Taj al-qesas a work compiled by Abu Nasr of Bukhara in the 2nd half of the 5th century AH/11th CE, is a compilation of the sacred history of the Semites, from Adam to the Muhammad, ending with the account of Imam All’s martyrdom.The critical edition of the first two parts of this work, along with a scholarly introduction (including critical views on the textual and stylistic features of the work), has been provided by Ali Al-e Davud in two volumes. The first volume includes the editor's critical introduction as well as 54 chapters covering the lives of the Prophets from Adam up to Jacob. The second volume is totally dedicated to Jacob and Joseph, consisting two sections, in 40 chapters, respectively entitled Ons al-Moridin and Rawzat al-Mohebbin.The chapter dedicated to the story of Jacob, is essentially based upon an earlier work, entitled Ons al-Moridin by Abu al-Qasim Mahmud Jayhani, who was Abu Nasr’s master. In fact, this latter work was edited, amended and extended by Abu Nasr to be included in his own compilation. However Abu Nasr preserved the original title of his master’s work. Taj al-qesas, is of immense value in terms of literary, linguistic and stylistic considerations.