Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 885

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1175

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View 2869

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Background: Prevalence of urolithiasis is increasing in children and maybe hematury is only sign. This study was conducted to investigate clinical manifestation and etiology of urolithiasis in children younger than 14 year-old.Materials and Methods: This descriptive and case-series study was carried out on 100 patients referring to Sahamie Pediatric hospital in Qom in 2007-8. Age, sex, family history, clinical manifestation (fever, dysuria and Pain) and laboratory tests (Na, K, Ca, P, urea, Cr, Albumin, Alkaline phosphates of serum; ABG, urine sediment, urine culture; Na, K, Ca, P, Cr, oxalate and citrate of urine/24h and cysteine in random sample of urine) were determined. Ceratenin correcting formula was used for adequacy controlling of urine collecting.Results: Hypocitraturia (56.8%), hypercalciuria (29.4%), hyperuricosuria (26.3%), hyperoxaluria (14.7%), phosphaturia (8.4%) and cystinuria (6.3%) were detected. Also, 54% patients had urinary tract infection. Pain (27.7%), fever (33.3%), irritability and dysuria (62.2%) and hematuria (77.7%) were seen. Positive family history was reported in 23% of patients.Conclusion: Most common clinical manifestations in children with stone were hematuria, dysuria, fever and pain. The common etiology of urolithiasis respectively was hypocitraturia, hypercalciuria, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxaluria, phosphaturia and cystinuria.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1360

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Background: Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American's men and is the most common malignancy after skin in men. The purpose of this research was comparison of demographic characteristic of patients with advanced prostate cancer treated with surgical and medical orchiectomy.Materials and Methods: This retrospective cross- sectional analytic study carried out on 53 patients with locally advanced and metastatic (stages III- IV) prostate cancer referring to oncology wards in Buali hospital in Hamadanand and Vali-e-Asr hospital in Arak for adjuvant therapy of chemotherapy or radiotherapy during 2003-7. Demographic characteristics such as age, disease stage, cultural status, habitancy, socioeconomic status and patients accepted treatment of advanced prostate cancer treated with surgical and medical orchiectomy (hormone therapy), were determined and compared.Results: There was a significant difference between age mean of patients treating by orchiectomy and hormone (p=0.007). Also socioeconomic status distribution in two groups was different (p=0.025). Distribution of disease stage, cultural level, habitancy in two groups were similar (respectively p=0.207, p=0.617, p=0.272).Conclusion: People less tend to orchiectomy to hormone therapy. Also, in high socioeconomic status and in elder, tendency to surgical orchiectomy is more.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1100

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Background: Vitamin A is an important messager molecule for differentiation setting, cells proliferation and morphogenesis. In this research, an effect of vitamin A on limb bud development of Balb/C mouse was determined.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 10 female pregnant mice were divided to control and experimental groups. Control mice were maintained in natural situation and experimental mice were received vitamin A 15000IU/kg intraperitoneal injection at gestational day 10.5. Control and experimental mice were dissected in day 15.5 of gestation and after a morphology study; their embryos were prepared for histological studies with microscope and were stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin method.Results: Comparison of crown- rump length, fore limb width, length of zone 1 (finger and palm) and zone 2 (wrist) of fore limb and total length of hind limb in experimental embryos with control group didn’t have significant difference in means. But, mean of embryos weights and length of total fore limb and length zone 3 (arm and forearm) of experimental embryos fore limb were more then control (p<0.001). Also, in comparison mean of hind limb width of experimental to contol embryos, increase was observed (p<0.006). But number and size of chondrocyte in 4 zones of fore and hind limb in experimental group didn’t have significant difference to control group (p>0.05).Conclusion: Concentration of 15000IU/kg vitamin A has progressive effects on the fetuses’ weight and fore limb bud development of Balb/C mouse.

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View 901

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Background: Current electrocardiography (ECG) criteria are insensitive for the detection of posterior acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and most of these cases remain undiagnosed. The purpose of this study has been evaluated of prevalence and clinical value of ST-segment in posterior electrocardiography leads during acute myocardial infarction.Materials and Methods: In cross- sectional analytic study, posterior ECG leads (V7, V8 and V9) as well as standard 12 leads in 210 consecutive patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted to CCU wards of Shahid Rijaie hospital. Reinforcing, continuous arrhythmia, hypotension, cardiologic shock, marked heart failure and/or acute pulmonary edema were considered. Related parameters to basic characteristics and next process of patients in two groups with/ without ST- segment elevation in posterior ECG lead were compared.Results: There were 153 patients with ST-segment elevation ³1 mm in ³2 contiguous leads.12.4% patients had STE³1 mm in ³2 posterior leads, either as an isolated finding (4.6%) or in association with STE at inferior or lateral sites (7.8%). The standard 12-lead electrocardiogram was normal in two patients and 5 other patients were admitted with the diagnosis of non-Q infarctions. Tall R waves in V1/V2 developed in 5 cases. In-hospital complications were significantly more frequent among patients with STE in posterior leads (47.4% vs. 20.9% respectively, P=0.01).Conclusion: STE in posterior electrocardiography leads is not uncommon during acute myocardial infarction and may portend a worse in-hospital course.

