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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    1 (Tome 38)
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This paper resulted from studies on 1:50000 scale topographical, 1:250000 scale geological and 1:250000 scale land use maps and meteorological and hydrometrics station data for road safety proposes considering environmental hazards parameters. We overlay table and map data layers considering spatial distribution, time and severity of hazards effect and then after field surveys, based on evidences and all of our data many maps of geological sensitivity, climatic, hydrologic and geomorphologic hazards produced. Finally by collating three above-mentioned maps, final map of environmental hazards of Sanandaj- Marivan road was produced. We conclude that about 65 percent of the road is passing over very high risk areas, 25 percent over high and 10 percent over mid risk areas.

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    1 (Tome 38)
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Indigenous knowledge is essential for rural development. Until recently, this knowledge has been under attack for being “backward, static and a hindrance” to modernization. Because of using the inopportune transfer of technologies from western cultures to developing countries, many economical and social and environmental problems have been arisen in these countries. So “Inward Oriented Development” approaches for sustainable rural development have been propounded. In the shadow of the new approaches, local capacities and IK come to a priority and were considered by the scholars of development. In this paper we tried to respond to the following questions according to the literature of the subject and documentary describing analytic method: 1.     What are the differences between IK and Formal Knowledge? 2.     What is the position and role of IK in sustainable rural development? The findings of research show that although there have been differences between IK & FK, they do not oppose, because they are complementary. In new paradigms of rural development, first the indigenous solutions should be used as the solution for problems. If they were adjustive, they must be strengthened and improved. Otherwise, exogenous solutions must be used.

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    1 (Tome 38)
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Tabriz has special restrictions in its physical development. From the view point of geomorphology view, the city is faced with hazards for developing, such as: earthquakes, mass movements and floods. Geomorphologic hazards of the city have been reviewed in this paper. The aim of this study is classification of stable and unstable regions of Tabriz. For attaining this aim, Geographic Information System (GIS), Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) have been used. Landsat satellites images (type TM) have been used for increasing the accuracy of needed data. Mixing all data in GIS environment generated the maps of limitations for city development and of hazardous areas of the city. Maps can be classified in two groups: a) The map of ruggedness of the city and its suburbs, b) The maps of geomorphologic hazardous areas of the city for developing such as: the map of hydrological hazards, land-cover limitations, instabilities of lithological conditions and faults distribution in the city and its suburbs. The maps are applicable in the development planning of the city. The results showed that banks of Mehraneh Roud, and also Baghmisheh and Valiasr areas are considered hazardous area in Tabriz. However, earthquakes hazards are equal in the city and suburbs because of sub-faults distributed in all area of the city.  

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    1 (Tome 38)
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The reason of existence is one of the most important concepts in the political geography. In fact it was F. Ratzel that for the first time used this concept in his approaches. Despite of many researches done about the raison d’etre of European nation-states¸ hitherto no reliable research has been done about Iran. In this research by using raison d’etre has been attempted to investigate the reason of appearance¸ establishment and continuity of Iran state and nation throughout history ¸which has caused to the formation of nation –state of Iran in the new centuries.  Replaying to the question of raison d’etre of modern nation–state of Iran, heritage of ancient Iran, is the main subject of this research.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (Tome 38)
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Land use/cover change map production is one of the basic needs for environmental monitoring and management. Since the change maps are usually used in planning and decision-making, certainty and reliability of these maps can be very important in many applications. Unfortunately in many studies only probability values as obtained from MLC approach have been used for uncertainty estimation. Here a new approach has been developed which is based on the probability information as well as spatial parameters including distance, neighborhood, extent and the type of change. In this study, two Landsat TM images of Isfahan urban area provided in 1990 and 1998 have been co-registered using first order polynomial and nearest neighbor resampling approach. The registered images have been then classified to ten different land use/land cover classes using Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm. Probabilistic measures generated by the MLC have been used for modeling uncertainty. Using different spatial analysis functions for modeling the change of agricultural areas to residential areas, the relevant spatial parameters have been extracted. Based on logistic regression approach, probabilistic parameters and spatial parameters have been integrated to generate a layer, which shows uncertainty of change of agricultural areas to residential areas. The Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) index has been used for validation of the model and it has been estimated to be 0.9944, which is an indicative of very good model fitting. As a final conclusion, development of this model is suggested for quantitative evaluation of uncertainty in change detection.  

