Introduction: The up to 1298 m thick, mainly turbiditic, siliciclastic Alam Formation consists of conspicuous carbonatic alternations at the lower part, and predominantly of a sequence of marine turbidities with frequent volcanic components at the middle and upper parts, deposited on a forearc side of an active margin in a continental shelf to slope setting.Aim: The study and review of ammonoids collected from the Alam Formation and their paleobiogeographical relationships with other areas.Material and Method: In the present study many ammonoids were collected and systematic studied from different levels of the Alam Formation and their paleobiogeographical distributions and relationships surveyed.Results: Ammonoids collected from different levels of the Alam Formation indicate a Late Scythian to Middle Anisian age for the formation. The recognized ammonoids belong to 35 genera and 31 species, including Epacrochordiceras sp., Procladiscites sp., Pseudosageceras sp., Sturia sp., Acrochordiceras aff. hyatti Meek, Propthyhitoides decipiens, Paragoceras mediterrangeum, Kazahstanites dolnapensis, Isculitoides seyedemamii, Dagnoceras nopscanum, Columbits ventroangusts, Subcolumbites perrinismithi, Prenkites cf. malsorensis, Stacheites undatus, Albanites triadicus, Tirolites cassianus, Metadognoceras amiidi, Eophylites davoudzadehi, Leiophyllites stoecklini, L. aff. pitamaha, Hollandites tozeri, Norites gondola, Nicomedites cf. toulai, Hungarites cf. proponticus, Stenopapnoceras transiens, Ussurites arthaberi, Semibeyrichites ruttneri, Aghdarbandites ismidicus, Paraceratites aff. binodosus, Parapinacoceras cf. damesi, Ptychites aff. pauli, Gymnites religiouscus, G. palmai, G. asseretoi and Monophyllites kieperti.Conclusion: The mentioned ammonoids belong to a single bio-province at southern margin of Turan continent and have common faunas with the Nazarkardeh Formation in Aghdarband area (NE Iran). The paleobiogeographical relationships of Triassic ammonoids of the Nakhlak Group with other areas show the existence of a certain province in the southern margin of Eurasia from the eastern most to western most portion of Paleothetys Ocean. This distribution shows the bio-district distinction of Eurasia (in the north) from Gondwana (in the south) and also shows the boundary between Eurasia (at north) and Gondwana (at south) in northern Iran.