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از طب سوزنی به روش Bloodletting جهت درمان ناراحتی های مجرای فوقانی تنفسی مخصوصا با منشا حنجره استفاده می شود. در مطالعه ای که قبلا انجام شده است، این روش در کاهش لارنگواسپاسم بعد از اکستوباسیون در اطفال بیهوش شده با ایزوفلوران موثر بوده است. در مطالعه اخیر تاثیر این روش در جلوگیری از استریدور بعد از اکستوباسیون در اطفال بیهوش شده با هالوتان بررسی شده است. تعداد 60 کودک به طور اتفاقی در دو گروه شاهد و طب سوزنی قرار گرفتند. در گروه طب سوزنی، قبل از اکستوباسیون طب سوزنی به روش Bloodletting انجام گرفت و شخص دیگری که از انجام طب سوزنی بی اطلاع بود، میزان و شدت استریدور را بررسی و تعیین می کرد. فراوانی نسبی استریدور در گروه طب سوزنی به طور قابل توجهی بیشتر از گروه کنترل بود. همچنین شدت استریدور در گروه طب سوزنی بیشتر بود. می توان نتیجه گرفت، در بیهوشی با هالوتان و تحت شرایط مراقبت دقیق، میزان استریدور بعد از اکستوباسیون با طب سوزنی کاهش نمی یابد.

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The most important complications after extubation are stridor and laryngospasm, and without correct management they can lead to hypoxia. This controled, study was designed to investigate the effects of topical beclomethasone on stridor and laryngospasm. A total of 200 children aged 1-10 years old and ASA physical status 1 were randomly divided into two groups. In the topical beclomethasone group 2 puff spray of beclomethasone was applied to subglottic, glottic and supraglottic areas before endotracheal intubation and then postoperative stridor and laryngospasm were recorded. The groups were well matched for their demographic data (sex, age, weight and tracheal tube size). The incidence of stridor in beclomethasone group was 8% and in the control group was 29%. On the other hand the incidence of laryngospasm in the beclomethasone group was 0% and in the control group was 5%. It is concluded that beclomethasone administered topically at the time of intubation helps to prevent postoperative stridor and laryngospasm.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2016

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آسپیراسیون ریوی یکی از عوارضی است که علیرغم انسیدانس پایین آن یعنی 1.4 تا 6 در ده هزار، بسیار مورد توجه و مطالعه قرار گرفته است. با توجه به انواع مختلف مواد آسپیره شده و مقدار آن طیف بیماری می تواند از پنومونی خفیف تا سندرم دیسترس تنفسی شدید و عدم جبران قلبی و نارسایی کلیه متغیر باشد. موربیدیتی آسپیراسیون به سه حالت زیر می تواند باشد: 1) آسپیراسیون مقدار کم مایع با pH خیلی پایین که باعث ایجاد پنومونیت شیمیایی می شود. 2) مقدار زیاد مایع خنثی که ایجاد فیزیولوژی شبیه غرق شدگی می کند 3) مواد پارتیکولر که موجب انسداد راه های هوایی کوچک یا بزرگ و پاسخ های التهابی می گردد. pH مواد آسپیره شده پایین تر از 2.5، اسیدی و بالاتر از 2.5، غیر اسیدی یا خنثی در نظر گرفته می شود. مورتالیته بعد از آسپیراسیون مواد اسیدی 70-3% است که بیشترین مقدار مربوط به سندرم مندلسون (پنومونیت شیمیایی حاد) است. مورتالیتی آسپیراسیون مواد غیر اسیدی پایین تر بوده، آسپیراسیون خونی self- limited است و اسیدوز متابولیک و افزایش فشار شریان پولمونر ایجاد نمی کند. با وجود این در آسپیراسیون خونی نیز اداره صحیح و درمان مناسب بیماران جهت کاستن از عوارض بعدی ضروری است. بیمار معرفی شده پایین موردی از آسپیراسیون خون به دنبال لارنگواسپاسم است که در مورد اداره و درمان توضیح داده می شود.