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (Tome 38)
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Studies show that in last decades, some of the efforts on and approaches to rural development were concentrated on rural extensional informational activities. Over time and through surveys and studies, some of the deficiencies of the classic approaches were identified. In an attempt for reconstructing and also providing the optimal pattern of planning in rural extensional informational activities, an important question is: In explanation of factors, elements and also the conditions affecting the rural people’s knowledge and awareness, what indices allied theoretical bases and approaches introduce and present to be noticed when optimal planning is provided and rural extensional and informational strategies are developed? This article with an explanatory approach and through inspection on scientific sources, studies some of the effective factors, elements and conditions on rural people’s knowledge and awareness of their potentials and environment capacities. Our studies show that in providing the optimal rural extensional - informational planning patterns, notice to the following principles is necessary: The principles of bilatral flow of information, Adaptation with the geographical and evironmental conditions, Compatibility with cultural characteristics of rural communities, Using the potential of the local institutes in rural extensional - informational plans, Public coverage (To know is everyone’s right), and Environmental sustainability.  

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (Tome 38)
  • Pages: 

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According to available statistics, thousands of people are killed or paralyzed in road accidents every year. Based on the most recent statistics more than 22000 people have been killed in road accidents in Iran in 1381 and this means a national disaster. In this paper, accidents of Firouzkoh- Sari road, in different atmospheric conditions such as rainy, snowy, frosty and foggy have been studied in a 3 years period (1993-1996). In order to investigate the role of climatological phenomena in occurrence of accidents, the hourly data of meteorology stations of Firouzkoh, Gharakhil Ghaemshahr and Dasht-e-Naz Sari have been used and the atmospheric condition at the time of accident has been obtained from them. Detailed accident information at the study period too, has been deriven from police road accident database. In this paper the map of accidents distribution and map of probability of accident risk in different condition such as rainy, snowy, frosty and foggy has been provided by using GIS. According to the result of maps showing the probability of accident risk, the most probability risks when it is raining are on the 125th and 130th kilometers, when it is freezing is on the 40th kilometer, when it is snowing are on the 30th, 29th and 40th kilometers and when it is foggy are on the 100th, 106th, 108th, 109th and 110th kilometers. Finally, by using probability maps of accident risk in each atmospheric condition, such as rainy, snowy, icy and foggy, also by using importance coefficient of each of these phenomenon (based on frequency of accidents) the final map of probability accident risk has been produced and the road has been classified to three classes, very high risk, high risk and mid risk. Based on these classes, the highest probability of risk in inclement weather is on the 35th, 100th, 108th, 109th, 110th, 122th, 125th and 130th kilometers.    

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (Tome 38)
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Although winter precipitation in south-east of Iran is a random phenomena, but in particular synoptic conditions, heavy precipitation occur in this area. This type of precipitation are very valuable for local people. Studies of eight precipitation systems during 1380-1382 indicate that there are two general precipitation patterns in South-east of Iran. In pattern type A, two anticyclone centers, one over north of Black Sea and east of Europe and the other in east of Aral lake are present; troughs of which combined together and its southern trough is spread over east of Mediterranean to North Africa. In pattern type B, one anticyclone occurs over Aral lake and another occurs over Atlantic ocean and west of Mediterranean and its trough covers all over Mediterranean and north Africa up to Egypt. In both cases, and with regards to weather conditions in upper atmosphere, low – pressure system over Sudan turns towards east and from south-east enters to Iran.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (Tome 38)
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Tehran province experienced one of the severest drought status during 1998 to 2000. This drought can be assessed by drought indices. Drought indices are quantitative expression of this disaster that make its spatial and temporal evaluations possible. In this research work three indices including EDI, SPI and DI have been used to develop monthly drought maps for the aforementioned period, using the information of 43 meteorological stations and geographical information system (GIS). The results show that DI has very exaggerated responses to rainfall, especially to the summer rainfall. Also SPI is not responsive enough to rainfall deficiencies. Morover, it frequently detected normal situation for this period. But, EDI is able to response properly and shows good temporal and spatial consistency in drought detection.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (Tome 38)
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The impact of geographical phenomena is plentiful on human and his life. These impacts are seen at least on attraction and distribution of human specise and kind and form of habitations and settlement sites, the movement of settlement sites, exploitation rate of natural resourses, population, and etc. In this article it is tried to verify the role of geography and especially hydrology on formation and collapse of various civilizations of Sistan and Zahak domain based on archaeologic surveys. The most important objectives of this research are the foundation of settlement history, period of abandonment of sites and all its causes in each of the regions under study. Investigation method was field and systematic surveys during which distinctive cultural samples (pottery) were compiled and then they were studied from archaeological view point. The determination of settlement patterns of the region provided the essential device for reconstructing past geographic environments in different periods (prehistoric, historic period and Islamic period), based on the findings of the project.

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