“Epistemology of Mahdism” is a conditional or doubling epistemology which analyzes the knowledge resulted from Mahdism with a logical perspective and answers the questions like: Is it possible to have certain knowledge of the terms of Mahdism? What are the ways and sources of knowledge of the terms of Mahdism? Are Messianic terms capable of being true or false? In the terms of being true, what does their truth mean and how we can prove them to be true? The writer believes with the cognitive faculties of sense, reason, heart, acquired and intuitive knowledge, one can achieve the certain knowledge of Messianic issues. The certain knowledge should be acquired either through the evidence in the form of apriority and matters of conscience or via the definite proof. According to the theory of foundationalism, if some of Messianic terms are of the types of actually granted issues, i.e apriority and matters of conscience, they are authorized and do not need to be justified, because their truth is in their essence. Otherwise, Messianic terms are justified based on reasons and arguments. It is undoubtedly true in the terms of Messianism, there are matters of conscience which are actually granted and physical phenomena and transmitted data which are proximately granted.