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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Effect of Various Temperature and Moisture Conditions on Sulfur Oxidation and Nutrient Elements Concentration in Soil






 Although there are sufficient nutrients in most Soils, due to Soil high pH value, they are not available for plants. The purpose of this research was to investigate the efFects of moisture, temperature and incubation periods on Sulfur oxidation, pH change and nutrient elements availability. This research was conducted with two experiments in randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications. In the first experiment, treatments were the factorial combination of 2 moisture levels [%60FC(M1) and %90FC(M2)], 4 Sulfur levels (S0=0, S1=500, S2=1000 and S3=2000kg/ha) and 6 incubation periods (T1=30, T2=60, T3=90, T4=120, T5=180 and T6=270 days) and Soils were incubated at 25° C. In the second experiment, Soils were incubated for 3 periods (T7=14, T8=28, T9=42 days) at 36° C. pH and EC in Soil solution and available P, Fe, Zn and Mn were measured. Variance Analysis indicated that Sulfur and its interaction with moisture efFects was not significant on available P. Also moisture and incubation period interaction was not significant on available Mn. Main efFects and interactions of variables were significant on all measured characteristics with except for mentioned characteristics. Moisture increasing caused increasing of EC, P, Fe, Zn and decreasing of pH and Mn. Sulfur application decreased pH and increased EC, Fe, Zn and Mn. The most concentration of Fe, Mn and Zn accrued with 1000kg/ha sulfur application. EfFect of incubation periods was significant on all attributes. Incubation period of 90 days (T3) had the most P and Zn. The most concentration of Fe and Mn gained after 60 days incubation. Moisture and sulfur interaction was significant on all measured characteristics with except for pHospHorus. Moisture and incubation period interaction had significant difFerence on all measured attributes with the exception of Manganese. Interaction of Sulfur and incubation period was significant on all measured attributes. The tri-combined treatments had significant difFerence on the measured characteristics with the exception of available P. The best recommendable treatment is M2S2T3.


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    APA: Copy

    Montajabi, Nosratolah, FEIZIAN, MOHAMMAD, Davoodi, Mohammad Hossein, SOHRABI, AKBAR, & Shariat, Mahdi. (2019). Effect of Various Temperature and Moisture Conditions on Sulfur Oxidation and Nutrient Elements Concentration in Soil. APPLIED SOIL RESEARCH, 6(4 ), 133-145. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/261834/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Montajabi Nosratolah, FEIZIAN MOHAMMAD, Davoodi Mohammad Hossein, SOHRABI AKBAR, Shariat Mahdi. Effect of Various Temperature and Moisture Conditions on Sulfur Oxidation and Nutrient Elements Concentration in Soil. APPLIED SOIL RESEARCH[Internet]. 2019;6(4 ):133-145. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/261834/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Nosratolah Montajabi, MOHAMMAD FEIZIAN, Mohammad Hossein Davoodi, AKBAR SOHRABI, and Mahdi Shariat, “Effect of Various Temperature and Moisture Conditions on Sulfur Oxidation and Nutrient Elements Concentration in Soil,” APPLIED SOIL RESEARCH, vol. 6, no. 4 , pp. 133–145, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/261834/en

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