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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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3 beta – hydroxy – Delta – 5 – steroid dehydrogenase is an important key enzyme of steroid hormone biosynthesis, which is involved in catalyzing the conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone in the bionthesis of steroid sex hormones. This is the fourth enzyme in the steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway to be identified as an autoantigenic target. Pregnenolone is incubated with several concentrations of whole testis homogenate. The reaction mixture containing the pregnenolone, NAD and iodonirotetrazdium in 0.15 M Tris – HCL buffer (PH=7.7), and the enzyme extract from testis of rat was incubated for 1.5 h at 36c. Absorbance at 495 nm was determined by a spectrophotometer. PH optimum and time incubation for this enzyme was 7.99 and 1.5 h respectively. The Kmax was 5.3 × 10-6 and Vmax was 3.11 × 10-6 nmol/mg/min. Our results were in good agreement with those reported previously.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Compared with older children and adults, neonates are more sensitive to pain and more vulnerable to long – term effects. Despite the clinical importance of neonatal pain, current medical practices continue to expose infants to repetitive, acute, or prolonged pains. This specific intervention are necessary for reduced the neonatal pain experiences. This is an exprimental study to determine the effectiveness of skin to skin contact between mother and her healthy full – term newborn to reduce pain experience by the infant during intramscular injection. The sample population were 30 healthy full – term newborns delivered at university hospital in Gorgan. The samples and controls were chosen randomly. During intramuscular injection case group was being helped by their mothers under cloth that directly were contact with their abdominal and chest skin and newborn in control group swaddled in crib on the bed befor, after and during injection. Behavioural responses (facial changes, crying, …) and physiologic responses (heart rate and O2 saturation of arterial blood) of newborns were noted before, after and druing intramuscular injection. The results show that there was no significant difference in behavioural and physiologic responses caused by pain between two groups, except crying time (38.2 second in control group and 35.5 second in case group). Finding from this study indicat that skin to skin contact has a clinically important effect on the pain of intramuscular injection, if we can prepare physically and emotionally a good situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1892

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One of methods for CTS diagnosis is to compare distal motor latencies between mdian and ulnar nerves. In the previous research distal motor latency (DML) of ulnar nerve was recorded from hypothenar area and the median nerve DML was recorded from thenar. In this research we recorded DML of unlar nerve from thenar area and compared it with DML of median nerve. The aims of the research is to shorten the process of electrodiagnosis by preserving the sensitivity. The type of the research is diagnostic clinical trial on 42 normal person and 64 patients with CTS that referred to department of physical medicine & rehabilition of Shohada Tajrish hosptital in full and winter of 2000-2001 participated in this research. The result of the research is analayzed by student t-test method. The DML of unlar nerve recorded from thenar in normal persons was 3.52 ± 0.5 ms and the difference between median and ulnar nerve recorded from thenar was 1.23ms. The P-values of the study were less than 0.0001 that is significant thus this method can be used for diagnosis of CTS.

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View 1286

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Tardive dyskinesia (T.D) is a neurological movement disorder. It is induced by neuroleptic drugs but at least some of these movement are due to dysfunction of frontal lobe in schizophrenic patients. In this research, we assessed the function of prefrontal area in schizophrenic patients with and without T.D to answer the following questions: Is there any relationship between T.D and dysfunction of frontal lobe? Is there any way to recognize patients that are vulnerable to T.D and to prevent it? In this research 100 schizophrenic in-patients were chosen (50 with T.D and 50 without it). They were assessed with “WCST” that is a standard neuropsycologic test for assessment of prefrontal function. Results were statistically analyzed with t-test and Chi-square, SPSS. Pationts with T.D compared to patients without T.D had segnificantly (P ~ 0) increased errors in “WCST” that showed dysfunction of frontal lobe in patients with T.D. it appears with WCST in early stages of schizophrenia we can recognise patients with dysfunction of frontal lobe and vulnerable to T.D and prevent development and progression of T.D with atypical antipsychotics and regular monitoring of abnormal movements in these patients.

