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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani, is a Mystic of fifth and sixth centuries AD, he is supposed as one of the elders that had written many Persian and Arabic Hagiographies. According to the importance of Hagiographies in evaluating Abdul Qadir Gilani's life and works, in this article first of all, try to study Abdul Qadir Gilani's life and works with the use of these Hagiographies and other historical works and then introducing all written Hagiographies about this sheikh until the tenth century AH.the mentioned Hagiographies include: Bahjat Al Anvar and Madan al asrar, translation of the summery of almafakher, Qlayd-Jawahiri and ghusyh merits and Ghabtat Al Nazer with the translation of Abdulghadir Jylani. The results show that these works have a very simple prose because most of them have been written for simple and general these mentioned works in order to show the dignity of his characteristic, unfortunately, some behavior and miracle ascribed to him, contrary to his own view and attitudes. The source of all Hagiographies is the first Hagiographies written about Abdul ghadir means Bahjat al-Anvar and Maadan- al-Asrar, All glorifications of this book are in praise of Allah and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and women in all of them except the ghusyh merits, have a great value.

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Characteristic in the Blind Owl to establishes different interpretations. The ethereal atmosphere woman is one of the mysterious personalities this story witch was to expressed opinions about that. This article wants to know which this woman is an imaginary personality or an actual personality. Our studies to shows which ethereal atmosphere women similar to princess of ale Bouie which obtained from Ray’s place where the drums are beaten at fixed intervals. Also come back of ancient spirits to the living world in the Sadeq Hedayats effects is one reason another for to confirm of this subject.

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محبتی مهدی

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طبیعت و سرشت انسانی یکی از پیچیده ترین و پوشیده ترین موضوعاتی است که در کل تاریخ فرهنگی و اجتماعی بشر همواره مورد بحث و مناقشه بوده است. گروهی سرشت انسانی را مجبول بر خیر و گروهی مبتنی بر شر می دانند و گروهی دیگر اساسا ذات و سرشتی برای انسان قائل نیستند و تکوین شخصیت او را معلول و محصول آموزش و آمیزش های اجتماعی می دانند و هر گروه در تایید معتقدات خویش، دلایل و براهینی اقامه می کنند. دو تن از بزرگ ترین متفکران و مصلحانی که در گذشته به سبب نوع شخصیت، اهداف و آرمان های انسانی، اجتماعی، سیاسی و اخلاقی عمیقا بدین مساله پرداخته اند و عوامل مکمل و موثر در تتمیم یا تخریب سرشت آدمی را بررسی نموده اند، یکی کنفوسیوس، حکیم چینی و دیگری شیخ اجل سعدی شیرازی در ایران است که به سبب دامنه نفوذ و استمرار و پایایی افکار و آثار آنان در زوایا و اعماق پنهانی دو ملت چین و ایران و امروزه در بخش بزرگ و شایسته توجهی از جهان، بررسی دقیق دیدگاه های آنان برای تصمیم گیری های کلان فرهنگی و اجتماعی در روزگار ما حایز کمال اهمیت است. این مقاله ابتدا به طبقه بندی دقیق آثار و نیز امکان یا عدم امکان تطبیق افکار این دو اندیشه ور به دلیل تفاوت زمان، مکان و زبان، و آنگاه به تحلیل مصداقی اندیشه ها و آرای سعدی و کنفوسیوس درباره سرشت انسان و عوامل مکمل و مخرب در تکوین آن می پردارد.

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One way of understanding meaning and comprehending the aesthetic techniques used in a text is finding the hidden contrasts in the text; and discovering the way of hiding them completes the process of criticism. Contrasts can be examined at different levels of a work and can be divided into two types: obvious and hidden. Obvious contrasts are juxtaposed in a text while by hidden contrasts only one side comes into view and this shows that the orientation of the work's creator is toward the dominant side.The question of what contrasts are and what kind of relationship exists among them leads to understanding meaning. Also, the question of with what aesthetic techniques contrasts were processed reveals the ways of hiding meaning as well as the secret of delightfulness of the work. Comparison between the two different media shows the different and unique ways of each of the media in processing contrasts; and one of the study areas of this subject is the comparison between adapted movies and their literary resources. The present article is a comparative analysis of contrasts in the story Ashghalduni (Dustbin) by Gholamhossein Saedi and the adapted movie Dayereh-ye Mina by Dariush Mehrjoyi. The final conclusion of the research is that because of loyalty to the narrative surface and deep structure of Ashghalduni (Dustbin), the director has transferred the theme and narrative contrasts from the written story to the movie; yet, the stylistic elements of the film have completed these contrasts in the area of picture and have created different aesthetic expression.

