Ovulation induction drugs in the recent years and modern technologies in treatment of infertility resulted in remarkable increase of multiple births.
The goal of the present study was to determine the frequency of multiple births and maternal -fetal as well as neonatal complications of multiple pregnancies in Mashad during a period of 5 years.
Out of 19959 deliveries, 99.3 % were singletons, 0.67 % twins and 0.015 % triplets. The incidence of twins delivery was 6.7 per 1000 (1 in 150 cases). For triplets this was 0.15 per 1000 (1 in 6666). The majority of mothers aged 20-29 years, the youngest were 15-20 years old. The incidence of multiple births decreased with increasing parity and age over 29 years. Maternal complications included premature delivery (41.6 %), preeclampsy (11 %), hemorrhage (10.2 %), infection (4.3 %), and placental detachment (1.4 %). Fetal and neonatal complications were observed in 70 % and consisted of prematurity, fetal malformations (7.9%), stillbirth (6.1 %), and multiple birth mortality (13 %). A direct relation was noticed between mother"s age and neonate"s weight.
Thus, multiple pregnancy must be seen as a high risk for mother and her newborn and should be managed carefully during pregnancy and in labor.