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View 1196

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Background: Cartilaginous and movement diseases are the most prevalent problem in human.Various vitamins like A and C increase the process of regeneration and wound healing. In this research, the Alfalfa plant with scientific name Medicago sativa, that contains a lot amount of A, C, E and K vitamins, was used and effect of its extract on regeneration of pinna rabbit cartilage was studied.Materials and Methods: In this experimental laboratory study, 6 New Zealand male rabbits with 2.5-3 kg weight have been selected. After shaving hairs on ears with depilation cream, the ear were anesthetized by lidocaine 10% and 4 holes were punched with 4 mm diameter in medial situation of each ear. Test ears by extract of Medicago sativa and control ear were treated by normal saline every day. Holes era and the distance of two edges of cartilage were measured in various days of healing. Also, tissue sampling for microscopic observation by H&E color (day 0-50) was done.Results: Regeneration and healing of the treated holes with extract of Medicago sativa was faster than the control holes (p<0.004). Also, thickness of cartilage and cell density of chondrocytes and fibroblasts in the newly formed connective tissues in test were more than control.|Conclusion: The extract of Medicago sativa because of A, C vitamins containing, probably increased the wound healing and regeneration of the rabbit ear cartilage and suggest the pharmacological usages.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1124

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    3 (48)
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Background: Spinal cord slices culturing from adult mammals could be considered as a suitable in-vitro model for evaluating cellular viability, spinal cord injury and cell death mechanisms.In present study, determining of cell death in motor neurons of cultured spinal cord slices in adult mouse was done.Materials and Methods: In a experimental- laboratory study, thoracic regions of spinal cords from 4 Balb/c mice were cut into 400-Lm slices using tissue chopper and incubated in a Co2 incubator at 37oC for different periods of time. Freshly prepared slices (0h) and cultured slices were fixed and sectioned using cryostat. To study morphological and biochemical features of cell death, fluorescent staining, TUNEL method and agarose gel electrophoresis were used.Results: In freshly prepared slices of motor neurons showed no apoptotic changes. While, 6, 12 and 24h after culturing, this neurons displayed morphological features of apoptosis including cell shrinkage as well as nuclear and chromatin condensation. Also, 6 and 12h after culturing were TUNEL positive. In addition, extracted DNA from cultured slices for 24h were indicated the nucleosomal DNA fragmentation on agarose gel electrophoresis.Conclusion: Results were showed the occurrence of apoptosis in motor neurons of cultured adult mouse spinal cord slices.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 903

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    3 (48)
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Background: Over 2 billion world people suffer from iron deficiency. Teenager girls are one of vulnerable groups in this area. Health education with various methods is a suitable tool for motivating and modifying incorrect function. The purpose of this research was determining the effect of health education program base on PRECEDE Model for controlling iron- deficiency anemia.Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental and two-phase study was done on 72 students placed into case and control groups in 2007-8. Intervention was done in three sections with 45 minutes and 3 months after educational intervention was followed. Questionnaire base on PRECEDE Model parts and blood lab exams (Hb, Hct, Feritin) were data gathering tool. Data were analyzed by pair T- test, independent T- test, Mann- Whitney and Chi- square tests.Results: The mean score of knowledge (p<0.001) and attitude (p<0.001) (Predisposing factors), Using educational resources, taking place educational class and participating in educational programs (Enabling factors), encourage family and teachers (Reinforcing factors) and iron deficiency anemia preventive behaviors had a significant increase in the case group after the educational intervention.Conclusion: Above results indicate positive effect of educational intervention program base on PRECEDE Model and main components (Predisposing, Enabling, Reinforcing factors) in improving of iron deficiency anemia preventive behaviors in the study population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1798

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Background: Side effects of drugs were increased with intractable consumption and this fact is more important in women during pregnancy and lactation period. The aim of this study has been determined the effect of education based on Health Belief Model on self-medication in mothers referring to health centers of Arak.Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, 300 mothers referring to health centers of Arak were participated. Data were collected with a questionnaire based on Health Belief Model and a performance checklist about drugs intractable consumption. Before educational intervention, questionnaires and checklists for both groups were completed and then intervention was done during 1 month in 4 sessions, 60 minutes. Data again were collected and then analyzed 3 month after intervention in both groups.Results: Before educational intervention, the rate of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefit of self medication were in the mediate level and the mother's performance about drug intractable consumption were more than mediate. After educational intervention, between two groups had significant difference in all variables and mothers performance in self-medication was reduced (p<0.05).Conclusion: By increasing in mean score of Health Belief Model parts, including: knowledge, perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefit, performance in field of self-medication was reduced.Recommended, training based on this model carried out in other health centers for reducing drugs intractable consumption.

