Information Journal Paper
CopyBASAKHA, MEHDI, Hosseini Amiri, Seyed Mahmood, & Rouhinezhad, Saloumeh. (2019). The Role of the Economy of Rural Tourism Experience on Place Attachment and Behavioral Intentions of Rural Tourists (Case Study: Countryside and Rural Areas of Ramsar and Chalous). TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), 14(47 ), 125-156. SID.
CopyBASAKHA MEHDI, Hosseini Amiri Seyed Mahmood, Rouhinezhad Saloumeh. The Role of the Economy of Rural Tourism Experience on Place Attachment and Behavioral Intentions of Rural Tourists (Case Study: Countryside and Rural Areas of Ramsar and Chalous). TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES)[Internet]. 2019;14(47 ):125-156. Available from:
CopyMEHDI BASAKHA, Seyed Mahmood Hosseini Amiri, and Saloumeh Rouhinezhad, “The Role of the Economy of Rural Tourism Experience on Place Attachment and Behavioral Intentions of Rural Tourists (Case Study: Countryside and Rural Areas of Ramsar and Chalous),” TOURISM MANAGEMENT STUDIES (TOURISM STUDIES), vol. 14, no. 47 , pp. 125–156, 2019, [Online]. Available: