Of the poetic motives that displayed more in Imam Rezas contemporary Shiite poets writing, can point to the praise, elegy and spreading of the virtues of that hazrat. (Excellency).Decorating of the words and poems to the virtues and good traits of the Imams was always noticed by poets and writers and in a way was an indicator of beliefs and respect to this honorables and vilayet bounds and Imamate, and took its permit impression from the holy prophet (P.B.U.H) and the Imams (P.B.U.T).This research under the title of " Imam Rezas personality in the poems of his contemporary Shiite poets " De-bel, Abu- Novas, Ebrahim- ibn- Abbas Souli try to inspect and precise the contents of these Arabic poets poems.Since the poets that were cordial and followers of " Ahl-Al-Bait" know themselves responsible for the expressing the realities and spreading the virtues of this holy dynasty, did their best to fulfill this responsibility, and by introducing the role of that Hazrats Imamate and van guarding among the community, expressed his innocence and injustice done to him, took the best advantages of the poetic art. And at the end, the conclusion taken was that the Imams contemporary poets engaged in fulfilling their practical roles to prove the conformation of the right fullness of Imam Rezas vilayet and ruling and also to express the moral virtues miracles scientific position praising of his noble fore fathers and the rescuing of that Hazrat.