Background and Objective: Interventional clinical trial is the study in which the participants are simultaneously placed in the intervention and control groups to investigate the cause- effect relationship between an intervention and an outcome. Because of the probability of some bias in human intervention, non-standard clinical trials design produce unreal interventional results. For standardizing the clinical trials, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement was presented that is a guideline including the design, implementation and reporting of the results. CONSORT statement includes a flowchart and a Flow Diagram. CONSORT statement has a 25-item list that describes how to write a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, registration, and access study protocol and sources of research funding. In the Flow Diagram of CONSORT, the way to access the participants, along the study, is taken into consideration. Of the importance of clinical trials on new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, present study was conducted to survey and evaluate the performance of CONSORT statement.