Various organizations in the world increasingly dynamic are living. Much of this dynamics, developments and innovations in technology especially information technology and communications is created. The purpose of this article a review the knowledge management initiatives in the age of cloud computing in order to identify Ferraro status as well as future research aspects such as, objectives forms of knowledge and technologies checked. After mapping studies in 4 IP Triple database, digital library AM Sy. Espringrlink, Science Direct 9 study about The knowledge management initiatives in the age of cloud computing we recognized that in order to extract relevant information in set the research questions have been studied. However only a few studies had found that the knowledge management initiatives in the era of cloud computing show but studies show increased interest in this subject in recent years show. From the perspective of the knowledge management further studies on relevant aspects to provide cloud issues and offer new Web-based software knowledge management using a knowledge management system are discuss. the results show that knowledge management as an important strategy to increase effectiveness as well as to improve the selection and use of appropriate techniques and methods the issues cloudy points out. On the other hand the inadequacy of existing knowledge management systems as the biggest problem, the implementation of knowledge management in the era of cloud computing are listed.