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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Attempts were made to show the presence of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV-3) in the respiratory tract of people suffering from respiratory illness. Since virus isolation is the most reliable method to show the presence of the virus in a patient, attempts were made in this study to inoculate samples collected from individual patients on to susceptible cells.Materials and Methods: One hundred samples were collected from nasal discharge and pharynx of patients suffering from respiratory illness who referred to Imam Khomeini Hospital from 13 Novembere 2000 to 11 March 2000. All samples were inoculated to susceptible cells after being treated with the PBS containing different antibiotics. Inoculated cells were observed microscopically for the presence of viral cytopathic effect (CPE) for seven days.Results: All inoculated cells showing the CPE were subjected to the hemadsorption test using guineapig red blood cells resulted in 40 positive cases. Since there are different respiratory viruses that induce HAD in the cells, a virus neutralization test using PI3V -specific antiserum prepared in rabbits was applied to identify the viruses. Results showed that out of 40 isolated viruses 13 were HPI3 virus.Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, it could be said that HPI3 virus is one of the prevalent viruses among people with respiratory disease. However, further studies should be made to claim that this virus is the main causative agent of such respiratory diseases.

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Effective interpersonal communication between health care providers and clients is one of the important elements in improving client satisfaction, compliance and health outcomes. Thus, the aim of this quasi-experimental study was to determine the effect of interpersonal communication skills training of family health workers on the satisfaction level of their clients.Material & Method: A total of 60 family health workers (30 as experimental group, 30 as control group) and 94 clients (47 as experimental group, 47 as control group) from 35 Mashhad health centers in Mashhad participated in each stage of this study. The collection tool was a client satisfaction questionnaire about the health workers interaction. Data collection was carried out at the pre- and post stage of the intervention. After the first stage, an interpersonal communication skills workshop was carried out for the experimental group workers in two days. Then, the later stage of data collection was carried out with the same tool.Result: Analysis of the data showed a significant difference between the mean of the satisfaction marks of the clients before and after the intervention in the case group (p=.019). A significant difference was also observed on the clients satisfaction marks mean between the case and control groups after the intervention (p=0.001).Conclusion: The result of this study indicated that the clients satisfaction raises after the interpersonal communication skills training of the health workers. Thus, for improving the clients satisfaction and health outcomes, it is recommonded to implement interpersonal communication skills workshops for health care providers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Despite the expansion of thalassemia control programs in Iran, there has been no particular attention to sickle cell anemia, while, there is considerable spread of the sickle cell disease in neighboring countries and some of the southern districts of Iran. In one of the villages of Isfahan, there has been a report of a prevalence of 8.33%. Following the determination of such a high incidence of sickle cell trait in that area and the possibility of the coexistence of sickle cell and beta thalassemia minor that may lead to giving birth to sickle cell babies, we decided to determine the prevalence of sickle cell trait in the couples referring to Isfahan Thalassemia Prevention Center (ITPC) for premarriage tests.Materials and Methods; For this purpose, we studied 500 couples ( 500 men and 500 woman) referred to the ITPC in Autumn 1999 by the screened them for sickling test .Then the suspicious cases were confirmed by the hemoglobin electrophoresis. Results: 3% of individuals had suspicious sickling test. but after the hemoglobin electrophoresis, they showed no positive results.Discussion and conclusion: From this survey it can be concluded that the sickle cell incidence is very low in Isfahan city. But, because of a prevalence of 8.33% in one of the villages, the regions with high prevalence must be determined by carrying out the screening test and the couples should become aware in this regard before the marriage at the counseling centers. They must either be encouraged to avoid marriage if their test was positive, or the required prenatal diagnesis test should be applied for them to prevent the increase of the number of affected individnals by the thalasemia and hemogolobinopathies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Strengthening of the VMO has been suggested as a treatment technique for the PFPS, as the weakness of this component of the quadriceps is one of the reasons of the mal alignment of the patella. Therefore, attempts have been made selectively to strengthen the VMO.Materials and Methods: We chose three common therapeutic exercises for the PFPS in the open kinetic chain.The EMG activity of the VMO and VL were evaluated in the dominant lower limb, during three training programs in three experimental groups and a control group. Eight healthy women volunteers, aged from 20-30 years(X=24.94, SD=I.97), were studied in each group (Total= 32 subjects). The characteristics of training programs were as follows: The first experimental group: quadriceps setting with dorsiflexion of the foot (30 times per day, three times per week, lasting 4 weeks). The second experimental group: SLR with lateral rotation of the femur (according to Delorm-Watkins training program, three times per week, lasting 4 weeks). The third experimental group: terminal extension of the knee (0-30 degrees) with medial rotation of tibia in the special splint for the isometric contraction of quadriceps (according to Delorm-Watkins training program, three times per week, lasting 4 weeks). The control group. The EMG activity of VMO and VL muscles were recorded as the pre-test, mid-test, and post-test for 12 seconds and the average rectified value (ARV) of the power spectrum of the EMG signal was used to evaluate the muscles" activities.Results: Statistical analysis showed that in the first group, the ARV of the VMO was increased in the I2th session compared to the 6th session. The ARV of the VL had no significant difference during the training sessions. In the second group, the ARV of the VMO and VL had no significant difference during the training sessions. In the third group, the ARV of the VMO showed a significant increase between the 12th and 6th sessions and the 12th and 1st sessions. In addition, the VMO: VL IEMG ratio, in the second and third groups was increased significantly between the 12th and 1st sessions.Conclusions: The results suggest that the VMO can be selectively strengthened by performing the SLR with the LR of the femur and the SAQ with the MR of the tibia.

