Technically speaking, politics means the wise management and administration of society and has appeared in various forms. Some of these forms are close to the real meaning of politics and some of them are far from it. The best pattern for a political system is one with the most comprehensive program and law in order to provide for man's happiness in every aspect of life. That is why the patterns and systems rooted in human convenience, since man is not capable of dominating everything, are imperfect and are abolished one after the other. Therefore, the best political pattern belongs to the system which has been designed by an ultra-human source (God) and has been analyzed and legislated for human beings by His Prophets.The historical development of the divine political system is divided into two general periods: The period of “prophethood”, which covers the period of the presence of the Prophets, and the period of “guardianship”, covering the period of the dominance of the heirs and representatives of the Prophets. In most philosophical schools and works reference has been made to these periods, their necessity, and features. In the field of Islamic philosophy, either explicitly or implicitly, philosophers have referred to the construction of political systems. As the most sublime and comprehensive of all philosophical schools in Islamic tradition, the Transcendent Philosophy sees itself needless of dealing with political discussions directly and extensively for several reasons. However, when necessary, it has touched this issue in the middle of many other discussions.Mulla Sadra's political view, although similar to that of Farabi and Ibn Sina regarding its basic principles, is closer to a true philosophical view of politics because of being based on the specific principles of the Transcendent Philosophy. By “Utopia”, he means society at the national level, by “virtuous people”, he means regional communities, and by “inhabited land”, he means the world society. Accordingly, his view is closer to the Islamic teaching of the “one people”. The ruler of this society is a wayfarer who is united with God, has returned from the third mystic journey, and is now among the creatures of God.The writer believes that, in addition to the two common methods in Mulla Sadra's works for the demonstration of the philosophical necessity of politics and the features of a divine ruler, we can adduce an ontological argument for it. This paper presents different interpretations of this argument.