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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This meta analysis includes 50 articles concerning national identity.These are the main articles which have been introduced by the Bibliography of Social Identity published in 2009. All information of these articles has been extracted by the means of a form comprised of 22 questions. The information was analysed by quantitative and qualitative techniques. The findings indicate that the most of articles have explanatory characteristic, but 90 percent of them do not have any literature review. The dominant paradigms of these articles are reductionistic with superficial qualitative methods. Regarding a few of these articles, the national identity is an old and essential phenomenon, but in the majority of them national identity is a new emergent phenomenon coincided with the process of modernization, globalization and the formation of modern state in Iran.Todays this national identity is changing and getting into crisis. This crisis has been explained differently in these articles. In spite of some weaknesses of these articles such as the theoretical and methodological reductionism, they have some strong points such as paying attention to the historical, cultural, religious, social and political dimensions of national identity, describing and explaining the past, present and the future state of national identity and the process of it ׳ s changes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Unsustainable development, as an important subject in the last two centuries and its harmful outcomes which come as a result of some variables such as population, per capita and consumption model indicates the importance of sustainable development for last decade of this century. Also urban sustainability is a key component of this concept and is complicated and multidimentional phenomene which takes in to account economics, social and demographic factors for city improvent.Scientists have presented numerious quantitative and qualitative models for measuring sustainable development of cities and societies. One of the main quantitative models is Ecological Footprint model.This article seeks to study the effects of socio/ economics and demographic factors on Ecological Footprint.250 residents of Bushehr city as a statistics society have been studied.Results show parameters of independent variable have significant effects on ecological footprint component almost %81.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Present paper investigates the structure of the middle class (with a focus on new middle class) in Iran.Methodologically this paper is analytical. For data gathering documentary method was used. Theoretical framework for analysis is based on theories of Max Weber & Antonym Giddines. For in these two theoreticians’ views, three criteria of wealth, status and power (social and economic status as well as efficiency and expertise) are used to distinguish social classes and strata. (New) Middle class mainly consists of beaurocrats. Although some of them are economically weak, due to the level of their expertise and education they are considered as the members of the middle class. The concept of New Middle class in Iran is formed as a consequence of relation with the west, and its process is not as the same as western countries. Hence the concept of middle class does not have the same sense as in the west. Iran’s Middle class is an outcome of modernization which has been imported from western countries and developed since Mashroute revolution. In conclusion, while the discourse of enlightment is democratic, middle class is created and developed as a concentration of enlightment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article is the result of a participatory field study conducted in an earthquake stricken village of Bam area namely “Darbeh Bagh “in the Khajeh Asgar rural zone, to find out the local community’s assessment of how villagers themselves as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations have managed the crisis after the earthquake.In this study Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was employed as the major research methodology to elicit the ideas and solutions through participatory approaches for reconstructing the earthquake area proposed by the villagers.In addition to relying on participatory assessment techniques and using them, a general study on key concepts of disaster management was conducted in this project.According to the existing theoretical framework, disaster management is divided into the different stages include: readiness (mitigation), relief and rehabitation (response).Based on this theoretical pattern, theoretical issues related to community roles and residents' disaster management (in organizing, coordinating and planning activities) in above mentioned stages were investigated in this research project.For applying the research, concerning the current methods that are used in the group participatory negotiations, some discussions were done with the partnership of the facilitators (colleagues) on the research objectives, so they were asked to determine main issues, related questions and appropriate techniques in the workshop meetingsA fter the facilitators' workshop meetings, a ten days period of research field activity begun with the participation of villagers. Findings of the community members’ analysis on disaster management and their assessment of involved institutions’ performance in earthquake are presented in this article.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Institutionalized participation, on the one hand, leads to the development of democracy and legitimation of the states, on the other hand increases the level of nation security. Moreover people’s confidence in the state increases it’s stability, and enhances development and national security. From the Islamic point of view, the role of people is not limited only to legitimizing the sate, but they have a basic role in raising their efficiency. The present research was conducted to achive the following objectives: 1) Measuring the level of political, social alienation and political, social participation.2) Finding correlations among the variables of political, social alienation and participation.3) Studying the relationship of variables such as age, gender, religion, race, marriage, education and income with the level of political, social participation and alienation.The result of the research shows that socio, political participation is highly effective in increasing or decreasing national security coefficiency; and in the case of nonparticipation, political and social alienation seriously threatens national security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory which is reputed as socio-cultural development theory is one of the constructivism theories that emphasizes considerable mutual act between learner and his/her social environment in cognition development. On the other hand, learner- centered method, which is fundamentally based on Vygotsky’s theory, is known as the most important teaching method relied on constructivism theories.This paper reviewed present social field work in Iran followed by studying constructivism theory and learner- centered teaching method. And then a new model is provided for social work students in field work environment with stress on pragmatic aspects of Vygotsky’s theory and learner-centered method. This model shows how to use problem learning based learning, self-regulating, cognitive apprenticeship and performance based assessment in social field work.Suggested model explains teaching-learning process of social workers based on Gage and Berliner (1988) general teaching model. The most important issues are studied in this model are as follows: initial assessment (determining learners input, selection and setting teaching goals) determining teaching methods and skills, selecting educational sources and materials, determining learning activities and assignments and determining evaluation methods and skills.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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radio play an important role in representation humans and different groups.This study examines the radio program “Jom’e Irani” meaning Iranian Friday which is broadcasting every Friday morning from Iran Radio. The research aims to answer these questions: how ascribed characteristics are presented in this program? How is the representation of the minorities? Which one is shown of the minorities: the common stereotypes or the realities of their life? The method used in this study is qualitative content analysis, especially semiotics; hence 6 volumes of this program including 11hours and 37 minutes were chosen and analyzed. The results indicate that this program doesn’t work impartially in their representation and intentionally or unintentionally some groups are more taken into consideration and some are not furthermore, this study finds out representation of minorities is more based on stereotypes than their real life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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