INTRODUCTION: The transmission of staphylococcus aureus from hospital nasal carriers to patients has been well documented. Infection with S. aureus especially its methicillin-resistant strains would present a serious problem for patients and implementation of an infection control program for preventing the transmission and minimizing the antibiotic resistance is necessary. In this study the rate of nasal carrier of S.aureus and antibiotic resistance of isolates in Beasat hospital were studied MATERIALS & METHODS: In a prevalence study the specimens obtained from the anterior nares of 118 hospital personnel were cultured and the presence of S.aureus was determined by catalase and coagulase tests. Disk diffusion sensitivity test were performed for isolates. RESULTS: The results of this study showed that totally 43% of staff were nasal carriage of S. aureus. The percentage in various wards were as the following: Delivery room 55%, Gnycology 54%, ICU 50%, Surgery 44%, Emergency room 53%, New born nursery 38% and Operating room 37%. There was no significant association between sex and nasal carriage (P=0/7). There was some degree of association between years of service, age of staff and nasal carriage but it was not significant. The results of sensitivity tests showed that 100% of S.aureus strains were sensitive to vancomycin and rifampin, 92% to cyprofloxacin, 86% to cephalothin. 84% to cloxacillin, 80% to gentamicin and 59% to erythromycin. Sixteen percent of strains were resistant to methicillin and 8% were intermediately resistant to cyprofloxacin.CONCLUSION: With the exception of ICU staff, the prevalence of nasal carriage of S.aureus in Beasat hospital staff was in the ranges reported from other hospitals within or outside the country. The results of this study suggest a careful watch on ICU, rational use of cyprofloxacin and an analytical study in a larger scale to clarify the possible relation between years of service and nasal carriage of S.aureus.