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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Siahkuh protected area is managed by the Dept. Environment of Yazd province since 2001. This region (199512 ha) contains a flat plain covering about (65%) with altitude 950-2050m. A study was conducted to determine vegetation and wildlife biota as well as limiting factors. Major limiting factors are: climatic limits (precipitation equal 48 mm/year), length of aridity season, land resources limitations salinity, high ground water table, soil depth inaducey, erosion and sedimentation, land drainage problem) and lack of water resources. Other factors are mine exploitation and hunting. In these harsh ecological conditions, xerophytes vegetation and aridity resistance wildlife are living. 47 species of plants belong to 43 genera and 25 families were identified. Major plant families are Chenopodiaceae with 9 taxa, Compositae and Umbelifera with 4 taxa, and Polygonaceae with 3 taxa. Based on Red Data List 4 taxa in Lower Risk (LR) include: Hyssopus angustifolius, Zataria multiflora, Salsola yazdiani and Acantholimon Scolpus. Later two taxa are endemic. According to existing frequency, biological forms are Phanerophytes, Hemichryptophytes, Therophytes and Geophytes with 41, 21, 17, 15 and 6 percent respectively. 19 species of mammals were identified in this area. Based on IUCN, Cites categories, and Dept. of Environment 8 taxa are protected including: Vulpes cana. Acinonyx jubatus venaticus and Jaculus blanfordi. 35 birds species were identified which 11 taxa including Podoces pleskei and Chlamydotis undulata which are protected. Also 10 species of reptiles were identified which belong to Orders Ophidia, Testudinitae and Sauria there are 2 protected taxa which include Vatanus griseus caspius and Testudo graeca.

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مقدمه: امروزه خزندگان اگر چه کمیاب هستند، اما در گذشته جزو پرجمعیت ترین حیوانات بودند. تعداد آنها 6000 گونه می باشد که از این تعداد نیمی به جمعیت مارمولک های جهان تعلق دارد. و سهم ایران 100 گونه است. روش کار: در طی سالهای (1385-1384) مارمولک های خورانق (شمال شرقی یزد) با 54 درجه طول جغرافیایی و 30 درجه عرض جغرافیایی و ندوشن (شمال غربی یزد) با 53 درجه طول جغرافیایی و 32 درجه عرض جغرافیایی، از نظر تنوع و فراوانی مطالعه شد. نمونه ها پس از جمع آوری (اغلب به شیوه دنبال کردن و گرفتن با دست) به فرمالین 10% یا الکل 70% منتقل شدند. زمان جمع آوری، موقعیت جغرافیایی از طریق نخی به یکی از پاها متصل میشود. سپس با شاخص های Metric و Meristic، مشخصات هرگونه اندازه گیری میشود تا در مقایسه مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. یافته ها: در خورانق: از تیره Agamidae: گونه های Laudakia nupta nupta، Trapelus agilis، Phrynocephalus scutellatus، از تیره Lacertidae: گونه Eremias persica، از تیره Gekkonidae، گونه Bunopus crassicudus، در ندوشن از تیره Agamidae: گونه Trapelus agilis، از تیره Lacertidae: گونه Mesalina Watsonana، جمع آوری شدند. نتیجه گیری: با مقایسه میانگین شاخص ها از جمله: SQ = تعداد فلس ها در عریض ترین بخش میانی بدن، TL = اندازه دم، SVL = طول پوزه تا مخرج، بین نمونه های دو منطقه به تفاوت های معنی داری (P<0/05) رسیدیم. همچنین در نر و ماده (T.agilis)، علاوه بر تفاوت شاخص های فوق، از نظر رنگ بندی و فلس های پینه ای پیش مخرجی نیز بین دو جنس تفاوت وجود داشت. فراوانی L.nupta nupta در خورانق بعلت وجود کوههای صخره ای بیشتر بود. فراوانی T.agilis در ندوشن بعلت وجود بوته های علفی نزدیک به صخره ها بیشتر بود.

