The Middle East is the cradle of ancient civilizations and great religions It is a geopolitical, geo-economic and strategic area. To describe it, expressions such as a global hub, an intersection between Eurasia and Africa, a sensitive area, a crescent of crisis etc. are repeatedly used in the literature of international relations, emphosizing the importance of the regim.Oil discovery added to the importance of Great powers in defining their strategic interests consider this region vital for their security and trade relations.Hence the peace and stability are tiedy to all aspects of security in this region. National security and national power have a positive correlation with effective international and regional security. It shows that the power of national geopolitical weight cannot easily be measured due to its dual nature of hard and soft dimensions. However, its measurement could be carried out by considering territorial, economic, social, cultural, political, special, scientific and technological, military, and ultra-boundary factors, In this article, by relying upon four land, economic, cultural and social components and 37 indices, the author tries to answer the question that how national power in the Middle East and Iran in 1404 is to be evaluated by using a descriptive- analytic methodology, collected information were analyzed.The results show that:1- Middle East countries including, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have the potential to be regional powers.2- The independent political life of some of the region's oil states, now considered among the richest countries, will confront serious challenges when energy ressources are exchausted and will deal a heavy blow to the unity and strength of the moderate coalition. 3- Iran's size and its great potentials and vast natural and human resources along with good diplomacy can highten its status to become the first regional power.