The aim of this research was to compare and study the effectiveness of intensive short-term dynamic (ISTDP) with relationship couple psychotherapy on inhancing mental health and marital satisfaction in a sample of the clients of counseling and psychology center.Fourty five couples (30 expereanced groups, 15 control) were included in this study. all participants were asked to conplete pre-test and post-test Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issue, Communication and Happiness (ENRICH) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Analysis of the data involved both descriptive and inferential statistics including means, standard diviations, ANOVA and shefe post houk test.The results revealed that ISTDP and relational approachs were significantly effective on inhancing couples mental health and satisfaction. ISTDP was also significantly effective on defferent aspects of mental health including physical, anxiety and sleepm social function, and sepress sings. RCP was also significantly effective on some aspects of mental health including physical, anxiety and sleep, and social function sings. both ISTDP and RCP were significantly effective on some aspects of marital satisfaction including marital satisfaction, personality issue, relationship, conflict solving, finance management, sextual contacts, child nurturing, family and friends, and religious directions. ISTDP was significantly effective only on ideal distortion and the roles of equalization and RCP was effective only on leisure time and pastoraldirections subscales.