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Background: The induction characteristic of halothane in nitrous oxide and oxygen were compared with halothane in oxygen alone and intravenous induction with thiopentum and succinylcholine. Materials and Methods: A vital capacity technique was used for the gaseous induction groups using a mapleson F system and a 1-litre reservoir bag. four end points of anesthesia were recorded: time to cessation of hand grip, time to loss of eyelash reflex, time to jaw relaxation, and time to settled breathing after tracheal tube insertion we also recorded sequential blood pressure and pulse rate , the incidence of adverse airway events and the acceptability of the induction technique . Results: Induction with thiopentum and succinylcholine had a faster time to cessation of hand grip (p, 0.05) and jaw relaxation (p, 0.01). These differences disappeared with the final induction stage and halothane in nitrous oxide and oxygen had the faster time to regular settled breathing though this did not reach statistical significance. Cardiac stability was good and comparable in all groups. Conclusion These were few adverse airway events in any group and none caused oxygen saturation to fall below 96%. There was more excitation in the gaseous induction groups.

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ادم ریوی فشار منفی یکی از عوارض نسبتا نادر بعد از بیهوشی است و به علت انسداد راه هوایی با وجود تلاش های دمی موثر بیمار و فشار منفی خیلی زیاد در داخل مجاری هوایی ایجاد می شود. این پدیده باعث تراوش مایعات به داخل بافت بینابینی و آلوئولها می گردد. شیوع کلی این بیماری کمتر از 0.1% است.هدف از این مقاله شناخت بیشتر ادم ریوی فشار منفی به عنوان یکی از علل ادم ریوی به دنبال انسداد راه هوایی بعد از بیهوشی است. روش تشخیص، تشخیص افتراقی از علل دیگر مثل آسپیراسیون و درمان نیز در این مقاله بحث شده است.سه بیمار در این مقاله مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند. نوع خفیف با هیپوکسی و علائم سمعی ریوی و نوع شدید با علائم بارز ریوی در این مقاله گزارش شده است. در نمونه اول تحریک لوله تراشه، در نمونه دوم خونریزی بعد از جراحی لوزه و در نمونه سوم افزایش ترشحات علت لارنگواسپاسم و انسداد راه هوایی فوقانی بوده است. هر سه بیمار با تشخیص ادم ریوی تحت درمان با اکسیژن، تهویه مکانیکی، استروئید، دیورتیک و آمینوفیلین قرار گرفته و بعد از چند ساعت به خوبی به درمان پاسخ داده بودند و هیچ عارضه خاصی ایجاد نشده بود.نکته مهم در تشخیص بیماری، شک به ادم ریوی فشار منفی است. این بیماری در افراد جوان، سالم و ورزشکار شایعتر است. در افراد در معرض خطر باید مراقب اسپاسم حنجره و انسداد راه هوایی هنگام خروج لوله تراشه، ساکشن مرتب ترشحات راه هوایی بود و در صورت ایجاد اسپاسم حنجره و هر گونه انسداد راه هوای، فورا در صدد رفع انسداد بود. درمان اصلی در ادم ریوی فشار منفی حفظ اکسیژناسیون مطلوب، باز نگه داشتن راه هوایی و در صورت نیاز تهویه مکانیکی و استفاده از PEEP & CPAP است.

