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In recent years, the government has implemented several measures in the form of a rural guide plan and rural reconstruction-renovation plan for the development of rural settlements in different parts of the country. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of government measures in the development of rural housing in Dolatabad rural district in Jiroft County. This research is descriptive-analytical, in which the documentary method is used to review the research background and problem statement and a survey method is used to collect information related to government actions in the studied villages. In this regard, 345 households were calculated as the sample size, according to the number of households in villages having a rural guide plan or rural reconstruction-renovation plan, and by using the Cochran formula. Sampling of households was done to complete the questionnaires by simple random sampling. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive, inferential statistics and integrated AHP-Vikor model with Expert Choice, SPSS and ArcGIS software. According to the results of the research, the level of government executive-practical measures in rural reconstruction-renovation plans was better as compared to the rural guide plans. Conversely, comparing the level of executive-practical measures with control-supervision measures has also shown the superiority of executive-practical measures to control-supervision measures. Also, according to the model used, it was recorded that the state of government measures has been relatively weak in 22. 7% of villages.

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Precipitation is considered as one of the most important climate elements affecting different environmental aspects. . Precipitation extremes follow a geographical pattern like all other climate elements. Recognition of such patterns, specifically in those areas where people’ s lives depend on precipitations, can determined the amount of success in environmental management as well as in resources planning. High extreme precipitation in Iranian coastal region of Caspian Sea, especially eastern parts, the recognition of spatial auto-correlation of such a phenomenon can facilitate environmental planning and also increasing adaptability with such a disaster. Therefore, in order to analyze auto-correlation of the sum frequency of monthly extreme precipitations of under investigation region, the 99 percentile of precipitation for each pixel of the map is considered. 385 stations were studied during the time period covering 1966 to 2016. We have used spatial statistics techniques to analyze spatial auto-correlation features. Results of the present study showed that the dominant behavior in sum frequency of monthly extreme precipitation under study region followed cluster pattern. The areas with positive auto-correlations were mostly found in internal areas and far from the coastal line over most months. Positive auto-correlated clusters were spread in eastern and western regions and some parts in central areas. G* test approved the frequency of clusters with high and low values. The comparison of our findings with previous studies showed that the geographical location of under investigation region, and also synoptic systems affecting the region have affected the spatial auto-correlation frequency pattern of extreme precipitation occurrence.

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In this study, we will be addressing Iran’ s thermal seasons and its variance during 1/1/1370 to 29/12/1392 of the solar calendar. At first daily data from 49 stations were gathered all over Iran in the mentioned period of time. The difference between yearly standard deviation with deviation (Dev) for each station was calculated and therefore seasonal advancing and receding was detected. Finally, three matrices namely SWS (Start Warm season), EWS (End Warm season) and SWL (Season Warm Length) all with dimensions of 63 × 49 were developed. Afterwards, to understand homogeneous arena, cluster-analysis with merger method was executed on matrices. Ultimately, by using a non-parametric modified Mann Kendall test, meaningful variability, start variability rate, final and warm period in the studied period were measured. Findings indicate that thermal seasons in Iran aren’ t conformed to official calendar in the country and the country’ s arena ought to be divided into four homogeneous thermal seasons. Latitude, longitude, altitude, distance from water resources as well as atmospheric humidity have an important effect on the known arena. Iran’ s thermal seasons have been significantly altered during the start and end of studied period. Overall, thermal period in most parts of Iran have increased. In the studied stations, the decreasing rate of warm period are significantly more than decreasing and increasing rate of the ending warm period. It seems that the findings of this study are strong evidences concerning the effects of dominant heat all over Iran and altering the seasons as well as thermal situation.

