices (P=0.012) and Meitrphil (P=0.005) in decarbohydrate and supplement groups, whereas, there were not any significant difference in cortisol, lymphocyte and glucose levels was higher in carbohydrate than plocebo group. In addition, after three session there significant increase in cortisol level of placebo group.Conclusion: In it concluded that resting blood leukocyte and subpopulation may not change after three bouts of 90 minute high intensity in termitten exercise. While carbohydrate feeding appears to be affective in prolonged continuous exercise, it appears less effective is moderate and change in cortisol like as soccer. When overall intensity of exercise is moderate and change in cortiso land glucose level was less. It appear that carbohydrate supplementation have less effective on immune response to exercise.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1979

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Purpose: Studying showed that indigence of obesity and other dangerous factors causing cardio vasculat diseases in some societies affected by socioeconomic factors. Low social class may accompany with incidence of 0besityand other dangerous factors. Present research is for determination of the relation between socioeconomic factors with obesity and overweight incidence studied on 119 young girls between 15-17 years old in Tehran. (Age: 15.92±0.83 years; Weight: 54.13±10.72 kg; Height: 161.13±6.51 cm & BMI: 20.83±3.93).Method: In order to determine over weight and obesity incidence Body Mass Index (BMI) was used. Also social economical status (SES) questionnaire form was used for assessment of this index.After calculating BMI, the obtained figures about 95% and those between 85%-95% were considered as overweight and obesity standards, respectively.Results: General incidence off at and over weight in studying group was 5% and 10.1% respectivelyand5% had low weight. In sample society 15.1% had weight over than normal. No significant relationship was found between fat and over weight in cadence with different social econimic status (X2=10.28, P=0.32), cultural (X2=6.5, P=0.37) and economical(X2=5.95, 0.42) investment.Discussion and conclusion: In present research significant relationship wasn't found between obesity and overweight incidence with different SES, but most of obesity and low weight people were belong to average social class with lower tendency of sample society.

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Purpose: In the research project the aim is the investigation of prevalence of sport injuries among top free-style college student wrestlers of Iran.Method: This research's method is descriptive and expost. So 97 wrestlers with the average age of 22.11 years, average height of 176.2 cm. average weight of 74.58 kg are choose as sample, from the participated in the 7th university student's Olympiad in Isfahan, 2004.The gathered data are statistically analyses and are presented in tables and diagrams. Also questionnaire's reliability coefficient calculated by use Alpha CRONBAKH (83) Percent.Results: The results of research shows that in the research sample the tendon muscular injuries(68.18%) in comparison to osseous and joint injuries are more widespread, and also among tendon muscular injuries so res and sprains different part of body, specially upper limb are m ore 0bserved.In sum, upper limb with (39.73%) of reported injuries is more susceptible than the lower limb and trunk vertebral column. Also in comparison with the other limbs, head and face with (15.56%) of injuries is less susceptible.According to student wrestlers the followings are named as the most important causes of the injuries: weight losing (more than three kg), wrong method soft raining, lack of scientific methods of exercise, fouls of rivals, inadequate warm-up; and fatigue of athletes.Also findings show that there is meaningful relationship between the following variables: - Weekly exercise sessions and joint injuries in upper limb and tendon muscular injuries in lower limb.- Length of warm-up exercise and Joint Injuries in trunk and vertebral column.- Warm-uptime and osseous injuries in upper limb and lower limb and trunk and vertebral column.- Coach non-attendance and osseous injuries in lower limb, and finally sever exercises and osseous injuries in upper limb.Conclusion: According to this result, the tendon muscular injuries in comparison to other kinds of injuries are more observable, and upper limb is more subject to injuries, and also among personal and environ mental factors of injuries, the loss weighting over three kg before the competition is the more important factor of recorded Injuries.

