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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



Information Journal Paper




HOJAT E. | Issue Writer Certificate 




 About 1960 a new reform happened in Iran and changed the old agricultural system. This reform had two ended results. From one side, farmers found their farms and became owner, and on the other side the agriculture production decrease. These events developed the cities and immigration to them. Villages depended on the cities after the reform, so it changed the fabric of the villages, the elevation of buildings and brought new materials to villages. We study some of them in this article. 1. The Revolution of Villages in IranIn the past time, a king was the owner of country and the people who live there. So, They sent the main part of agriculture's income to country's treasury. In that time, farmers lived in small homes that were situated on rocky and steep land that was impossible for farming.2. LAND REFORM LAND REFORM occurred in 1960 as a result of governmental reformation that named "white revolution". In this reform farms were bought from great owners and gave them to farmers through different ways. We can analyse it from different views.. LAND REFORM: a governmental revolution to prevent a people revolution.. LAND REFORM: oil economy instead of agriculture economy.. LAND REFORM: necessity of new era.3. The Results of LAND REFORM. After the LAND REFORM, agricultural economy was not as important as the past, so the owners invested in cities and it helped to develop the capitalist system and servicing system.. Agriculture without any management system.. Become affiliated to imported agricultural production.. MIGRATION and developing cities.4. The Influences of LAND REFORM on TRANSFORMATION of VillagesWe explain these influences in three parts.. Villages' TRANSFORMATION:After the LAND REFORM a new TRANSFORMATION began; from historical place to new place that was nearer to the roads.- Villages become affiliated to the cities.- Modern technology and changing the connection between village and water resources.- Fabric deterioration and gradually renovation.- Don't need to fortifications. .. Village development:-A village, two centers: the TRANSFORMATION created a village with two centers. The old one with mosque, shrine, headman's house..., and the new centre with new houses and new buildings. - Entering cars to village: the new allays of village is as wide as need a car, and this new part preferred flat lands to steep lands.- Bigger homes, bigger village: the farmers had their farms and they could makes their homes on the farms, so they wasn't obliged to live in homes as small as past. It made village bigger than before the LAND REFORM. . Changing the face of villages: The influence of LAND REFORM on the face of village can be studied through three categories of buildings: - Farmers homes: after LAND REFORM, villagers imitate city constructions to build their homes, so the new materials with a very low quality change the face of village.- Public buildings: public buildings such as mosque and bath repaired with new material (concrete, stone, iron beams...).- New buildings: those new buildings that came to village after LAND REFORM (schools, clinic...) usually has a modern elevation that was quite different from the old building and sometimes imitate by villagers to build their homes.  




APA: Copy

HOJAT, E.. (2006). LAND REFORM INFLUENCES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF IRAN VILLAGES. HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA, -(26), 75-84. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/5842/en

Vancouver: Copy

HOJAT E.. LAND REFORM INFLUENCES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF IRAN VILLAGES. HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA[Internet]. 2006;-(26):75-84. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/5842/en

IEEE: Copy

E. HOJAT, “LAND REFORM INFLUENCES ON THE MORPHOLOGY OF IRAN VILLAGES,” HONAR-HA-YE-ZIBA, vol. -, no. 26, pp. 75–84, 2006, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/5842/en

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