In recent years significant losses in mariculture have occurred due to parasitic infections such as Lepeophtheirus sp. and Caligus sp. The parasitic investigations are mainly restricted to salmonid hosts although it was found to be problematic in other cultured marine fish species. Acanthopagrus latus and Acanthopagrus bifasciatus are two commercially important fishes of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea and there is an intention to be used as cultured species in Persian Gulf. Despite the importance of these fishes, there is no comprehensive report about parasitic fauna of these fishes. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of infestation of these two fishes to metazoan parasites. For this purpose, 40 fresh, dead individuals of Acanthopagrus latus and also 40 individuals of Aconthopagrus bifasciatus were caught from Ahvaz fish market from October 2005 to May 2006. After the initial biometry, different organs of fishes were examined for parasitic helminthes and arthropods by standard parasitological methods. According to the obtained results, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus had higher prevalence of helminthes infestation (97.5%). The prevalences of trematoda, nematoda and crustaceans infestation in this fish were 95%, 55% and 32.5% respectively. The parasites that have been recognized in this fish species were: trematoda, including Polylabroides sp., Lamel/odiscus sp., Syncolium sp., Asymphylodora sp.; nematoda, including Capillospirura sp., Capillaria sp., Contoracaecam sp., Gnathostoma sp., Raphidascaris sp., and crustaceans including Caligzts sp. And Lepeophtherius sp. The prevalences of trematoda, nematoda and crustaceans in Acanthopagrus latus were 37.5%, 45% and 55% respectively. The parasites that have been recognized in this fish species were: trematoda, including Polylabroides sp. and Asymphylodora sp.; nematode, including Contoracaecam sp., Gnathostoma sp., Anisakis sp. larvae, and crustaceans, including Caligus sp., Lepeophtherius sp. and Actheres sp.