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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The research is carried out to study the relationship between handedness and mental rotation ability. for this purpose, 87 primary students (45 female, 41 male) with a mean age of 11/1/5 were selected by cluster sampling method among 4 primary schools (2 female and 2 male). These subjects completed chapman handedness inventory and chay online test of mental rotation. Data analysis through univarite analysis of variance and nonparametric X revealed that, the different between female and male handedness wasn't statistically significant (p=0/95). the results showed that, the performance of ambidextrality group in mental rotation test was significant (p = 0/003).

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The present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive & narcissism personality patterns. These relationships were examined through the administration of two questionnaires: A) Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS); B) Millon Clinical Mutiaxial Inventory (MCMI), on 211 university student studying in Mashad University. The subjects were chosen by stratified random sampling. The analysis of data was obtained through the Pearson correlation, T test for independent group, and multiple regressions. The results showed that there are significant relationship between other-oriented perfectionism and two personality patterns (narcissism, obsessive-compulsive). There were no significant difference between male and female regarding the rate of dimensions of perfectionism & two personality patterns. The results obtained through multiple regression showed other-oriented can be a predictor for variances in two personality patterns. The results of this study necessitate the consideration of personality disordered patients especially with trait of perfectionism and psychotherapist relation in therapy, s sessions.

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This study was implemented to investigate and compare the male monolingual and bilingual students' performance in intermediate level of Iran Language Institute (ILI), in learning a new language. 40 English learners from five center of ILI in Tehran were chosen as monolingual which were only mastered Persian language and 40 English learners from five center of ILI in Tabriz were chosen as and bilingual which mastered both Persian and Turkish language. They were sampled by multistage cluster, the instruments included personal information questionnaire, reading comprehension test and standard vocabulary range test. t-test was used for data analysis, and results showed that there is no significant difference between monolingual and bilingual male students in learning a new language,- that is, bilingualism had no effect on reading comprehension performance ability and vocabulary range.

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The present study is aimed to compare ambiguity tolerance in entrepreneurs & no entrepreneurs. For this purpose, 2001 entrepreneurs and 199 no entrepreneurs were chosen in Tehran. Two main tools were used to investigate the question of research included: 1) Edwards personal preference schedule (EPPS), 2) identification of entrepreneur's questionnaire. T test showed significant difference between two groups. On the other hand entrepreneurs have more tolerance of ambiguity.  

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Probably just due to the special attention that people pay to soccer players, the narcissism in them must be more than normal people. The aim of current research is the comparison of narcissism between the soccer players who play in different levels and the lay people.This research is descriptive. Target population included of all players who play in different levels in Isfahan, for this purpose 115 subjects of three groups of football players from different clubs, universities and some university students containing 36 soccer club players, 34 university soccer players and 45 university students chosen randomly. Data are gathered using the narcissism scale of Ruskin and Terry and the Personality Questionnaire of Eyseneck (EPQ) and was analyzed by the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the follow-up of Newman-Kweles. The result of the research signified a significant difference in the results of narcissism scale between the club soccer players and the other two groups (P£0.05).There was a significant difference in extroversion between the normal university students and other two groups, and also in neuroticism between club football players and other two groups (P£0.05). In psychoticism, the club football players gained higher scores than the other two groups (P£0.05).Where as there was no significant difference between the two other groups (university soccer players and the normal student).

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The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between personality dimension and goal orientation. The sample includes 285 college students from Tehran University (107 male 178 female). To measure personalitydimentional and goal orientation were used the eysenck personality questionnaire and midgly goal orientation. The results of multiple regresses in revealed that there are a significant relation between personality dimension and goal orientation among college students. The results showed that extravert personality predicts mastery goal orientation positively and neuroticism negatively predicts master goal orientation.Whereas two personality dimensions that cited contrary predict performance-avoidance goal orientation. Also results indicated psychoticm positively predict performance-approach goal orientation.Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In processes of psychotherapy associated with prominent psychodynamic and behavioral paradigms, change and transformation of the self are achieved through self-knowledge and cognitive-behavioral practices. Perceived self-efficacy is a common cognitive mechanism described by Bandura to account for change in behavior resulting from diverse modes of treatment. This article differentiates levels of explanation for the changes that occur in psychotherapies. Psychopathology is attributed to a maladaptive synthesis of schemes (both overt and internalized), and mechanisms of change in psychotherapy involve the differentiation, analysis, and re-integration of schemes that lead to more adaptive from of psychological functioning like perceived self-efficacy. Differentiation and analysis requires a capacity to know and tolerate schemes that should be differentiated and analyzed due to the painful emotions associated with them. The development of such capacity requires practice and lead to an understanding. Behavioral-cognitive rehearsal and special psychodynamic forms of self-knowledge are increasing the capacity to face and understand (intellectual-emotional and reflective-experiential terms) the specific painful, affect-laden schemes which serve as the origin of symptoms. Within this perspective, three layers of factors in mechanism of and consequences of psychotherapy should be differentiated.Differentiation, analysis, and integration of schemes are for the middle, self- knowledge for the first and perceived self- efficacy for the lost layer of the explanation associative networks. This conceptualization is discussed within a Pageant framework.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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