The title says it all! The point is that it is taken for granted that today the word order in Persian is subject+object+verb. This article addresses this issue that as in Avesta, Old Persian, Middle Persian, Dari Persian, Modern Persian and the colloquial speech as well as text,s like Aburnansuri's Moghaddemeh, Tarikh Sistan, and the works written by Balami, Beihaqi, Nasser Khosrow, Tazkeratolulia, Fih Ma Fih, Saadi's Gulistan, to Ale Ahmad, Dowlat Abadi in contemporary period, Persian has enjoyed a free word order throughout. The present work also sheds light on how the fixed, and indeed an unmarked structure has been imposed on the language and has been institutionalized thereafter. The writer contends that with such an unmarked word order not everything can be articulated. If Persian is going to have more capability, we should enliven the language through inspiration from the free structure of Persian in the above periods. The matter has been exhausted in the article. The writer has already taken up this approach in the works written by Nasser IQiosrow and Beihaqi and hopes that this proposal and the ongoing research would yield the projected goal.