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View 2557

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It is generally recognized diabetes is more prevalent in women than men, besides that there is a close relationship between diabet, type of obesity and body fat distribution. In a descriptive – analytical study, 100 diabetic women aged 30-60 years old referring to diabetic clinic compared with 100 healthy subjects who were similar to the sample group with respect to age and sex. The results showed that BMI of majority women on both groups were in the range of 24.9-29.9, on the other hand 33% of women in control group and 26% patients suffered from the grade one obesity. Minimum ratio of waist – to – hip ratio (WHR) in patients was 0.72 and in healthy women was 0.47. in control group 90% and in healthy subjects 74% of women suffered from upper – truncal obesity (WHR>0.8). A significant difference was found (P=0.04) between the WHR ratio in women control and healthy group. To prevent the fat distribution in the area of stomach and upper truncal, increasing activity and dietary control are suggested.

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View 1722

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For a patient under any treatment it is very important to maintain a stable carciovascular system (C.V.S) under anesthesia. The C.V.S can be disturbed due to many factors, and one of factor which can later the hemodynamic system of the patient is laryngoscopy and intubation. Hence the assesment of the variations in the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of the patient during laryngoscopy and intubation is very important. Hypertension and tachycardia as a great disorders causing great problems. Such as cerebrel hemorrhagia and myocardial infection which are occurred during general anesthesia. Laryngoscopy and eddotracheal intubation is necessery for airway management prevention of the aspiration of gastric contents. The amount of blood pressure and heart rate is measured in 1, 3, 5 after laryngoscopy and intubation. 70 patients ASA1 with the age of 16-55, undergon elective srugery and a general aneshtesia were selected. Some drug pre-medication and induction were the same in rate about all patients. 35 patient are intubated orally and the rest of them nasaly. The subjects were chosen among patients who did not have difficult intubation nad cardiovascular disorders. Before laryngoscopy and 1,3,5 minutes blood pressure and HR measured. According to outcoming results, blood pressure and HR increasing after laryngoscopy in both group (oral intubtion and nasal intubation). The increase of nasotracheal intubation was more than oral one remarkably. The difference would be meaningful according to statistic point (P<0.05). According to research finding the most amount of increase in the blood pressure and HR was related to the laryngoscopy and intubation. These changes can make problems for some cardiovascular patients. So it is suggested that all anesthesists should lessen the probable complication of patients under laryngoscopy a tracheal intubation by monitoring BP and HR.

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Urinary tract infection is common disease in pregnancy and most symptomatic infection with grate danger for fetus and mother’s. This study has been done to determint the prevalency of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women in Gorgan in 2000. Mid - stream urine from 900 pregnant women were obtained. Urine analysis and culture for all of them have been done and positive cultured (isolated bacteria with 100,000-colony count) was antibiogramed by kerby buer method. Out of 900 urine specimen 3.7% of samples had positive urinary tract infection. The common organism isolated was E.coli (33.3%), Coagolase negative, Staphylococci (30.3%) and Kelbsiella (15.2%). There was not a significaunt correlation between age, pariety, pregnancy age, fresh urinary infection and asymptomatic bacteriouria but there was a significant and correlation kidney stone between bacteriuria. Antimicrobial sensitivity pattern demonstrates more sensitivity of strain with Amikacin and Gentamycin. Althought prevalence of bacteriuria in this (3.7%) lower than other studies in this country but for their severe sequele. This phenomen should be taken into more conideration further investigation in other part of the country should be done to face the probable difficulties.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1242

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Abdominal sonography is a best method to defind implantation site of placenta.Determination of placental site is very important if the agrassive method is to be used this study design to define implantation site of placenta in 1585 pregnant women whome referred 28wk to sonographic center to Deziani hospital in their third tri-mester with routine prenatal care. Collection of data perform in nine month and the data was collected by interwieing the pregnant women using a check list and questionaire. The results from this investigation show that 51.79% of placenta located in fondoanterior 31.23% fondo posterior, 12.11% posterior another located in lateral position and 0.18% of placenta was previa.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1918

