This study was conducted in order to survey factors affecting distribution of vegetation types and the relationship between vegetation and soil characteristics in Sirjan playa, Southwestern Kerman province. The study area was one of the most ancient catchments in central Iranian plateau including formations from Precambrian to Holocene, an area of about 274194 ha. After identifying playa area by aerial photographs and topography maps, vegetation was studied using plotting method along transect. In addition, for pedological study, profiles were dug in each vegetation type. Soil characteristics such as texture, acidity, electrical conductivity, organic matter, lime, gypsum, sodium, potassium, calcium, sulfate and bicarbonate were measured. Results showed that from center of playa toward heights, in all aspects of playa, water table depth increased and electrical conductivity decreased. The amount of anions and cations of soil varied, and ratio of anion/cation was obtained. In addition, soil texture became lighter and stability of soil structure improved. This variation caused different vegetation types from margins of playa to heights of 1650-1710m. Vegetation types established from center to outer of playa were as follows: Halocnemum, strobilaceum-Halostachys, belangriana, Tamarix passerinoides, Seidlitzia rosmarinus-Salsola sp., Seidlitzia rosmarinusArtemisia sieberi. After humid margins, vegetation types such as Artemisia sieberi-Zygophyllum eurypterum and Artemisia sp.-Astragalus sp. were established respectively. Therefore, in this region, two factors such as salinity and water ground table were the most important factors affecting on establishment of vegetation types.