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Fruits of a commercial cultivar of sweet persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) were harvested at four stages of maturity to evaluate the practical maximum postharvest storage during 1998 and 1990. Fruits were harvested at four stages of maturity which corresponded to 6th October, 19th October, 4th November, 29th November in 1998 and 1st October, 15th October and 29th October in 1999, respectively. Fruits were held at 2 ± 1°Cand 95 % relative humidity for a period of twenty weeks. Fruit firmness, titrable acidity (TA), soluble tannin and vitamin C content significantly decreased with increasing maturity, while pH and soluble solid concentrations (SSC) increased. After storage, fruit harvested at all stages of maturity had higher pH, SSC, weight loss, and breakdown, but lower TA, firmness, vitamin C and soluble tannins as compared with their quality attributes at harvest. The least weight loss (less than 10 percent) during twenty weeks storage occurred in fruits harvested at the early stage of maturity (first harvest ), compared to other harvest dates. Fruit firmness, SSC and vitamin C content were also best in the same order for the first harvest. However, at the end of storage period, total soluble tannins were remarkably high in fruit harvested at the early stage of maturity. In contrast, harvesting fruit at early maturity stage (i.e., SSC around 13 % and fruit firmness of 15 kg/cm2) was found to be the best stage for minimising a postharvest loss and maintaining a marketable persimmon fruit quality product for short term storage.

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Nameh Farhangestan

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    1 (21)
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This is a review of a prize-winning novel, entitled in Persian چراغها را من خاموش می کنم  by Zoyā Pīrzād. It is the writer's fourth published work and her first novel. The reviewer, Ms. Ojākīlyāns, starts by giving us a detailed synopsis of the story, which is outwardly very uneventful. The whole novel is centred on the everyday life of a middle-class Armenian family, the Āyvāzīyāns, in the southern oil city of Abadan, in the 1960s. The story starts with the arrival of another Armenian family, the Sīmonīyāns, in the neighbourhood, and ends with their rather sudden departure a year or so later. In between, the two families find common ground to mix and to react to one another. The main character is Kelārīs Āyvāzīyān, a 38-year old housewife and mother, whose sole occupation is keeping house and seeing to the day-to-day needs of an indifferent husband, Ārtūš, (a senior oil company employee), and her three growing children, a boy of 15, and a pair of girl twins, aged 11. She is, the one who turns off the lights at night after every one has gone to bed. Her routine is undermined when their new neighbour, Emlī Sīmonīyān, a young divorcé, pays a little too much attention to her and awakens tender feelings in her. And as a result she begins to question the validity of her role as a house-maker, which does not leave her time for the pursuit of her own personal interests.Ms. Ojākīlyāns looks at the novel from every angle and finds it on the whole "fascinating and especially successful in portraying the inner maze of a woman's mind".

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In the contemporary literature, the return to the past is a frequent theme. Especially among the women writers, in the works of whom, the happiness is rarely seen on the scene of everyday life: it is a nostalgic theme, born from the association of faces and places representing the past, where dreams had not yet been lost.This paper aims to study the association of the themes of paternity and childhood’s house – or any other ancient construction that evokes the father and the lost happiness – in three works of Zoya Pirzad,, in witch the every day conjugal life – is drown in forgetting herself for the comfort of those in the eyes whom she passes unnoticed; her identity is graven on places that make survive the memories of the father and the time when she was loved and supported by him.

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بخش خصوصی

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    مهر 1386
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تغییر الگوی کشت مزرعه تحقیقاتی گروه پژوهشی اصلاح ژنتیکی گیاهان باغبانی از زراعت به باغبانی مطابق با اهداف و برنامه های گروه پژوهشی از جمله اهداف مهم این طرح می باشد و چگونگی امکان توفیق در این زمینه مهمترین سوالی است که مطرح می باشد. با توجه به زمینه فعالیت تعریف شده گروه پژوهشی اصلاح ژنتیکی گیاهان باغبانی در شاخه میوه کاری و اهمیت پژوهشی، آموزشی و ترویجی تکثیر انبوه ارقام اصلاح شده، در این طرح 5.2 هکتار از مساحت 16.2 هکتاری مزرعه جهاددانشگاهی به تولید انواع نهال های درختان مثمر و غیرمثمر اختصاص یافت. ارقام مورد کشت در این نهالستان مجموعه ای از ارقام تجاری خارجی و بومی بود که با استفاده از روش پیوند بر روی نهال های بذری بومی پیوند داده شدند. همچنین در این طرح برخی از درختان زینتی یا غیرمثمر به طرق مختلف از جمله کشت بذر، قلمه و پیوند تکثیر شدند. برخی از درختان میوه شامل: انواع هلو، شلیل، زردآلو، سیب، گلابی، انگور، خرمالو، انار، به، بادام، گردو، آلبالو، گیلاس و... همچنین درختان زینتی شامل: اقاقیا، ارغوان، ترون، زرشک، زبان گنجشک، توت کاکوزا، بید، چنار، صنوبر، تبریزی و... بودند. نتایج این طرح شامل تولید بیش از یک میلیون انواع درختان مثمر و غیرمثمر بود که با توجه به روند توسعه پایدار در کشاورزی و لزوم استفاده از ارقام شناخته شده و سالم از لحاظ عوامل پاتولوژیک و نیز لزوم استفاده از نهال های پیوند داده شده به جای نهال های بذری در احداث باغات میوه با موفقیت کامل و تایید سازمان حفظ نباتات انجام گرفت. همچنین در این طرح بازدیدهای متعددی از سوی مراکز دانشگاهی مختلف کشاورزی از روند چگونگی احداث نهالستان صورت پذیرفت.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1892