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Caring as a paradigmatic concept has different meanings in different cultures. Therefore, any efforts to define it socio-culturally can contribute to a development of the nursing care. The purpose of this study was to discover, describe and analyze the meanings of caring concept systematically within a group of nurses in affiliated hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS). This research aimeal to give a better understanding of what the concept of "caring" is within the Iranian culture.Materials and Methods: A concept analysis method recommended by Walker & Avant (1995) was used to clarify the caring concept and its related meanings in our specific sociocultural context. This required the clarification of all different kinds of the concepts derived from the mentioned issue. The data was collected by series of face to face in-depth interactive interviews with participants and through observing and collecting the nurses' narratives written by them about their previous experiences in the nursing and caring. Some literature review and caring photographs were also chosen and analyzed as the complementary data sources. Data was then analyzed using concept as well as content analysis method.Results: Three themes which emerged during the data analysis were 1) Altruism, 2) Routine oriented nursing care and 3) Humanistic approach to nursing care. It was also discovered that the concepts of nursing and caring have similar meanings for the participant nurses and both of the concepts are considered as the sum of routine functions and technical activities. A holistic approach is necessary in order to integrate these implications into a nursing system, both in practice and education, to improve conditions that facilitate the development of the care within the nursing system.

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Measurements done with ultrasonic technique provide valuable information about the biomechanical system of human body. One of the applications of this technique is to measure the centerline velocity of the artery which can be proper base for determining the vessels specifications. For example, using this velocity and appropriate mathematical models of the arterial wall and blood fluid, the elastic modulus of vessels can be estimated. In this paper, a model for the estimation of pressure gradient has been investigated. This model introduces the arterial blood flow and back flow physically and physiologically.Materials and Methods: To obtain an equation with the same application as earlier models, but more accurate and simpler, we used the axial momentum equation based on the static pressure. In this model, we assumed that the artery centerline velocity in the z direction as one dimension. We also assumed that the radial velocity to be very less than the axial velocity (if vessel length>>radius). Then, using the continuous equation in one dimension, the model was estimated. Results: First, we recorded the artery centerline velocity by the Doppler ultrasonic measurements. Then the purposed model of the static pressure changes was tested. The results were obtained with a calculation program in which the axial and radial velocity profiles were calculated and compared to an earlier model.Conclusion: Comparison of the results obtained with the two models indicated that the suggested model provides a more accurate description of the velocity distribution and pressure gradient. In addition, its results had better similarities with the clinical observations and measurements. Therefore, the application of the suggested model is recommended for determining the biomechanical parameters of the artery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1182

