Infertility is biopsychosocial problem which effects different aspects of infertile couple life. It causes many different problems. These women need social and psychological supports. CBT counseling group can help them adjust themselves with infertility problem. We selected 14 infertile women (7 in experimental group and 7 in control group). Scl questionnaire was used for pretest, post test, and 2 follow-up tests. In 10 sessions of 3 hours, CBT group counseling for experimental group was used. Evaluation of the 2 groups (post test) was done. After one month, the first follow up, and after 3 month the second follow-up was done. Research design was quosi-experimental and repeated measures. The menthodology was description statistics, independent test, and repeated measure. The results show decrease of different psychological problems (for example, personality disorder, anxiety, depression, physical problem, sensitivity, paranoid ideation and obsession) in experimental groups. The experimental group in comparison with control group has significant decrease (p < 0/01) in personality disorder. So support groups are recommending for adjusting to infertility.