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    43 (الف)
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در این آزمایش پاسخ میوه خرمالوی رقم کرج، در مرحله پس از برداشت، نسبت به تیمار اتانول به منظور کاهش گسی بررسی و نیز اثر این تیمار بر برخی از ویژگی های مهم میوه مطالعه گردید. میوه های خرمالو در سه مرحله مختلف برداشت و در هر مرحله با توجه به نتایج آزمایش مرحله قبل، آزمایش جداگانه ای طراحی و اجرا شد. بهترین تیمار رفع گسی اتانول در این مطالعه، کاربرد 10 میلی لیتر اتانول %38 به ازا هر کیلوگرم میوه و در مدت زمان 48 ساعت شناخته شد. زمان نگه داری پس از تیمار با وجود نرم شدن بافت میوه و آزاد سازی بیشتر پکتین محلول تاثیری بر کاهش غلظت تانن محلول نداشت. نتایج آزمایش نشان داد که تیمارهای اتانول و شرایط دمایی آزمایش سفتی بافت میوه را کاهش و رنگ زمینه میوه را افزایش دادند، اما تاثیر تیمارهای اتانولی بیشتر از تاثیر شرایط دمایی بود. شرایط دمایی تولید اتیلن را افزایش داده و از این طریق سفتی بافت میوه را کاهش و شاخص رنگ زمینه میوه را افزایش داد. تیمار اتانول تاثیر قابل ملاحظه ای بر تولید اتیلن نداشت و تغییرات ایجاد شده توسط آن ناشی از تاثیر مستقیم تیمار اتانول یا عواملی غیراز اتیلن بوده است.

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Astringency of persimmon fruit is due to soluble tannins. Polymerization of these tannins by induced acetaldehyde produced during deastringency treatments, results in removal of astringent taste in fruits. In this study Japanese persimmon fruits cv. Karaj, were harvested at three different stages and were used for astringency removal process by saturated CO2 atmosphere inside closed polyethylene bags at two time levels of 24 and 36 hours. After induction of acetaldehyde production, for completion of astringency removal process, fruits were exposed to two time periods of 24 and 48 hours in ordinary atmosphere. Both 24 and 36 hours of CO2 treatments significantly reduced soluble tannin concentration compared to control and the astringent taste disappeared. Astringency removal treatments by CO2 and relative ambient conditions inside bags reduced fruit firmness and titrable acidity and increased color index and pH compared to control. Also CO2 treatments resulted in decrease the SSC of fruits. Astringency removal treatments by CO2 had no effect on ethylene production, therefore changes in fruit characters were due to CO2 treatment itself or acetaldehyde and ethanol production by this treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (SN 64)
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Gastric bezoars are gastric masses, which rarely cause intestinal obstruction by passing through the small bowel. In this article, we report a 56 year-old man with no history of gastric surgery who presented with intestinal obstruction. The obstruction seemed to be in terminal ileum. Colonoscopy was done and a movable mass was noted, which was extracted from the cecum by colonoscope resulting in relieve of symptoms. Pathologic examination of the defecated mass led to diagnosis of phytobezoar.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Fruit of most persimmon cultivars are unpalatable at harvest time and it is necessary to remove the astringency by special treatments. Astringency removal treatments of persimmon in this study spray of 36% ethanol on fruits or maintaining them in CO2 enriched atmosphere, reduced soluble tannins concentration of fruits below the critical concentration that results in astringency taste (1000 ppm). According to Panel Test, the lowest astringent taste resulted from CO2 and 7.5 ml ethanol treatments. On the other hand, according to panel tester opinions there was no significant difference between astringency removal treatments on color index and desirable flesh firmness. However, astringency removed fruits had a higher quality and marketability compared to the commercial and control fruits. According to panel test, in comparison of two soluble tannins concentration assays, protein precipitation method, contrary to Folin Denis method, determined soluble tannins concentration lower than the actual amount, and therefore, protein precipitation method is not a suitable assay for determination of soluble tannins concentration in persimmon fruit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In all narrative texts, a lack reveals itself as the start of the action; the continuation would be an effort to liquidate that lack. This continuation in which the initial stat transforms itself to a second one, is the narrative procedure which could not have any sense without the presence of the actors, i.e. the ones to which a role is attributed, including objects. After Propp, who first presented the narrative text sketch, Greimas took the project and charged the actors with different functions.Making out the actors’ roles and the narrative procedure of the novel The bitter taste of persimmon, will be followed in this present article, leaded by a structural approach of the same novel.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

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  • Issue: 

    53 (ویژه نامه فرانسه)
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ترجمه متنی که در آن فضای زبانی حامل وزن سنتی دارای ریشه در فرهنگی که نشان از هیچ شفافیتی با فرهنگ زبان مقصد ندارد، کاری ست دشوار که عملکردی دقیق، حوصله زیاد و تحقیق بسیار می طلبد. داستان کوتاه طعم گس خرمالو، اثر رمان نویس معاصر زویا پیرزاد، نمونه ای از این دست می باشد، متنی دارای بار معنایی به ارث رسیده از فرهنگ ایرانی.موضوع تحقیق این مقاله، بررسی مشکلاتی که احتمالا مترجم در برگرداندن این داستان کوتاه با آنها برخورد خواهد نمود و پیشنهاد یک روش عاقلانه جهت حفظ اصالت متن و به وجود آوردن متنی قابل خواندن در زبان مرجع می باشد.

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