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Experimental studies were performed in order to test vasectomy side effects simultaneously with its acceptance as a proper method of contraception. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of vasectomy on the morphology of prostate in male Albino N-Mari rats. Materials and Methods: Fourthy rats were divided randomly into four groups; bilateral vasectomy, unilateral vasectomy, sham and control group. Twelve weeks after the vasectomy, the animals were killed. The animals' prostates were taken out and after determining their weight, they were immersed in Buin's fixative solution to prepare them for the light microscope study. Data was analyzed by unpaired statistical t-test.Results: Our results suggested that the surface density of prostate ducts in the bilateral and unilateral vasectomized groups show significant decrease (p<0.01 and p<0.05) compared to the control group. Epithelial thickness in the central part of the prostate in the bilateral vasectomized group showed significant decrease (p<0.05) compared to the control group. The body weight in both vasectomized groups showed significant increase (p<0.01 and p<0.05) compared to the control group. The prostate weight of the bilateral vasectomized group showed significant increase (p<0.05) comprared to the control group.Conclusion: Significant changes in the morphological factors, plus the increase in the stromal edema, gland's folds and cystic changes in the prostates of the bilateral vasectomized group were observed. But, due to the absence of dysplasia and atypia, no progressive changes toward the malignancy were detected.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: In this study we compared soleus and gastrocnemius responses to the paired stimulation in order to reveal embedded information in the H- reflex of these muscles.Materials and Method: Four men with ages between 20 and 26 were tested. Because there was no ideal point based on the scientific rules to record the h-reflex from the gastrocnemius, we were to determine an ideal point and electrode placement from anatomical and physiological point of view. After this step, the soleus and gastrocnemius were subjected to the paired stimulus and we record the h-reflex recovery curve of these muscles. To record the recovery curve, 11 pairs of stimulus were delivered to the posterior tibial nerve. The time interval between the 1st pair of the stimulus was 50 ms and was increased by 20 ms steps in the next pairs up to 250 ms. Relation of the second h-reflex amplitude to the first was calculated and expressed in percent. Then we draw the recovery curve using these values.Result and discussion: While the time interval of the paired stimulus was less than 110 ms, the behavior of the curves were similar. In this stage we guess that the muscles are impressed by the renshaw cells inhibition and the fatigue is induced by the first stimulus. When the interval of a pair was 110 ms or more the recovery of soleus was significantly higher than the gastrocnemius. This behavior may be due to a lesser fatigability of the soleus motoneurons and a less renshaw inhibition on the slow motoneurons of the soleus. When the time interval of a pair stimulus was increase1 to more than 170ms, both of the curves behave alike. The cause may be the diminishing of the renshaw cell inhibition and the reduction of the fatigue.Conclusion: Because of the physiological properties of motoneurons, when we excite the h-reflex, smaller motoneurons recruite predominantly; but comparing the soleus (slow) and gastrocnemius (fast) recovery curve behavior shows that the information of the fast motoneuron is included in the h-reflex. Using this procedure, we can assess different motoneuron and renshaw cell activities, indirectly. Of course this needs more controlled studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1172

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: We used a method to prepare the alpha-I-proteinase inhibitor (AIPI) from the enriched Chon IV -1 paste, without complex steps and expensive chemical materials in a simple condition. The purification and isolation of the A1PI from human plasma and the determination of some of its physicochemical properties were the aims of this study. Material and Methods: Firstly, the A1PI was separated from other proteins in the IV-1 paste by two times precipitation by the polyethylene glycol. Secondly, using the ion exchange chromatography on the DEAE-Sepharose-CL6B gel the A1PI was obtained with a higher purity. The virus inactivation by the pasteurization at 60°C for 10 hours was carried out without any significant changes in the biological activity. The final product was concentrated by the ultra-filteration and lyophilized. The activity of the A1PI was determined based on its' trypsin inhibitory capacity (TIC).The single-radial immuno-diffusion (SRID) was also carried out to estimate the amount of the A1PI. Results: The results showed an AIPI purity of 0.62 with a 60 percent yield with a molecular weight determined to be about 54000 Dalton by the SDS-PAGE. For a more precise calculation of the degree of purity and confirming the antigenic property, the immuno-electrophoresis method was used against the human antiserum and the specific antiserum of the A1PI. Conclusion: Stoichiometric studies between the A1PI and trypsin showed that an amount of 1.5 to 2 µg of this protein is able to inhibit 1µg of trypsin. The inhibitory properly of the purified A1PI was comparable with the commercial product used in this regard.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Botulinum neurotoxin type A structurally consists of a 50KD light chain and a 100 KD heavy chain linked by a disulfide bound. The protein can be further divided into three functional domain: a catalytic domain corresponding to the light chain, a translocating domain associated with the N-terminal half of the heavy chain and a binding domain at the C-terminal half. To study the efficiency of translocating domain of Botulinum toxin type A independently or in association with the binding domain in order to achieve a protective protein, this domain of the toxin was produced by the recombinant technique. This may also offer an appropriate way for studying the structure and mechanism of the action of this domain of the toxin.Materials and Methods: Bacteria was grown in anaerobic condition and the genomic DNA was extracted by the alkaline method. After analyzing the sequence of the gene, the primer were designed. The gene was amplified by the PCR . The PCR product was analyzed by the enzyme digestion, then cloned into three expression vectors namely pRSETA, pET28a and pET32a. The expressed protein was analyzed on the SDS-PAGE and confirmed by the Elisa and Western blotting and then purified by the affinity chromatography.Results and Discussion: In this investigation the maximum expression was obtained at 0.5 mM IPTG, OD6oo: O.6 and 15 hours of incubation at 30°C after the induction with the IPTG. Though the expression of AT rich genes in E.coli system are generally low, but we had a good level of expression. The purification of the recombinant protein was difficult at the first step of purification because of the weak binding of the His-tag on the N-terminal of the protein to the column, but a 90% purification was achieved by the modification of the technique.

