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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Assessment of Iranian Ethnic Policy and Management Patterns




 The desirable perfection of every national government is the integrated nation, so that all belong to the national identity of the nation as well as are faithful to it. This objective will be achieved only through appropriate policy and management. Countries which have different ethnic groups should take step towards creating convergence as well as maintaining the territorial integrity for decision-making as well as planning in various political, economic, and social areas through adopting appropriate policies on ethnic groups as well as respecting their plurality of ethnic groups. The research aims to evaluate the patterns of Iranian ethnic management as well as conducting comprehensive study for the deduction of previous studies results. For this purpose, the meta-analysis method was used. To perform this meta-analysis, 127 articles from 761 scientific-research papers which met the criteria for entering the meta-analysis were selected as well as necessary information was obtained with a reverse questionnaire. Findings of the meta-analysis of the articles show that "the disparate development, especially in the economic dimension and social-political inequality, political and ideological encounter with the relatives, non-observance of the law of relatives, cultural control of the ethnics, authoritarian methods, the intervention of foreigners, the bureaucratic government and centralization as well as the emphasis on national identity more than ethnic identity were considered as the main factors of failure to succeed ethnic politics. On the other hand, "emphasis on social interests, political participation of ethnics, the status of ethnics in (gaining) power, respecting language and customs, use of ethnic elites, the various texture of Iranian ethnic groups, and balancing as well as reconciliation between national and ethnic affiliations have been taken into consideration as the strengths of patterns of ethnic policies. Furthermore it has been attempted to regulate and manage these patterns in which cannot be conflicted with the cohesion of the national community as well as ethnic coexistence can be created based on protecting ethnic groups' rights as well as maintaining territorial integrity through accepting the diversity of ethnic groups as a social reality also reaching peaceful government-ethnic interactions.


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    APA: Copy

    MAHMOUDI, ABOLGHASEM, AFZALI, RASOOL, ZAKI, YASHAR, & Yazdanpanah, Kiomars. (2019). Assessment of Iranian Ethnic Policy and Management Patterns. MAJLIS & RAHBORD, 26(99 ), 249-276. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/224711/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MAHMOUDI ABOLGHASEM, AFZALI RASOOL, ZAKI YASHAR, Yazdanpanah Kiomars. Assessment of Iranian Ethnic Policy and Management Patterns. MAJLIS & RAHBORD[Internet]. 2019;26(99 ):249-276. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/224711/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ABOLGHASEM MAHMOUDI, RASOOL AFZALI, YASHAR ZAKI, and Kiomars Yazdanpanah, “Assessment of Iranian Ethnic Policy and Management Patterns,” MAJLIS & RAHBORD, vol. 26, no. 99 , pp. 249–276, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/224711/en

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