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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effective Factors in Providing a development visioning plan in the Hezarjarib rural Area




 Introduction In each country, Development in Rural areas requires coherent planning and coordination that Derived from the dominant ideology and accepted by the Stakeholders of development. Studies have shown that in many countries, particularly in developed and even developing countries visioning has been an initial step for planning. The purpose of visioning development is to focus on potential, opportunities and rural issues. Indeed, every community has its own unique history, geography, and development trajectory. Vision is an activity that citizens and stakeholders decide to create a common vision of the future of their community and also that is interactive and participatory process. Successful rural community development demands an integrated and comprehensive approach to identify opportunities, constraints and social expectations. In the Hazarjarib Rural area, Diversity of environment is dominant; therefore, achieving development is a comprehensive understanding of the local level. Despite of its capacities and resources, it has not succeeded in stabilizing its true status in the country's economy. it moves on the path to non-development, in which the acceleration of poverty overcomes development. So this study is aimed to identify effective factors in providing a development visioning plan. Key question in this project: what are effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan in the Hazarjarib Rural area? Methodology the Present study surveys Effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan Hazarjarib Rural area. This is an applied research and uses descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected through fieldwork and library study, Questionnaires and interviews. The statistical population has included of 2 groups, the councils of 152 villages with 10605 households and experts 35 people. Sampling is done in two parts. The first part, Questionnaires, interview with the local expert and stakeholders, the total number is counted. In the experts part; use purposive sampling. In data analysis, Durbin-Watson tests, Regression, path analysis and Pearson correlation were used in SPSS software. Results and Discussion A) Effective Factors in providing a development visioning plan The results showed that the factors were identified in two categories: capacities and Barriers. Capacities include rural tourism attractions, agricultural sector capabilities and human capital and Barriers include Structural and planning constraints, institutional and administrative constraints, the weakness of local and institutional management, the weakness of the law, neglect of the agricultural sector, and economic and social problems. B) Effective mechanism in providing a development visioning plan Among the set of effective factors, obstacles including Institutional inefficiency, neglect of agricultural sector, planning and structural constraints and economic problems with impact factor-0. 597, 0. 413, 0. 346 and-23. 3, have The most direct and significant effective on providing a development visioning plan. Also Lack of local and institutional management, weaknesses in laws and social problems has indirect effects. Among these factors, agricultural capabilities and rural tourism attractions has a direct impact on the rural development program with impact factor-0. 395 and-0. 300. Mentioned factors, in addition to direct effectiveness, they are indirectly affected in providing a development visioning plan. Due to High number of obstacles, they have shown their direct effects negatively. This means that, without removing the barriers, capacities can also have a diminishing and negative effect on the preparation of visioning plan. Capacities and capabilities will play a positive role in providing development visioning plan, As long as, Constraints of structural planning system, local management and agricultural sector problems and issues related to them to be solved. Conclusion Existence of a development vision program based on local participation and using existing ecological talents and abilities, it causes indigenous development. Also neglected to prepare the program, it led to Unequal Development, Economic and social injustice, migration, and so on., As long as these barriers are not resolved in the preparation of a vision plan, any planning and preparation of a program for development and long-term goals will be inefficient and ineffective.


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    APA: Copy

    RIAHI, VAHID, AZIZPOUR, FARHAD, & Ghasemian, Zari. (2020). Effective Factors in Providing a development visioning plan in the Hezarjarib rural Area. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING, 24(72 ), 267-291. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/394283/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RIAHI VAHID, AZIZPOUR FARHAD, Ghasemian Zari. Effective Factors in Providing a development visioning plan in the Hezarjarib rural Area. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING[Internet]. 2020;24(72 ):267-291. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/394283/en

    IEEE: Copy

    VAHID RIAHI, FARHAD AZIZPOUR, and Zari Ghasemian, “Effective Factors in Providing a development visioning plan in the Hezarjarib rural Area,” JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY AND PLANNING, vol. 24, no. 72 , pp. 267–291, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/394283/en

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