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Post extubation cough and larynogospasm and also bucking (straining) during emergence from anesthesia can be associated with hemodynamic changes in arterial oxygen saturation (SPa02). Recent studies have revealed that Lidocaine can diffuse across endotracheal cuff membrane and alkalinization and warming of Lidocaine can increase this capability.We decided to determine whether inflating the "SUPA" endotracheal tube's cuff with lidocaine could create a reservoir of local anesthetic, which might diffuse across the cuff membrane to anesthetize the mucosa thus attenuating stimulation during extubation.A total of 120 patients undergoing elective surgery were enrolled in a double blind randomized clinical trial, and occurrence of cough, bucking and laryngospasm noted were in four groups with endotracheal tube cuffs inflated with air, lidocaine 4%, alkalinized lidocaine 4%.Data were analyzed with SPSS windows with chi test and fisher test. There was no differece in study data between air and saline and so between lidocaine 4% and alkalinized lidocaine 4% group. Inflation of cuff with lidocaine was associated with significant decrease in occurrence of coughing and bucking compared to air and saline groups. There was no case of laryngospasm in lidocaine groups. Inflation of the "SUPA" Endotracheal tube cuff with lidocaine can significantly decrease occurence of coughing, straining and probably laryngospasm after extubation.

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Non cardiac pulmonary edema which is known as pulmonary edema with negative pressure (NPPE) during airway anesthesia is caused by upper airway obstruction due to laryngospasm. This problem happened for a patient who was anesthtized for cataract surgery.A 60 y/o male who was candidate for cataract extraction, after induction of anesthesia was found to have an unpredictable difficult intubation because of anterior position of the larynx. At the end of operation, immediately after extraction of endotracheal tube, severe laryngospasm with copious amounts of pink foamy secretions was developed. Supportive measures including reintubation and mechanical ventilation were performed and the patient was admitted in the ICD and supportive ventilation was started. Successful weaning was done after two days and the patient was extubated.NPPE is non cardiogenic pulmonary edema which is caused by a negative intrathoracic pressure due to upper airway obstruction which causes shifting of fluid to the interstitial lung space. Signs and symptoms includs tachypnea, shortness of breath, production of copious amounts of pink, foamy secretions and decreased arterial oxygen saturation. Great degree of suspicious is very important for its diagnosis. Our patient undergone immediate supportive managements including establishment of airway, medical management, complete monitoring, and ventilatory support in intensive care unit. 2 days later weaning and extubation was done successfully

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Negative pressure pumonary edema, is a well recognized phenomenon, and in the formation of pulmonary edema following an acute upper airway obstruction (UAO), an incidence of as high as 11%. The principal physiologic mechanism underlying the formation of edema in this setting involves the generation of markedly negative intrathoracic pressure leading to a net increase in the pulmonary vascular volume and the pulmonary capillary transmural pressure (Ptm). This is a report of a case of diffuse alveolar edema following an acute UAO. The pathophysiology and etiologes of NPPE is discussed.    

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Background and aim: Laryngospasm, laryngitis and bleeding are the most serious complications after tonsillectomy. In this study, the frequency of these complications and their correlation with age, sex and application of lidocaine jelly has been assessed. Method: The sample consisted of 100 patients aged from 5 to15 years undergoing tonsillectomy in Resalat hospital of Shahrekord, during 6 months. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups. Case group intubated with 2% lidocaine gel via the endotracheal tube, and control group intubated without lidocaine gel. Laryngospasm, laryngitis and bleeding were recorded during the first postoperative day. Results: The incidence of laryngospasm and laryngitis was 8% and 17% respectively. There were no correlations between these problems and age or sex. The incidence of bleeding was 16% that was higher in older and female patients. The endotracheal tube lubrication with 2% lidocaine gel attenuated laryngospasm during recovery after tonsillectomy in children but it was not effective on laryngitis and bleeding.Conclusion: The application of lidocaine gelly after tonsillectomy for prevention of laryngospasm is recommended.

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Background: Negative pressure pulmonary edema after endotracheal extubation is an uncommon and potentially serious complication of patients undergoing general anesthesia. Materials and Methods: In this paper a case of a 16 years old male patient with the diagnosis of hand tumor is reported. Results: The patient underwent general anesthesia for excision of tumor and immediately after extubation developed laryngospasm. Patient developed negative pressure pulmonary edema and bloody sputum after transmission to the ward. He was treated with prompt treatments but because of ischemic changes in ECG, he was transferred to the coronary care unit. There were no enzymatic evidences of infarction. Finally, after ischemic changes return to normal, he was discharged.      

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