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The goal of this research is to study of the rate of depression and its relation to type of free time activities, among the medical students at Gorgan University of Medical Science in 1999-2000. In this study, 238 medical students (122 male & 116 female), were selectd by non-randomized and easy sampling. They were tested by the Beck depression inventory, and a questionair due to incomplete information, 32 medical students (15 male & 17 female) were omited. In general, the average of depressed females was lower than males students (BDI Score of 10.2 against 10.9 respectively), but this difference wasn’t statitically siginificant. Based on this information, medical students had the lowest rate of leisure acivities. 52.2% of males and 65.2% of females had not any special leisure activity. The results from this investigation indicat that there are some differences of free – time acitivties between male and female students. Mental relaxation was the main item among the list of free-time activities of medical students. Finally, we could not find any singificant correlation between depression and the kind of leisure activities, which was the main concept in this study.

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Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary loss of urine, which is a social and hygienic problem. The study is about quantity of stress incontinence in high school 15-17 years old gril during (1999-2000). This is a descriptive cross section study. From 711 cases, 454 (76-4%) did not have urine sterss incontinence (USI) and 166 (23.6%) had this problem. From these 166 members 24.1% were 15 years old, 35.8% were 16 years old and 40.1% were 17 years old. Therefore with increasing age we have more urine stress incontinence and the most prevalence of USI occur druring laughing predisposing factor for USI is urinary tract infection (UTI) and trauma to hip. 27% of these girl"s mothers had USI and the population was chosed by cluster sampling. Therefor genetic factor could be a dause. The most presentation of USI is in the estrogenic phase and we didn’t have any USI report in the progestronic phase. According to our results the indicence of USI among 15-17 year girls students was 23.6%.

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Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a ubiquitous, obligate intra cellular protozoan "toxoplasma gondii". Based on serological evidences, toxoplasmosis infection is a widespread disease with regard to this fact and because to the occurence of congenital toxoplasmosis infections due to asymptomatic infections in pregnant women, determination of the rate of toxoplasma antibodies (IgG, IgM) before pregnancy and finding the involved factors in increasing toxoplasmosis prevalence seems to be necessary. This study was a cross sectional and discriptive study and sample population was the women referred for marriage consultation the prevalence of toxoplasma antibodies (IgG, IgM) was determined by ELISA method. Blood samples were collected randomly from 300 women referred to the center for consultation in 2001 and they was transferred to the laboratory for antibodies determination. The results showed that the general prevalence to the positive cases based on high titer of IgG was 48.3% and of IgM was 11.7%. There was not any relation between positive cases and age, education, place of residence, job, keeping domestic animals (except cat) vegetable consumption and wash-up, but there was a relation between the positive cases of IgM and keeping cat at home (PV<=0.025). More over 51.7% of pregnant women in Gorgan were seronegative and the were prone to acute toxoplasmosis during their pregnancy. The results of this study confirm that the determination of the diagnostic toxopalsmosis is an necessary test during pregnancy.

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The soild waste is all of the refuse produced by the human activities. The quality and quantity of the solid waste are variable according to the economic, social and cultural factors. The purpose of this research is to study of the quality and quantity of the Gorgan garbagc. This is a crosssectional study. We used the city halls statisics to calculate the share-out of the garbagc (daily produced garbagc divided by the population of the city in that year). This share – out is calculated in spring and fall in 1998. To determine the quality of garbage, the city was divided to three zones: northern, central and southern zone. Two temporary container were chosen in each zone and 100kg garbagc were taken from each container. The garbage of each container was examined three times during each season. After separating the samples out, the rates are reported according to the percentage of the weight of various materials. The final results shown are the mean of results that came from the study of the chosen containers. The results show that the share-out of garbagc for one person in spring is 537gr and in fall is 644gr. According to their weight, the percentage of various materials were: biodegradable materials 85.6%, paper and carton 6.6%, glass 2.6%, plastic 2%, fabrics and cloths 1.5%, wood 0.9% and metals 0.8%. This study reveals that biodegradable materials are the majority of garbage. To stablish the compost industry in this province and use the prepared compost in agriculture can decrease the need for chemical fertilizer, and the same time, environmental pollution by both chemical and biodegredable materials would reduce.

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