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View 1799

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Background: Oxidative stress is strongly related to diabetes and its complications. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of experimental diabetes on oxidative stress indexes in the heart tissue and effect of regular swimming on it.Materials and Methods: In experimental-practical study, 40 male Wister rats divided to four groups (n=10): control, control with exercise, diabetic, diabetic with exercise. Diabetes was induced by a single dose injection of Streptozotocin (50mg/Kg, i.p). Study time was 8 weeks. At the end of period, rats were anesthetized by Sodium Pentobarbital (50mg/Kg, i.p) and left ventricle dissociated and maintenance in -80oC. Super oxide Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione Peroxides (GPX), Glutathione Reductase (GR) and Catalase (CAT) activities as enzymatic antioxidant status and Malonyl Dealdehyde (MDA) level as index of lipid peroxidation of the tissue in superior layer of tissue homogenization were measured.Results: Diabetes induction significantly reduced CAT and GR activities in heart tissue of diabetic rats compared with control. Also MDA level increased significantly in diabetic-non exercised rats compared with control. Total Glutathione level was similar in all groups.Conclusion: Swimming by preventing in reduction of CAT and GR activities and MDA level of heart tissue has beneficial effects in prevention of cardiovascular complications caused by oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus.

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View 980

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Background: Employed women like men, with their income have many physical and psychological problems and their mental health has been threaded. In our country the most rate of employed women are in Health and Education Ministries. So, we decided to determine the mental health of employed women in this both areas.Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was compared the mental health of 131 employed women in University of Medical Sciences with Education office in Arak city with General Health Questioner (GHQ) in 2008. Also effective factors on mental health based on age, education, income, number of children, mental and physical diseases history, marital status, habitancy condition, job satisfaction and experience were determined and data were analyzed by descriptive and analytical statistics.Results: There was difference between mental health level in women working in Medical Sciences University and Education office of Arak (p=0.041). Also income, age, mental disease history and job satisfaction had direct relationship with mental health.Conclusion: Difference between psychological health level of women working in office of Medical Sciences University and Education were significant and income level, age, experience, mental disease history and job satisfaction are the most important factors for mental disorders.

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View 936

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Background: Methanol causes so many severe toxicities. Chronic low dose methanol ingestion can cause severe toxicity. There are many unpublished reports from doctors about side effects of toxicity by methanol like blinding in chronic user of herbal essences. Regarding to kinds of herbal essences producing and side effects of its chronic using, probability, there is methanol in the process of making. Therefore we decided to evaluate rate of methanol in various products.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional analytic study, 3 samples of high consumption homemade herbal essences in Arak (Pussy, Mint, Fenugreek, Hedysarum, Dill and Chicory) and 3 samples of the same herbal essences from industrial products with trademarks were gathered. All of them have been analyzed with spectrophotometer in five times.Results: The maximum methanol concentration was related to a sample of industrial Mint (415.04 ppm) and the minimum methanol concentration was related to a sample of handmade Fenugreek (60.26 ppm). There was no significant difference between methanol concentration in handmade and industrial herbal essences.Conclusion: There is probability of methanol toxicity after chronic usage of some herbal essences. Due to lack of maximum permissible concentration for non methanol essences, it is recommended that a cut of point of methanol concentration was determined and inform people about it.

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View 2958

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Background: Approximately 15-20% of pregnancies terminate to abortion. More than 50% of spontaneous abortions in 8-15 weeks pregnant mothers are related to genetically abnormalities. So, approximately 95% of them are related to numerical and 5% structural chromosome aberrations. Until now, neither of known human chromosomal abnormalities are treatable, and only way against these diseases limit to prenatal diagnosis and abortion of affected fetuses. The purpose of this study was determined the chromosome aberrations with cytogenetically methods.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional analytic study, 56 aborted fetuses were studied to detection of abnormalities frequency. Amnion-chorine culture, placenta, fetal tissue and aborted products from metaphase cells for gathering metaphase cells were used.Results: After cell culture, chromosome typing and GTG-banding Technique, trisomy 21 with highest frequency (12.5%) and isochromosomy 21, X and monosomy X with lowest frequency (1.8% for each them) was resulted.Conclusion: Not only chromosomal aberrations have important role in recurrent miscarriages, but also frequency rates of chromosomal aberrations in our country are similarity with other countries.Also cytogenetically diagnostic methods such as GTG-banding are a powerful and reliable technique for investigation of parents with recurrent abortion.

