Introduction. Iran's universities don't have a compiled, scientific and internalized evaluation system to evaluate their quality and make their goals and performances recognized. Being accountable to items such as, drop out rate, waste rate, survival rate, average study rate and rejection rate is possible by assessment of internal efficiency of educational system. This study tried to determine some of the internal efficiency indicators for medical education system in Kerman University of Medical Sciences Methods. Through a cross-sectional descriptive study, in order to identify internal efficiency indicators, 101 medical students (accepted in 1993) were investigated from their registration up to their graduation time in the year 1993. The needed information was collected from their educational files, then the data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results. The waste rate of students was 4.4%, 0.7%, 2.2% and 6.5% for male, female, non-quota and quota students, respectively. On average, male, female, non-quota and quota students had been studying for 17.63, 17.56, 17.31, and 18.41 semesters, respectively. The maximum rejection rate was in the first semester of 1993 and the maximum failure rate was for basic sciences and specialized courses with 5.6% of rate.Conclusion. The significant difference in efficiency between quota students and non-quota students shows that, giving just some quota to organizations is not enough and some measures must also be taken. It is recommended to provide them with some programs and facilities such as, orientation sessions, educational counseling and complementary educational programs.