What we mean by alliteration of homogeneous words is that such alliteration is based on two or more lexical basis that is conspicuously coordinative and homogeneous with each other. They are homogeneous in that their form, structure, and tone, are similar. We can name two homogeneous words, two bases of homonym. It is evident that such words, though homogeneous from one hand, should necessarily be dissimilar and heterogeneous, if not they will no longer be two or more words, and will be considered as one word but with a different meaning. From the threshold of the repetition of words, that is use of two homonymous words (two bases of homonyms), is created a rhythm, which causes the budding and manifestation of rhetoric, which is more than ups and downs of words. Homonym in Russian and Persian languages has different types, which is created due to dissimilarity of two bases of homonyms. When their dissimilarity is in their writing, these two words are homophone, and when it is in their structure they create compound homonyms. In this article we have endevoured to make such words more tangible for the readers by analyzing the reasons for the formation of homophone and compound homonym in Russian and Persian languages.