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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1


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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 86

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    2 (پیاپی 6)
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احیای مجدد طب سنتی ایران فرصتی مناسب در اختیار پزشکان و پژوهشگران قرار داده است تا از تدابیر درمانی ارزشمند حکمای گذشته بهره مند شده، روش های تشخیصی و درمانی کم عارضه و کم هزینه را جستجو و ارزیابی علمی نموده و در اختیار جامعه قرار دهند. هیپرلیپیدمی به دلیل شیوع بالا و ارتباط مستقیمی که با بیماری های قلبی- عروقی دارد، از معضلات مهم بهداشتی جامعه است. از طرف دیگر از مباحث پایه ای و مهم طب سنتی که در همه اختلالات مورد توجه قرار دارد، وضعیت عملکردی هضم های چهارگانه می باشد. در این مقاله سعی شده است با استفاده از منابع معتبر طب سنتی و نیز استفاده از شواهد بالینی، ارتباط بین مراحل مختلف هضمی و اختلال هیپرلیپیدمی مشخص گردد.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1731

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 628

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    Supplement 2
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Abu Ali Hossein Ebn Abdullah Ben Ali Ben Sinna entitled as Shayhk-o-Rayeis in the East and well known in the west by the name of AVICENNA was born in a place called Afsharneh near the city of Bokhara in 980 AD but resided in the city of Balkh. He was five years old when his father took him to the city of Bokhara to study Holy Quran where his extraordinary memory became apparent and he memorized the Holy book very quickly. Then he studied literary and oratory disciplines and later learned Algebra, Mathematics and Geometry under the guidance of a master called Mahmoud. Afterwards, he became the pupil of Abul-Hassan Koushyar and learned every thing that he knew about astrology in less than a year. Therefore, he turned his attention toward theology and philosophy. Abu Sahl who was an expert physician himself, persuaded AVICENNA to study medicine and he became a general physician at the age of 16. His multi-dimensional studies included Quranic disciplines, Law, Logic, Theology, Mathematics, Astrology and Medicine. He did not reach the age of 60, but his literary works influenced Europe for many years. Some of his books are regarded prominent in these fields. Although AVICENNA had many entanglements and worries like captivity, he was able to write 476 books and articles in the above-mentioned sciences, which 246 of these books and articles are still available and are kept in various libraries throughout the world. His medical books written in 8 volumes have had immense effect on the development of medicine in the world, particularly in Europe. His first medical book was written in the context of Honain’s medical practices and it is available only in form of handwriting. Then he wrote a book about colic, which was his specialty and later he completed the books of Ghanoon (Canon) and the limits of medicine. His article about cardiac medicine and drugs is regarded as one of his prominent literary works after his books of Ghanoon (Canon) and Shafaa (Remedy). His other book called Al-Mabdah contains an especial chapter about psychology. The books written by Razi and AVICENNA were the only medical books taught in European medical colleges from 12th to 17th centuries and the book of Canon was considered as a reference book by the researcher throughout the world even in late 18th century. The above article is a brief glance at the life of AVICENNA, his literary works and a selection of his suggestions and prescribed drugs in the field of gynecology and obstetrics taken from his book of canon

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 217

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Background: Liver injury or dysfunction is considered as a serious health problem. The available synthetic drugs to treat liver disorders are expensive and cause further damage. Hence, hepatoprotective effects of some herbal drugs have been investigated, and one of the methods to choose herbs in order to study their biological effects is to search in ancient medical texts. AVICENNA who is known as the prince of physicians had collected and classified Greek, Persian and Islamic medicine in the best possible way in the book of Canon in Arabic.Objectives: AVICENNA’s book of The Canon of Medicine was reviewed to find the hepatoprotective herbs.Patients and Methods: Three different versions of the Canon were prepared and utilized. To find scientific names of plants we took advantage of three botany references. All of the herbs were investigated on the basis of scientific data from hepatoprotective effects point of view. The searched term was "hepatoprotective" without narrowing and limiting. The searched databases included Cochrane library, Web of science, SID, Irandoc and Iran Medex.Results: 18 plants were found.85% of the presented species, genus or families of plants were reported to have hepatoprotective properties and in the remaining 15% there were no reports of hepatoprotective effect. Flowers and fruits were the most used part of the plants. Most of the plants had simultaneous protective effects on multiple organs but the protective effect on the liver was mostly accompanied by protective effect on the stomach (83%). The average temperament of these herbs is "hot" in the 2nd phase of the 2nd grade, and "dry" in the 3rd phase of the 2nd grade. Hepatoprotective herbs mostly prescribed as a part of hepatoprotective compound drugs formula or other formula for liver diseases are Crocus sativus, Pistacia lentiscus, and Cinnamomum spp.Conclusions: Maybe there is common mechanism for protecting both liver and stomach. Aquilaria agallocha, Aquilaria malaccensis, and Ruscus aculeatus whose hepatoprotective effects have not yet been reported are considered as good candidates for future investigations. Given that Crocus sativus, and Cinnamomum spp are used as flavors in most countries, they will be introduced for more investigation in order to produce hepatoprotective drugs.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 490

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Seidy Mahmood | Pashaei Mohammadjavad