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Purpose: The aims of this study was to examine the effects of moderate and vigorous (60-65% and 80-85% of maximal reserve heart rate respectively) aerobic exercises on the arylesterase activity (ARE ) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC).Method: 44 non-active men volunteered for this research and were divided into three groups randomly, including vigorous aerobic exercise (n= 15; 69.50± 9.29/30.93±6.38 mean weight/age), moderate aerobic exercise (n=17; 76.11± 9.39/34.94±7.44 mean weight/age), and control (n=12; 75.54±7.46/29.75 ±5.31 mean weight/age) group. Duration of training was 8weeks, 3 sessions per weeks and each session lasted 30-45 minutes. Dependent variables were measured in the three phases of the study, including pre-test, mid-test (fourth week) and post-test. TAC and ARE activity measured by Randox kit of UK and enzymatic methods respectively. We applied analysis of variance (ANOV A) test for repeated measures and LSD test for coupled comparisons between times, groups and time-group interaction.Results: Both aerobic exercises did not affect significantly serum ARE activity, TAC and total cholesterol (TC) concentration.However, we observed that HDL-c and HDL-c/TC ratio significantly increase in vigorous aerobic exercise group after 8 weeks (P<0.05). Besides, we observed that maximal oxygen uptake (Vo2max) increased significantly in both vigorous erobic exercise (42.78± 4.90 vs. 50.80±6.77) and moderate aerobic exercise group (37.90± 5.32 vs. 43.88± 6.17) after 8 weeks (P<0.05), while it remained without significant changes (41.2l± 5.88 vs. 42.98± 5.87) in control group. Further more there were significant positive relationships among Vo2max with TAC (r=0.36, P<0.01) and HDL-c (r=0.30, P<0.04).Conclusion: Overall, our results suggest that the moderate and vigorous aerobic exercises (with intensities60 to 85 percent of maximal reserve heart rate) could not produce oxidative stress, and in turn ARE activityor TAC. However, they, especially vigorous exercises, modified lipid profile beneficially. Correlation results suggest that improved physical fitness with be associated with higher antioxidant defense system and lower atherogenic risk factors.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of activity of creatine kinase in serum as an indicator of muscular disorders. Because athletes who were taking oxymetholone complained of various muscular aches, we decided to evaluate the rate of activity of creatine kinase of these athletes.Method: Ten athlete body builders served as an experimental group (72.3± 16.2 kg, 173±22.9cm, 21.3± 0/9 years) those who were taking Oxymetholone drug during a period of 6 weeks exercise training and 10 athletes(only exercise training) served as a control group (72.6± 9.8 kg, 171.9± 11.2 cm, 21.5±1.8 years). Blood samples were taken before and after the athletes took the drugs and training. For data analyzing test is used.Results: The results showed that, there is a significant difference between experimental and control group (p<0.05). Therefore the activity of creatine kinase has an increased in experimental group.So it is possible that muscular disorders have an increased.

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Purpose: The main aim of this study is the comparison between self-monitoring and sensation seeking among professional and non-profession athletes and non-exercised people. The sample of this research includes 150 professional and non-profession athletes and non-exercised people of East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan and Ardabil estates whom were selected randomly in 1383.Method: The research method is casual-comparative. So the professional and non-professional athletes and non-exercised have considered as independent variables and self-monitoring and sensation seeking as dependent variables. Also Snyder self-monitoring inventory and Arnet sensation seeking inventory have been used for collecting data.Results: The results showed that: there is significant difference in self-monitoring variable among professional and non-professional athletes and non-exercised people (p<0.05). Self-monitoring is higher among professional also in comparison with non-exercised people, non-pro fissional athletes had higher self-monitoring. There is significant difference in sensation seeking between professional and non –professional athletes and non –exercised people (p<0.05). The level of sensation seeking in non-exercised people is higher than professional and non-pro fissional athletes. There was negative and significant correlation between self-monitoring and sensation seeking among professional and non-professional athletes and non-exercised people (p<0.05). It was obtained negative significant correlation sensation seeking and history of professional and non-professional between self-monitoring and exercising history of professional and non-professional athletes (p<0.05).

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