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Pathobiology Research

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Pourpose: The aim of this study was to assess the tolerance limit theory as an efficient tool for sloving statistical problems.Material & Methods: Argues about the tolerance limit has been commenced doubtfully from the 80's in the field of biostatistics and clinical experiments. Thereafter, its usefullness in solving problems in biological and medical researche made it an efficient theory. Before that, the applications of this theory were only limited to the industry, product quality control, social welfare, and product problem solving.But, through scientific approaches its application was developed in a way that nowadays, it has been changed to a well-known and efficient method, which is applied to the industry, biostatistics, quality control, validity theory and reliability.Discussion and Conclusion: The tolerance limit application is more common in nonparametric statistics and is also useful in normal distribution in the field of parametric statistics. Yet, there is a long way to developed the application of this theory in other common distributions in parametric statistics.

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View 1279

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine species of leishmania in the residents living in Mashhad city using the ELISA technique.Materials & Methods: A total number of 153 ulcer samples were cultured in the NNN & RPM11640 Then the ELISA test was performed on positive cultured samples using the standard monoclonal antibody. Factors such as the age, sex, as well as the shape of lesions were also recorded. Results: The results indicated that, 72.22% and 22.2% of the cases were detected as L.tropica and L.major respectively. Meanwhile, 5.55% were considered as unknown species. Among the 52 cases determined as L.tropica, 49 cases and among 16 cases determined as L.major , 15 cases were found to be similar to the dry lesion. The highest number of the ulcer was seen on the hand with a rate of 32 lesions (44.44%) and the lowest on the body with 1 lesion (1.38%). Among the 72 cases suffering from cutaneous leishmaniasis, 46 cases (63.88%) were found to be females and 26 cases (36.11 %) were males.Discussion & Conclusion: The results indicated that, the dominant recognizecl species was L.tropica.

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View 845

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Pathobiology Research

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Purpose: Estrogen has a vast and complex role upon brain abilities such as learining and memory. On the other hand, hippocampus, as one of the brain structures, has an important role in spatial information processing. Some evidences indicate that there is estrogen receptors in the hippocampal CAl area. So, in this study the effect of intera hippocamp1 injection of estradio1 benzoate on the spatial learning and memory in N-MRI adult male rats was investigated.Materials and Methods: The animals were bilaterally microcannulated into the following 4 groups (n=7).The control group (no injection) were only trained in a y-maze. The sesame oil vehicle, physiological saline sham and estradiol test groups which received bilateral 0.5µ1 sesame oil, 0.5µ1 physiological saline and 1µg/0.5µ1 estradiol benzoate respectively, into the CA1 region of the hippocampus immediately before training. Then, each rat was trained in 30 trials every day for a total of 5 days with the y-maze and after one month all of the groups were tested (one session) for the memory test. Results: Statistical analysis of the data using the repeated measure design and the least significant differences between the learning results after 5 days of training in different groups indicated a chang in the animal memories.Conclution: It seems that the estradiol increases the spatial learning task. through the enhancement in synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 region neurones.Keywords: Spatial learning and memory, Estradiol benzoate, Hippocampus CAI area, Y-maze, intrahippocampal injection.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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