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the literary text is a tool for society studying. In other words, the literary text itself, is sociological that can be considered to be the most reliable source for knowledge and self-awareness in investigate the relationship between the individual and the world around him.According to researchers in this field such as René Wellek, Austin Warren, Goldman, Hauser and... every story and other literary work, tells the events of his time, and in fact the story is the true form of artistic expression as social events, with the exception that the community speaking out on those issues by scientific language.The literature review can be known as social science that is a part of the consciousness and social action and studying the essence of literary works, conditions and requirements of the social environment in the receiver and nurturing poet and writer and world view and the position of the intellectual and cultural of them according to the social order by scientific method.The author of this article is tried to review the socio-political novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, author of Afghan descent living in America according to the Goldman's constructivism where briefly the commentary spirits and the living conditions of people in three different political periods and behaviors, structures and socio-political ups and downs of life on behalf of the class that the author has referred in his book, is addressed.

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Discussion about interaction between power and knowledge is one of the most challenging issues of Foucault's thought. Foucault's approach represents a reciprocal relationship between power and knowledge so that, as the producer of knowledge is power, the opposite is also true. In this sense power along with knowledge, plays a disciplinary role to greatly increase the disciplinary and Punish techniques of the society. Humanities and social sciences is one of the areas through which power -knowledge creates power relations-based discourses and results in authority and domination over mankind. In literature which allows the writer to declare his/her social and political thoughts, power-knowledge relationship appears latently, so you can see authors thoughts and ideologies apparently in his/her works. The use of Persian prose texts as the evidence of power’s hidden hand as Foucault believes, can reveal a big portion of its mechanism. In this article we will try to analyze power performance in the process of knowledge production in political sciences (criminology and punish) on the basis Persian prose texts.

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In each literature genre based on its stylistic purpose and properties, lingual and literal technics created and make the text aesthetical and rhetorical. literary and imagery played a prominent role in the analysis of text while it has been turned into stylistic trick. In the context of education which will ultimately ideas in the form of aesthetical language and structure, allegory acquires high frequency, so that the most dominant stylistic and artistic techniques in this context, are analogies and rhetorical and Ideational function of it.In this paper analytical method allegory of rhetoric in Mirsad-o-Ebad Najm al-Din Razi have reviewed. By analyzing the structure and rhetorical discourse it is shown that the function and structure of allegory in Mirsad-o-Ebad different from its function in other mystical texts. Because it passed beyond pure artistic trick and converted to a symbolistic style in detection of hidden discourse in the text.Najm al-Din Razi used the analogy leads to tyranny and monologue understanding of the text, hence a tool to explore the ideology of the author. The symptoms for this monologist text can be found in any part of Mirsad-o-Ebad which analogies are often metaphor rather than symbol.

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Nationalism is considered as one of the concepts affecting the political and social changes in Iran. In the contemperary history of Iran from constitutional era and on, it has been observed in forms of thought and practice. Speech analysis is regarded as one of the research methods studying the political-social events. This study is based on the speeh analysis theory of Laclau and Mouffe. The current essay is aiming at responding to this question that how concepts, personality process and nationalistic speech from the second Pahlavi to Islamic revolution are reflected in the poems of Ahmad Shamlu? Hence, nationalistic speech is formed as the result of comparing it with Pahlavism speech. It places independence and liberty at the center. On the other hand, it dedicates a new meaning to patriotism, national unity and the aim of the national government. The challenging human also challenges against colonialism and despotism to reach freedom.

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Language is one of the processes that has messaging and referential feature and induces cultural themes, customs, and thoughts of a nation. Interactive role of language in our social and cultural activities is undeniable. In addition to transferring the contents of referential contents, it reflects cognitive content, human perceptual system and inspiration of abstract themes available on mind. Therefore, cognitive linguists rely on the meaning as dominant element. Some theorists in field of cognitive semantics are including Lakof and Johnson. In Lakof’s viewpoint and Johnson, metaphor is something that surrounds throughout everyday life in field of recognition and perception based on experience and since the language of mysticism is also transferring cognitive and abstract content derived from personal experience of mystics, so checking conceptual metaphors in Maulvi's mystical patterns will help better understanding paranormal and metaphysical concepts and terms with this explanation this research aims using descriptive –analytic method based on Likof and Johnson's theory examines orientated conceptual metaphors at animal symbols (birds) of Shams poems. In Likof’s viewpoint, orientated metaphors has an inextricably link with physical-bodily status of each person and it is changeable depending on cultural and social tissues of society. Research results show that symbols implies on excellence meaning including soul and body and the symbols represents bodily and carnal implicit contents that in order will find semantic accordance with upward and downward orientated metaphors and metaphorical clusters of these contents have conformity with positive and negative function of these models.

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