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    2 (BIOLOGY)
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Lizards with about 3000 species are a large group of reptiles. These animals have a pronounced position in the life web and land ecosystem. Zoologists have carried out many studies about lizard identification in different parts of the world. The results of their studies led to the introduction of new species and the preparation of geographic distribution maps. In spite of numerous studies done by internal and external foreign researchers in the country, there are still some areas which need to be studied. So far no record of such study has been found about lizards in Cheharmahale-Bakhtiari province. Sampling was carried out in the Spring and Summer 1380-1381, in Ardal, Shahrekord and Lordegan regions. The ambush method was used primarily for sampling and the specimens were preserved in ethyl alcohol 70% and the large specimens were injected by formaldehyde (10%) before preserving. The results include 5 families, 9 genera and 10 species. Agamidae with 3 genera and 4 species was the most diverse families. Lacertidae with 3 genera and 3 species was the second diverse family. Gekkonidae, Scincidae and Varanidae each with one genus and one species were the least diverse family. The results also showed that Shahrekord and Lordegan regions each with 8 genera and 8 species had the most species diversity and Ardal with 6 genera, and 6 species had the second rank of diversity in this study.

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Identification and distribution of natural enemies of honey bee (A. mellifera) in the eight cities and three climates of Fars province include Mediterranean climate (Abadeh, Sepidan, Shiraz), warm semi - desert climate (Kazeroon, Firoozabad, Noorabad, Darab) and cold mountainous climate (Eghlid) were studied. Samples were about less than one percent of total colonies of province that included 585 colonies for adult bees and 537 colonies for larvae and brood cells. In order to isolation and identification of parasites, 50 alive honey bees were randomly selected from each colony and transported to the laboratory in 75% ethanol. Due to surviving larvae and brood cells, 5×5 cm piece of comb were cut with knife and freeze until survey. Questionnary information was collected about the apiaries and past records of pests and predators. Varroa destructor, Vespa spp. Vespula spp. and Merops spp. were observed in all climates. Meloe spp. was observed in Mediterranean and cold mountainous climates. Braula spp. and Acarapis woodi were not found in any climates. Galleria mellonella were observed in warm semi - desert and Mediterranean climates. Lizard was mentioned as a predator of honey bee in Mediterranean and cold mountainous climates. Percentages of infected colonies, larvae and broad cells and adult bees in Winter, and also percentages of infected colonies, larvae and broad cells in Spring to Varroa destructor between climates were not significant, but percentage of infected adult bees in Spring significantly were higher in cold mountainous climate than other climates.

