The main goal of this paper is to show the way of approaching to and management of pediatric urticaria. At first the definition as well as different types and pathogenesis of the disease is discussed. A complete history and exact physical examination is always helpful. A complete history should consist of a) whether the urticaria is related to a special time of the year (season), place (immediate home or work environment) or activity (ingestion of foods or drugs, physical activity, etc.); 2) a detailed review of all home remedies and prescriptions.Several simple provocative tests are available. Routine skin testing with scratch of intradermal antigens is usually not very helpful in most cases of chronic urticaria, selective laboratory and x-ray examinations based upon individualized findings may be necessary in these patients.The most important aspect of the therapy is elimination of the etiologic agent. In acute severe urticaria administration of epinephrine, antihistamines and systemic corticosteroids is necessary. In acute mild to moderate or a chronic urticaria, the first choice in medication is H1 antihistamines. If there is little or no response, the dose should be increased and/or H2 antihistamines administered. Ketotifen has been successfully used in many cases of urticaria. Tricyclic antidepressants such as doxepin and propranolol may be used when there is a stress component. In refractory cases dietary intervention, development of tolerance, calcium channel antagonist, a trial of anti-infectives or antimalarial therapy may be helpful.