Institutionalized participation, on the one hand, leads to the development of democracy and legitimation of the states, on the other hand increases the level of nation security. Moreover people’s confidence in the state increases it’s stability, and enhances development and national security. From the Islamic point of view, the role of people is not limited only to legitimizing the sate, but they have a basic role in raising their efficiency. The present research was conducted to achive the following objectives: 1) Measuring the level of political, social alienation and political, social participation.2) Finding correlations among the variables of political, social alienation and participation.3) Studying the relationship of variables such as age, gender, religion, race, marriage, education and income with the level of political, social participation and alienation.The result of the research shows that socio, political participation is highly effective in increasing or decreasing national security coefficiency; and in the case of nonparticipation, political and social alienation seriously threatens national security.