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    1 (22)
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Sergentomyia sintoni is the natural vector of Sauroleishmania species of lizards. This sandfly is abundance in and around the burrows of great gerbils. S. sintoni was collected from peridomestic animal shelters, inside and around houses and also from the nearby burrows of the gerbil reservoir hosts, Rhombomys opimus, in several provinces of Iran. Mitochondrial Cytochrome b (Cyt b) of sandflies, which is a maternally-inherited gene marker, was used to characterize different haplotypes and populations of this sandfly. The analyses were based on the last 717 bp of the Cyt b gene followed by 20 bp of intergenic spacer and the transfer RNA ser (TCN) gene, i.e. the 737 bp fragment (without primers) amplified with the primers CB1-SE and CB-R06. The ITS-rDNA gene was also used to find Leishmania infections in S. sintoni. Cyt b 5´ fragment sequences were obtained from 22 S. sintoni, Cyt b 3´ fragment sequences were also obtained from 22 and Cyt b Long fragment sequences were obtained from 19 S. sintoni. By using nested PCR of ITS-rDNA gene, at least two species of L. major and L. gerbilli s.l. were found in S. sintoni. It needs further studies for considering the vectorial role of S. sintoni in ZCL foci, it’s important role in maintaining L. major infections in the great gerbil and transmitting Leishmania species to people and among the reservoir hosts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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میزان بیوماس سطوح مختلف غذایی در هر اکوسیستم به عنوان معیاری از کارایی و میزان جریان انرژی در آن اکوسیستم محسوب می گردد. کارایی اکولوژیکی هر اکوسیستم، نتیجه قابلیت های هر یک از موجودات زنده در استفاده از منابع غذایی خود و تبدیل کردن آن به بیوماس است [14] این پژوهش از فروردین تا اول آبان ماه 1386 به مدت 7 ماه در بخش جنوبی شهرستان سبزوار و در مساحت بیش از 20000 هکتار صورت گرفته است. نمونه ها در طی این 7 ماه در 4 پلات1 هکتاری (100x100)، و به دو صورت پیمایشی و استفاده از تله های چاله ای (pitfall) جمع آوری شدند. در مجموع 20 تله در هر کوادرات (به صورت سیستماتیک تصادفی) استقرار یافت. پلات ها به صورتی استقرار یافت که 2 پلات (I,II) در پوشش گیاهی درختچه ای از نوع (Haloxilon aphyllum و Tamarix hispida) و 2 پلات (III,IV) نیز در پوشش گیاهی بوته ای از نوع (Cousinia sp و Peganum harmala) قرار گیرد. در پایان نمونه های به دست آمده از هر پلات توسط ترازوی دیجیتالی تعیین وزن گردیدند و داده ها توسط آزمون آنالیز واریانس ANOVA و تستLSD ، تجزیه و تحلیل شدند. نتایج حاصله حکایت از آن دارد که بین میانگین بیوماس مارمولک های هر کدام از پلات های  IوII  (درختچه ای) با پلات های  IIIو IV (بوته ای) و همچنین بین مجموع میانگین بیوماس سوسمار های پلات های (I,II) و (III,IV) ، با میزان اطمینان a=0.01 دارای اختلاف معنی دار است. و میزان بیوماس زیست گاه های درختچه ای بیشتر از زیستگاه های بوته ای مشابه است.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of present study (2005 -2006) was to recognize and investigate the lizards of two districs Khoranagh north eastern and Nadoshan north western of Yazed Province in Iranian central plateau. Investigation was carried out on the physical characteristics by using the keys in refrence book the Lizard of Iran by S.C.Anderson, 1999.During the present study 66 lizards were captured belonging to family Agamidae including: (genus Laudakia, species Laudakia nupta, subspecies Laudakia nupta nupta 6 males and 6 females (Khoranagh) and genus Trapelus, species Trapelus agilis, subspecies Trapelus agilis agilis 18 males and 17 females (Khoranagh-Nadoshan) and genus Phrynocephalus, species Phrynocephalus scutellatus 1 male and 1 female (Khoranagh) and family Lacertidae including: (genus Eremias, species Eremias persica 1 male and 1 female (Nadoshan) and genus Mesalina, species Mesalina watsonana 1 male and 1 famale (Khoranagh -Nadoshan) and family Gekkonidae including: (genus Bunopus, species Bunopus crassicauda 8 males and 7 females (Khoranagh - Nadoshan). The Laudakia nupta nupta and Trapelus agilis agilis and Bunopus crassicauda in the Khoranagh and also Trapelus agilis agilis in the Nadoshan has been recorded as common species, while Phrynocephalus scutellatus, Mesalina watsonana and Eremias persica are uncommon and endangered species in the both districts. This study also include: their morphological discription and coloration, biometric and meristic charactristics, habit and habitat, their diet and the kind of soil and plant of their living area, and also the symbiosis with their own kind and their sexual reproduction.

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This study was done in 2008. The materials of the study were collected during spring, summer, fall and late winter. Only two specimens were collected from Malekan city. Morphologic, morphometric and meristic characteristics have shown that these specimens are Cyrtopodion scabrum. Furthermore, in this study the Cyrtopodion scabrum was collected from East Azarbayjan province for the first time ,however, its distribution map wasn't included in East Azarbayjan province.

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Reptiles are very important in the biological control of environment. Because of rich fauna and flora of Ardabil Province; and since, many regions of it have not been studied yet, so this research was done in order to identify the fauna of lizards in southern regions of Ardabil Province (Ardabil, Khalkhal, Kosar, Ner, and Namin) during 2009-10. Specimens were collected by hand from different parts of study regions. Pictures and slides were teken from the live samples and of them transferred to zoological laboratory. In this study 4 families, 11 Genera and 13 species were identified, Including: Ophisops elegans, Laudakia caucasica caucasica, Trachylepis aurata  transcaucasica, Phrynocephalus persicus, Trapelus ruderatus ruderatus, Darevskia chlorogaster, Darevskia raddei raddei, Eremias strauchi strauchi, Iranolacerta brandtii brandtii ,Lacerta media media, lacerta strigata, Ablepharus bivittatus, Pseudopus apodus apodus. amony family of Lizard fauna recognized in the south of Ardabil province ,the largest family is lacertidae with 7 species and 4 genera. And Anguidae family with one species and one genus is the rarest lizard. Many species were collected and recorded for the first time from south of Ardabil Province.

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