This article proposes that technology, increased knowledge, skills, change of structure, large investment and allocation of more budget alone can not solve educational problems or urantee the development of better human beings or a dynamic and improved society. In other words, among three factors of development, that is, investment, technology and work force, the work force has a pivotal role and without establishment of work culture or ethics and work conscience, the other two factors, although important in their owm place, will be in vain. Technology without work culture is like science without faith.Studies show that work culture is very weak in Iran. This is a signal for educational system to work toward prevention and solving the problem. Attention should be paid to work as an activity which affects every aspects of one's life, including his economic, Social and psychological domains and shapes his identity in large. Planning should be made to teach work culture and ethics correctly and made it innate.The author, benefiting from continuous growth viewpoint and emphasizing one of the school aims-helping each students to prepare for work life and a career-believes that teaching work culture should start from home and be reinforced through encouraging cooperation among home, school and community.