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View 12707

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Background: Fetal Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) develops viability and proliferation of nerve cells. Also this fluid contains many valuable factors for protection of nervous system injury cells. In this research, the effect of cerebrospinal fluid intraperitoneal injection on alpha motor degeneration after sciatic nerve compression in rat was determined.Materials and Methods: In this experimental-laboratory study, 18 male Wistar rats divided randomly in 3 groups (control, compression, and experimental). In compression and experimental group, right sciatic nerves were highly compressed. CSF was injected in experimental group each three days. After 1 month care, all rats were cordially perused by 10% formaldehyde and their L4-L6 lumbar segments of spinal cord were sampled and with processed for histological examination, the paraffin blocks were serially cut (7mm). Slices were stained with toluidine blue and numerical densities of motoneurons in spinal ventral horn were estimated stereological (dissector) technique. Quantitative data were analyzed by T-test.Results: Significant reduce in motoneurons number of compression group (470±26) in comparison with control group (1739±78) was seen. Also there was significant difference between compression and experimental groups (992±141) in neuron density.Conclusion: CSF intraperitoneal injection may have a beneficial effect in neural regeneration.

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View 1156

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Background: Aloe Vera species have diverse immunomodulatory and antitumor activities.The present study was set out to define the immunomodulatory activity of Aloe Vera extract on tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-4) and development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) as an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS).Materials and Methods: In this experimental interventional study, EAE was induced by MOG35-55 peptide and complete Freund's adjuvant in C57BL/6 mice. Mice were placed in two therapeutic groups (n=8 per group) with the same age and weight. Therapy with Aloe Vera extract (120mg/kg/every day given oral) was started on day 5 before the immunization until 25 day after that.EAE control received phosphate buffer alone with same schedule. Signs of disease were recorded daily until the day 25 when mice were bled and sacrificed. Produced TNF-4 by cultured spleen mononuclear cells was detected by ELISA.Results: The Aloe Vera treatment significantly reduced the clinical signs of EAE and delayed onset of disease. Mononuclear cells isolated from spleen of treated-mice with Aloe Vera showed a significant decrease in TNF-4 in compared with control mice (p=0.012).Conclusion: Aloe Vera ameliorated the EAE and reduced TNF-4 level in MS animal model.

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View 1078

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Background: The University is a stressful place can cause depression symptoms and it's a critical context for studying of students’ psychological health. Because of moving away from family, living with other students, academic atmosphere pressures and uncertain future, students are often in risk of depression. This study was done to determine prevalence and related factors of depression in students of Arak, Iran.Materials and Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study was carried out on 304 undergraduate medical and basic students in Arak universities, from May to July 2008. General Health Questionnaire -28 question (GH-28) has been used for data gathering and analyzed by T-test, chi2 and logistic regression tests.Results: Mean of students' general health was 26.18±11.02 and 52.3% of students were scored above the threshold of GHQ- 28, that indicating depression. Female sex, major uninteresting, uncertain future and positive family history were the most important risk factors of depression but significant relationship between age, education Course and year were not seen.Conclusion: The prevalence of depression was higher than society and in girls is more than boys students. But there wasn’t any difference between medical and non medical students. So attention to financial and occupational future of graduated and under graduated students is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Developmental anomalies in sacral bone have been recognized as one of the causes of urinary incontinence. Sacral ration was suggested as a valuable scale in determining the sacral bone health. According to insufficient studies in this field and variation in results, a determination of relationship between sacral ratio (SR) with primary enuresis were seemed imperative.Materials and Methods: In a cross sectional-analytic study, two groups (n=59) of 5-9 year-old children who admitted in pediatric and urology clinics of Amir Kabir hospital in one year were determined. Primary enuresis group with normal urine-analysis and ultrasonography, no history of dysuria, frequency, and urgency and control group without primary enuresis were selected. The mean ratio between the greatest widths of the sacral bone to its greatest length in the AP radiogram was compared between both groups.Results: In case group, 98.3% had normal SR. The mean ratio of greatest width to length was 0.89. There were not a significant relationship between gender and normal or abnormal SR. In control group, 88.1% had normal SR. The mean ratio of greatest width to length was 0.91. Girls more than boys had normal SR. Significant difference between mean ratio of SR and greatest width to length in both groups were not seen.Conclusion: Significant relationship between SR with primary enuresis in 5-9 year-old children was not seen.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 0
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