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Achieving development depends on the comprehensive cognition and accurate awareness about facilities, opportunities, strengths and limitations that exist. Several criteria such as mechanization level deficiency, aging factor of tractors, ratio of area under cultivation (ha) to tractor unit and harmonic mean of agricultural crop yields were used to identify the opportunities and deficiencies in development of agricultural power in Khuzestan province and also to zoning the need for new powers using weighted overlap. For this purpose, to zoning each of aforementioned criteria, different interpolation methods were investigated using GIS software and then the best one was selected by mutual evaluation methodology and also the best RMS was determined. Results showed that the spatial dependency of the variables is moderate and aging factor of tractor has low level of spatial dependency. Based on this, accuracy of Kriging and deterministic interpolation methods is almost same. The most appropriate interpolation method for zoning of mechanization level, aging factor, the harmonic mean of agricultural crop yields and ratio of area under cultivation (ha) to tractor unit was LPI, GPI, LPI, IDW, LPI and RBF, respectively. Zoning of mechanization level deficiency showed eastern and some parts of western regions interface intense mechanization level deficiency. In weighted overlap of generated maps using fuzzy-AHP, ratio of area under cultivation (ha) to tractor unit criterion has assigned the highest weight (0. 30, 0. 41, 0. 54). As a result, regions of Khuzestan province were placed in three need levels as high, moderate and low.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the role of cities in the study area are citizens Directory Services night. And seeks to respond to these questions is the. To what extent has the equipment and facilities of the city at night in the city effective services to the citizens? Urban citizens extent of the services provided in overnight deals are satisfied? Applied research, analytical method used to collect data from library and field methods have been used. Statistical comprehensive, 222000 is intended that through a random sample of 196 questionnaires have been distributed to people Dadhyha software for analysis of descriptive statistics (mean, median, and variance) and inferential (t single sample, Spearman correlation and regression) have been used The findings of this study showed that the indices (health, police stations, passengers and taxi home and to lower the average optimal conditions (3) has been evaluated And the rest of the indices is higher than the desired utility and its significance difference for all All the indicators are quite significant. Therefore, the result can be stated that the role of night has been able to provide the groundwork for services to citizens, This means that with an increase in equipment and civil facilities, services to the citizens increase and reduce equipment and installation, service decreases.

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Aims of This research is investigation and reconstruction of climate change during quaternary period according to Urmia Lake terraces and we use elevation changes of this lake as indicator of climate change. 14 lake terraces were found during field work. Elevation of this lake terraces are between 1298 to 1365 meter above mean sea level. Absolute age of 6 lake terraces determined using C14 analysis. Age of this lake terraces are between 35850 to 54150 years ago. According to dating results and elevation changes of Urmia Lake terraces, we calibrate this results with climate changes during late Pleistocene we reconstruct climate conditions in this area. Age of lake level rise and formation of the Urmia lake terraces belong to late Pleistocene and synchrony to Wurm Gelation Period in north of Europe. Age of four lake terraces synchro to Heinrich event 5 and 4 and correlate to transgression of glacial in north of Europe and this evidence is the first evidence of Heinrich Events in Iran. Decrease of temperature and glaciation periods in north of Europe in late Pleistocene and Heinrichs events synchronal to lake level rise in the Urmia lake and shows effects of this intensive climate change in this region. Results present rainy periods during late Pleistocene and decrease in evaporation and temperature and increase in precipitation in this region. Increasing in River discharge lead to lake level rise and formation of lake terraces in the Urmia lake during late Pleistocene.

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Open spaces in cities are good physical context for human social interaction and are one of the necessities of life that its increase can have a great impact in increasing the safety, security and social interactions of people. This study is descriptive-analytical with functional nature. Library and documentary method was used to collect. Then 66 administrativeThe results show that 66 government agencies in the city of Rasht do not have the same spatial distribution and their concentration in metropolitan areas is more than the rest of the places. Since the central areas of the city as the main core of the city are the center of activities and population density in this part of the city is more than the rest of the city the need for the formation of open spaces in these areas is felt more than the other places. relying on AHP the priorities of each government offices according to criteria related to outdoor use were determined Most organizations that are located in areas of the city center, lacks the necessary potential for the formation of these types of spaces.

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Earthquake and Landslide are geological events which cause enormous human and financial losses in country every year. In this research first map of landslides distribution in Bagheran Mountain was prepared by aerial photos, geological maps and field surveys. Then effective factors in both earthquake and landslide occurrence are identified، their class density and binary comparison were calculated, effective parameters will prioritize, then determine fuzzy membership degree of parameters by fuzzy logic and finally combined together. Zoning studies suggest that seismic Isoacceleration factor has highest weight in occurrence of earthquakes in the region. Also seismic acceleration and distance from fault factors have highest weight in occurrence of landslide in the region. The export maps of earthquake zonation from fuzzy operators show fuzzy sum map has high correlation with real map Thereby 42% of area are in high and very high risk classes of earthquake. Finally, after combination of landslide and earthquake maps combination was showed that fuzzy sum map has high correlation respectively12, 21, 22, 19 and 26% of the area are at very high risk class, high, medium, low and very low.

