Before discussing the relationship between Islamic ethics and mysticism it must be exactly clarified that what we mean by ethics. Is that the one discussed in mystical works or that of the philosopher? A fact that is usually neglected in contemporary research. The ethics mentioned through mystical works is mostly based on Kitab (Quran) and Sunnah (tradition) and religious anthropology which both seek the same goal, closeness of man to God. On the other hand, ethics regardless of being a branch of science, deals with the moral values. Based on practical mysticism, man is required to be enriched with love, as a constituent of its general element. According to this description, the relation between ethics and mysticism as two branches of science is absolute commonness and differentiation. But the relationship between philosophical ethics and Islamic mysticism is a cased commonness and differentiation. Before Mulla Sadra, Islamic Philosophical ethics had its roots in Aristotelian anthropology that considered the essence of man unchangeable, claiming that every value is a state between two disvalues. So the essence of ethics was also a permanent fact not a dynamic one, being compatible with the mystical course of perfection. But Sadra’ s philosophical ethics is the just restricted form mysticism, being rooted in narration sources such as Quran and traditions.