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Earthly love is one of the psychic qualities that human beings experience in their lives. A descriptive analytical study of AVICENNA' views shows that earthly or erotic love is basically a kind of mental illness that sometimes leads to physical illnesses. This kind of love is the result of the domination of mental thoughts and imaginations over human beings. The beloved of earthly love may be any material object, including inanimate objects, plants, animals, and human beings,of course the most important example of such interest is the love of human to another human being. AVICENNA's strategies for treating the disease of earthly love are: receiving the lover to the beloved, attracting the lover to the attention of another beloved, and strengthening the physical and material powers of the lover. In contemporary psychology, lustful love can be synchronized with the AVICENNA's view about earthly love.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 30

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

حکمت سینوی

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تردیدی وجود ندارد که امروزه، سازمان­, ها یکی از مهم­, ترین نهادهای اجتماعی ای هستند که در پیشرفت و توسعه ی جوامع، نقشی عمده ایفا می کنند و نقش ­, آفرینی آن­, ها در برآوردن نیازهای جوامع، مشروط به وجودداشتن مدیران توانمند و اثرگذار است. در گذشته، سازمان­, ها به صورت کنونی وجود نداشتند؛ اما در مجموعه ­, ها و نهادهای اجتماعی قدیم نیز نقش افرادی به عنوان کارآفرین یا رهبر در ترسیم نقشه ی راه و برقرارکردن عدالت درمیان افراد جامعه، ضرورتی انکارناپذیر بود. ازمیان فیلسوفان مسلمان، ابن سینا در آثار متعدد خود به اهمیت اجتماع و مشارکت همگان برای رسیدن به اهدافی همچون سعادت همه ی افراد جامعه و همچنین ضرورت وجود فردی مدیر و عادل برای رهبری و مدیریت مردم اشاره کرده است. از آنجا که او همواره به دنبال تلفیق اندیشه های یونانی و اسلامی بوده، بسیاری از تفکراتش درباره ی مسائلی همچون ضرورت وجود نهادهای اجتماعی، نحوه ی مدیریت جامعه، و ویژگی های رهبر و مدیر خردمند با نظریات فیلسوفان غربی مانند افلاطون، هم راستاست. در این پژوهش، ازطریق گردآوری داده ها با استفاده از روش کتابخانه ای، ضمن اشاره به برخی نظریات و اندیشه های فیلسوفان غربی درباره ی ضرورت وجود مدیر و رهبر اخلاق مدار و همچنین چگونگی اداره ی خردمندانه ی سازمان ها، با تحلیل و توصیف محتوایی، آرای ابن سینا در این زمینه را تبیین و بررسی می کنیم. پژوهش حاضر ازنوع میان ­, رشته­,ای و متعلق به حوزه ی فلسفه ی کاربردی است.

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بازدید 127

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Welcome to the first issue of AVICENNA journal of neuropsychophysiology. Publishing this journal was one of the first wishes and ambitions of us in this university, which by God's will and efforts of editorial board has been achieved.Improvement in science generally occurs in its borders and researchers who work interdisciplinary play an effective role in its betterment and efficiency. To provide suitable relation between basic and clinical sciences which is necessary, we have made up our mind to publish such journal to meet this goal.

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بازدید 264

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صیدی محمود


حکمت سینوی

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ادراک و کیفیت حصول آن، اهمیت بسیاری در میان مباحث فلسفی ابن سینا دارد. او تنها فیلسوف مسلمانی است که سعی در بیان نظریه ای منسجم دربارة فراموشی و یادآوری داشته است. بانظر به امکان فراموشی و یادآوری در هر موضوع علمی و پیش آمدن آن برای تمامی انسان ها، بررسی این مسئله اهمیت زیادی ازنظر معرفت شناسی در فلسفة سینوی دارد که در پژوهش حاضر به شیوه تحلیلی ـ توصیفی به بررسی آن پرداخته شده است. سئوالاتی که در این پژوهش پاسخ داده شده، چیستی حقیقت یادآوری و فراموشی و مراتب هر یک و تفاوت یادآوری و یادگیری است. مباحث ابن سینا در این زمینه مبتنی بر نظریة او دربارة حصول صورت یا ماهیت اشیا و ورود آن از خارج به ذهن است و در اقسام ادراکات حسی و خیالی، وهمی و عقلی بررسی می شود. فراموشی امری مشترک میان برخی از حیوانات و انسان ها است؛ ولی یادآوری صورت های علمی مختص انسان است. با نظر به مادی نبودن قوة خیال و ادراکات آن و هم چنین شواهد حسی، دیدگاه ابن سینا در این زمینه اشکال اساسی دارد. یادگیری، تحصیل صورت علمی جدید و انتقال از مجهول به معلوم است؛ ولی یادگیری ادراک مجدد صورت علمی ای است که در گذشته ادراک شده است.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 184

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AVICENNA (Abu Ali Sina in Persian) was a Persian polymath and the foremost physician and philosopher of his time and the ensuing decades. He was born around 980 in Greater Khorasan, to a Persian family. During the Islamic Golden Ages, AVICENNA created an extensive corpus of works….

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بازدید 375

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