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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Islamic Architecture from Viewpoint of Religious Science




 Due to architectural scholars disagree about the nature of Islamic Architecture, this paper discussed in nature and the possibility of Islamic Architecture. Due to different definitions of Architecture, Science and art are two main dimensions of Architecture. Thus, one of the methods of achieving Islamic Architecture, is addressing both religious Science and religious art. Given the breadth of the subject, in this paper, the nature of Islamic Architecture was presented. Thus In first step, religious Science was identified and then the necessity of religious Science and history of it, the nature of Science, Religion and religious Science was presented. Depending on the authenticity of the religious ideologues of experimental, narrative, or a combination of these two doctrines, there are different points of view of religious Science in Iran: Some like Ayatollah Javadi Amoli believes that Science is all around religious and it can’ t be divide into religious or secular Science, some believe that is necessary, possible or even done. (Such as the Academy's vision, Golshani, Nasr, Zibakalam, Bagheri), some belive that religious Science is not necessary, neither possible nor desirable nor ethical (Soroush, Malekian, Paya). Finally, with regard to the issues discussed, the various definitions of Islamic Architecture and selective definition authors have raised. The results showed realization of Islamic Architecture is possible and even necessary; Because Islamic beliefs can serve as the forerunner of the designer and Religion has comprehensive supervision over all aspects of individual and collective life. Islamic Architecture cannot be Architecture of Islamic countries because historical study of Architecture does not lead to realization and achievement of Islamic Architecture. Also Islamic Architecture cannot be considered a Muslim Architecture because the result of designing a Muslim architect is not necessarily Islamic Architecture. Islamic Architecture is an Architecture that was affected by Islamic values and have religious content and manifest the religious beliefs and values. This values should be extracted from religious source with valid methods (Investigational: Ijtehadi). However, this is not lead to deny the influence of culture, climate and so on in Architecture. It’ s worth mentioning, as no ideas and thought does not happen without values and interests, Islamic values can affect unconsciously on assumptions of Muslim architect Islamic Architecture will be achieved with regard of Islamic values. These values can be converted to the quantitative and tangible principles, and can be measured and can be used with all people, Muslims and non-muslims who are interested in Islamic Architecture and in the discovery and justification Phase. . In the second category (non-Muslims) requires proof of the following issues: Why should religious values used and why Architecture resulting Architecture is superior to the other? Also, different people have different levels of access to Islamic Architecture which are not discussed here. The research question of this study is: What is the nature of Islamic Architecture? Research method from purpose viewpoint is fundamental and the research, methodologically is qualitative. Library method is used for data collection (documents) and in analyzing the data, logical reasoning and content analysis were used.


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    APA: Copy

    MAHVASH, MOHAMMAD, & ARGHIANI, MOSTAFA. (2020). Islamic Architecture from Viewpoint of Religious Science. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT, 4(7 ), 1-13. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/376773/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MAHVASH MOHAMMAD, ARGHIANI MOSTAFA. Islamic Architecture from Viewpoint of Religious Science. JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT[Internet]. 2020;4(7 ):1-13. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/376773/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD MAHVASH, and MOSTAFA ARGHIANI, “Islamic Architecture from Viewpoint of Religious Science,” JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL THOUGHT, vol. 4, no. 7 , pp. 1–13, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/376773/en

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