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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Need for Curriculum Reform in the French Language and Literature Program: The Case of Drama Course




 The present study lies within the framework of university education policy in Iran. The main purpose of this comparative study is the necessity to review the quantitative and qualitative content of the headlines of drama at the French language and literature program. What is presented in this study consists of three sections: in the first section, we will reconsider the theoretical bases of overviewing educational content. In the second section, a comparison is made between the current situation of teaching Drama of the French language and literature groups in Iran and three credible foreign universities, and in the final section, we will evaluate and present principles for the revision process for this course. In this study, the main hypothesis is whether the drama course needs change in terms of goals, content, style and opportunity of learning and evaluation in Iran. And if so, what changes should be made and in what areas and how? Consequently, after reviewing the curriculum, the change seems necessary. This change should be made through the participation of universities, professors and curriculum specialists. The author’ s suggestions are also provided on how to present the course and the changes to be made in this regard. Finally, what we believe has been overlooked in today's drama course, which is in dire need of overhaul, is the issue of fostering student creativity and critical thinking. It should be noted that purely written or purely oral content, in the case of this particular course, cannot meet the needs listed above. Attractiveness is also one of the elements included in our proposed program, because attractiveness motivates. To this end, in the proposed lesson plan, a mixed method has been envisaged to stimulate the interest of the students by making use of new techniques. In this regard, in the proposed lesson plan, one or more plays have been suggested for each lesson.


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    APA: Copy

    CARNOY TORABI, DOMINIQUE, BASANJ, DANIAL, & Imanian Mofrad, Mariam. (2020). The Need for Curriculum Reform in the French Language and Literature Program: The Case of Drama Course. LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH), 11(4 (58) ), 797-823. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/963653/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    CARNOY TORABI DOMINIQUE, BASANJ DANIAL, Imanian Mofrad Mariam. The Need for Curriculum Reform in the French Language and Literature Program: The Case of Drama Course. LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH)[Internet]. 2020;11(4 (58) ):797-823. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/963653/en

    IEEE: Copy

    DOMINIQUE CARNOY TORABI, DANIAL BASANJ, and Mariam Imanian Mofrad, “The Need for Curriculum Reform in the French Language and Literature Program: The Case of Drama Course,” LANGUAGE RELATED RESEARCH (COMPARATIVE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE RESEARCH), vol. 11, no. 4 (58) , pp. 797–823, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/963653/en

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