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veisi hadei

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Southwest Asia region is one of the most strategic and important areas in the world that has geopolitical challenges and political crises in recent decades. The two countries of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia are the most important actors in its regional level. The two countries, prior of the Islamic Revolution of Iran within the framework of Nixon's two pillars policy, were complementary to each other. They became rivals after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and have been a rivalry relation between them. Therefore, the main question of the research is that what are Saudi Arabia's geopolitical challenges with the Islamic Republic of Iran and what impact these challenges have on the South West Asia region. This research has done descriptive-analytical and documentary method and with geopolitical view and using library data. Its period is related to the post-Islamic revolution of Iran. Historically, the relations between these two regional powers can be divided into three periods, which the most complex taken place in the contemporary era. Research results show that ideological contradictions, conflicting interests and rivalry over the expansion of the spheres of influence of the two countries have caused geopolitical challenges and political crises that have spread to almost the entire region.

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In this article tried to estimate the ELA in central Iran by Wright, cirque-floor altitude, Terminus-to-head altitude ratio, and Altitude ratio methods. Then to be introduced the best method to estimate the ELA. The linear relations in the Negar and Nesar slopes of the highest peak were calculated for investigation of the effect of the value of slope and height of the peak on the ELA. 3300 cirques were identified, according to the curve lines in topographic maps. The mountainous terrain in most parts is northwestern-southeastern and sometimes western-eastern. Investigation of cirques in different directions indicates that most glacier cirques are formed in the northeastern or southwestern slopes. The dispersion of the number of cirques indicates that Nesar slopes (Northeastern) of the geomorphic unit of Central Iran have better conditions for the formation of glacial cirques. 57. 7% of the cirques were identified in the northeast slopes. Analysis of ELA was estimated by THAR applying the Wright method indicates, in terms of elevation and direction effects are more consistent with the environmental conditions. The ELA was estimated between 2743 meters and 3098 meters. The average of ELA unit was 2853 meters. Analysis of the results of the effect of the value of slope and height of the peak on the ELA indicates that 77% of the influence of the slope on the ELA difference in the Negar slopes and 35% of the influence of the height of the dominant circus in the Nesar slopes can be explained.

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The required data in the theoretical part are utilized by documentary resources and in the practical section collected by survey method based on interview, observation and distribution of questionnaire. Based on this, firstly, interviews conducted in order to identify the barriers and challenges, by means of semi-structured methods with experts, which identified by snowball sampling. In the next step, these interviews were analyzed by using of fundamental theory. In the next stage and in the quantitative section, in order to generalize the information of qualitative section, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 50 experts to the region's rural development and selected members of the Chia community who were selected by snowball method. Also, by Using Cochran's formula and determining the sample size, 300 questionnaires were distributed, randomly, among the villages and households in the selected villages of each rural district, which were selected by lottery. Analysis of the data in the quantitative part by factor and path analysis in SPSS and Amos software indicated that three factors of local capacity development, management weaknesses, planning and monitoring in the Chia society, and inappropriate state of affairs and developmental plans of state institutions are the most important barriers and among them, local community’ s lack of capacity development and the and Inappropriate state of affairs and developmental plans of state institutions with roughly similar loads equal to 0. 440 have the greatest impact as a barrier to desirable performance and the expansion of Chia Association’ s environmental activities in the rural districts of Marivan.

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One of the requirement of sustainable exploitation prerequisite and prevention of the rangeland degradation is identification of the most suitable area of rangelands. In this research, beekeeping potential of the Tamin rangelands was evaluated in order to develop of beekeeping land use through AHP method. To this end, beekeeping suitability model was determined through integrating vegetation criteria, then the beekeeping suitability of different region was determined. Vegetation sampling carried out using randomized-systematic method. Suitability of different vegetation types was assessed using Analytical Hierarchy process. Based on results, weight of vegetation cover factor (0. 62) was more than environmental factors (0. 37) and water resource availability (0. 014). Overall comparison of effective criteria sets showed that Artemisia sieberi-Asteragalus eriastylus (total weight= 0. 34) and Astragalus eriastylus-Cousinia stocksi (total weight=0. 055) have the highest and lowest priority in terms of beekeeping, respectively. In general, 1820. 9 hectares (equivalent to 32. 68 %) in the S1' category (high suitability), 2630 hectares (equivalent to 47. 2 %) in the S2' category with limited constraints or moderate suitability (770. 05 hectares (equivalent to 13. 82 %t ) in the S3 category with the high limitation and 351 hectares (equivalent to 6. 3%) in the non-suitable (N) was placed for the beekeepers' development land use from the entire of the study area (5572 ha). Result showed that planning to develop of beekeeping land use in Tamin rangelands is necessary and could provide new employment opportunities and improving livelihood of the farmers, which lead to the sustainable utilization of these rangelands.

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