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مطالعات ملی

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    2 (78)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مطالعات ملی

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    2 (78)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (78)
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National identity is one of the most important concepts of the current time. Many studies with the national identity issue have been conducted in the country in recent decades. A systematic review of conducted researches in this area can show us the weak-points and the strength of these researches and contribute to future studies. In this article, we have tried to systematically review those research papers published in the country who addressed the issue of national identity with a quantitative approach and using the questionnaire technique. Initially, 51 articles on the national identity issues published during 1390 to mid-1395 were selected, and then papers were examined from various aspects such as theoretical framework, statistical population, main variables, national identity dimensions, and national identity’ s relationships with other variables. Finally, the findings of the research were summarized and analyzed with a critical approach. The lack of comprehensive and longitude researches, disagreement upon the concept of national identity and its constructive elements, the lack of defined theoretical framework, and the weakness in analyzing some of the most common deficiencies in articles have been evaluated.

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    2 (78)
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Countries need to have a reason for their formation, survival, and continuity, which is referred to as the “ raison d`etre of state” in political geography. The reason for the existence of a country is a direct response to the question of why there should be a state as an independent state. The reason for the formation of some countries is spontaneous and internal. The existence of some other countries is the outcome of colonial policies or the division of large empires into state-small nations. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a country called the Republic of Azerbaijan appeared in Transcaucasia and Iran’ s neighborhood. This article seeks to answer the question of what is the reason for the existence of this newly-established country and what is its relative importance for Iran's existential and national security? The research method is qualitative. This study uses historical sources to explore the raison d`etre of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its impact on Iran’ s national security. The main argument of this article is that the cultural and geopolitical contradictions between Iran and Azerbaijan spring from the raison d`etre. This study shows that contradictions between the two countries of Iran and Azerbaijan are deep and rooted in the raison d`etre. Although the two countries have had a good diplomatic relationship, these contradictions have led to a wall of distrust between the two countries and have made the relationship fragile. Consequently, the relationship could get strained with any unpleasant incidence. A large part of this mistrust lies in the raison d`etre of Azerbaijan whose structure is in conflict with the national entity of Iran.

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    2 (78)
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Many researchers investigated the relationship between learning English and social factors, such as identity. However, there are few studies on the relationship between EFL learning and sociocultural identity changes. The present has investigated the relationship between English learning and Iranian learners’ language identity as hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between variables. To this end, 360 intermediate and advanced English students in the age range of 14-35, were selected based on cluster sampling method, and answered the Oxford Quick Placement Test and Language Identity questionnaire. The Questionnaires and tests were valid and reliable. Furthermore researcher used Cronbach’ s Coefficient Alpha (over 70%) and backward-forward translation to check the reliability of the Questionnaires and tests. The result of the study has revealed that EFL learning had a positive significant relationship with sociocultural identity changes.

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Mahmoudi Sirous

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (78)
  • Pages: 

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The current study was implemented to study the level of national identity content that exists in twelfth Grade textbooks in Iran. The study used a content-analysis-based descriptive method. The research population included all twelfth Grade books that published in 2018. Six book titles, "Cultural analysis", "Religion and Life", "History", "social Identity", "Farsi" and "Writing were intentionally collected in the sample. Measuring instrument was Content analysis checklist. The results of the study were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed that there is not a balanced and comprehensive attention to the components of national identity in the text books of the twelfth grade. It is suggested that the curriculum of the twelfth Grade be reviewed based on the components of national identity.

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (78)
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Spirituality has a history as long as the creation history for human, as God created human from both material and divine aspects, and gave the originality to the spirituality aspect. Architecture is no exception to this. The mosque is for God and a vivid symbol of divine mercy and a symbolic language of spiritual notions. The study tried to examine the physical components (decorations, materials, form, and proportions) and their effects on understanding the "spiritual sense" in the internal architecture of the mosques. The population was the students entering the public universities of Tehran in 2017 in architecture and restoration. The sample size was determined using Cochran method as 169 people. Data analysis was done in the SPSS21 and AMOS software and the path analysis test. The results showed that decorations, form and proportions have a significant effect on spiritual perception, but there was no significant relationship for materials.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (78)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between sense of belonging and the right to the city. The theoretical framework used is the right to the city theory proposed by Henry Lefebvre. The research method is survey-based and the statistical population is the citizens of Yazd city having 18 years and above in 2018 from which 365 persons have been selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method by using Cochran formula. Study tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that its validity has investigated through the face and its reliability has determined through calculation of the Cronbach Alpha formula. Findings have shown that the amount of a sense of belonging to the city is higher than average and the right to the city, is lower than average. The findings of this study show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the Right to the city, its credibility and its dimensions, access to entertainment, safety, easy transportation, Physical, control, and ownership share. There is also a significant relationship among urban areas, right to the city, and sense of belonging. Finally, taking into account the regression model, two variables of gender (0/17) and right to the city (0/37) describe 16 percent of the variance of sense of belonging.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (78)
  • Pages: 

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This study has been done as "presenting an effective model of identity and social trust on the attitude toward political development" among Tehran citizens above 18 years of Tehran, including men and women. The research method in this study is survey and the data collection technique is a questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed between 724 people above 18 years, which were randomly selected by a multi-step cluster sampling method. The results of this study showed that social identity and all its four dimensions, as well as social trust and all its aspects, have a positive effect on the attitude toward political development and its triple dimensions. But social identity, social trust and the attitude of Tehran citizens are not at the desired level for political development.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (78)
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Urban identity is the birthplace of social inclinations within an urban structure which has its own shape and formation. Therefore, urban identity is a complex and multi-dimensional conception that derives from the history and culture of a city and also from the governing community of the city. Squares, as city-identity elements have gone through various changes in Iran during ages, which have led to changes in their functions and identity. This study examines the factors that have changed the multi-functional Imam Khomeini square as a Forum to a simple urban square. The method adopted in this research is a descriptive-analytical and historical method. Factors such as changing political, social and religious trends, the end of centrality of the square, the excessive traffic of vehicles, the disappearance of previous architectural magnificence and urban grandeur, the decrease in the activities of the people living there, all these factors have turned Imam Khomeini Forum (Toepkhaneh) into a simple urban square and hence vanished a major part of urban identity of this city.

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