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khalaji Saba

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The rapid rate of development of cities has caUsed extensive Changes in the Land Use pattern around cities, and these effects of city development and urbanization can be seen in developing countries as well as developed countries. In Iran, as a developing country, the growth rate has been very high, and following that, there have been extensive Changes in the field of Land Changes. Change of Users is inevitable but it can be managed. The process of Land Use Changes and the recognition of the effective factors and its results can help to identify obstacles, problems, analyze and understand urban issues as best as possible and become a tool for managers and urban planners to predict the future growth and development of cities and be able to manage effectively and Look for opportunities for cities. One of the biggest and most challenging issues in recent years in Iran is the Change of urban Land Use, which has many effects in cities, and if these Changes are carried out in an uncontrolled and unsupervised manner, they will have irreparable effects. . The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of Land Use Change on Land Use planning. Due to the spread of these Changes, urban design and urban planning, using error tests and investigations, should always seek to adapt to the conditions that have arisen and are ahead, and they need Changes and modernity of opinions in the previous standards. Therefore, he must always adapt to new conditions. It is for this reason that the discussion of flexible planning has been brought up and paid attention to in order to achieve better results than in the past. The most Change of Land Use in cities is related to the Change of Use of agricultural Lands and their conversion to urban Uses, which caUses more instability in cities, which is caUsed by the added value of the Change of Use in urban spaces. With control tools, mayors have a very effective role in preserving and maintaining existing natural Lands, and by using their control tools, they can prevent Land trading and Changes in the Use of natural Lands to other Uses.

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    4 (45)
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Background and Objective In recent decades, Land Use Change due to environmental and human factors has caUsed serious effects on the environment and the economy in Golestan province. On the other hand, wide rangeLands and natural areas have been cultivated without observing ecological and scientific principles or have been exploited for special purposes and changing to other Uses, while many of these Lands are do not have the potential to become new Land Uses and they have a high potential for erosion, as a result of which we will see soil erosion, especially in sloping Lands and the creation of destroyer floods. Therefore, it is necessary and essential to be aware of the type and manner of Use and its possible Changes over time, which will be important for planning and policymaking in the country. The aim of this study was to detection the Land Use Changes in Golestan province during the years 1986 to 2019 and to predict the Land Use status of the region for 2050 using the Land Change Modeling (LCM) approach. Materials and Methods In order to monitor the trend of Land Use Changes in the study area, Landsat 5 and 8 satellites (TM and OLI sensors for 1986, 2001, and 2019) were Used. Interpretation and processing of satellite data were performed in ENVI software. The necessary pre-processing was performed on the images. First, the images were mosaic together and then cut according to the province boundary. In order to identify and separate the phenomena from each other, a false color image was created. Then, the supervised classification method with the maximum likelihood method was Used. At this stage, five classes, including rangeLand, agriculture, forestry, residential, and water areas were defined. Land Use maps for 1986, 2001, and 2019 were prepared. Integration of Land cover maps related to 1986, 2001, and 2019 was Used as input of LCM model and digital elevation model (DEM) maps and road and stream layers to analyze area Changes and prediction of Land Use Changes of 2050. After the necessary analyzes in order to detect Land Use Changes between the intended time periods, Change maps and Land Use transfers were prepared. Finally, the amount of decrease and increase in each Land Use, the amount of net Changes, the net Change from other Land Uses to the desired class, areas without Change and transfer from each Land Use to another Land in different Land cover classes in the form of maps and charts were prepared and analyzed. Results and Discussion The aim of this study was prediction and modeling of Land Use Changes in a period of 33-years in Golestan province. According to the results during this period, the area of the rangeLands has decreased a lot, equivalent to 181181. 25 hectares. Much of the decline in rangeLands is due to its conversion into agricultural, which can be attributed to population growth and the need to expand crop Land. The area of forest Lands during the mentioned years has decreased from 393018. 75 to 349143. 75 hectares in 2019, which has shown a decrease of 43875 hectares (2. 2%). In general, the destruction of rangeLand and forest areas is especially visible in developing countries due to population growth, technological growth and non-compliance with ecological principles and law enforcement. Also, the results of classified maps during the mentioned years show that the highest amount of Changes in the region is related to agricultural Lands, has increased to 173700 hectares equal to 8. 5 % during the same period. The rate of Land Use Changes related to the residential Land class has also increased with the increasing trend from 18731. 25 hectares in 1986 to 37518. 75 hectares in 2019, which has increased by 18787. 50 hectares (0. 9%) during this period. Rapid growth of population has led to the development of residential and urban areas and the increase in this type of Land Use with a relatively steep slope, especially in recent years, which can be part of the government's plans for housing construction in the surrounding areas cities. This increase in the class of agricultural Lands is more noticeable, especially in the central and eastern regions of the province, and can be a warning alarm for the future. It means that in an imperceptible trend, rangeLand and forest Lands become rainfed agricultural Lands and after a while unprincipled exploitation, eventually become barren and unusable Land. On the other hand, this could indicate an increase in population and demand for housing, and consequently securance of the needs of the residents of the region is a threat to rangeLand Lands which is necessary instead of increasing the agricultural and residential Lands and turning rangeLand Lands into such Land Uses, the policy of increasing productivity in the agricultural sector should be pursued. About of water areas, it can be said that during this period, it has increased by 1. 6% or 3268. 75 hectares. This increase in water areas can be partly attributed to heavy rainfall and water intake and even floods in different parts of the province in 2019. Predicting the rate of Land Use Change in 2050 indicates that in the coming years, the area of rangeLands and forests will be reduced by 131906. 25 and 291600 hectares, respectively, and in contrast to the area of agricultural Land and residential areas will increase to 164137. 50 and 25313. 25 hectares, respectively. Therefore, the adoption of necessary measures and policies to further reduce forest and rangeLand will be inevitable. Conclusion Understanding of the conditions of different Land Uses during the coming periods will facilitate planning for the future by creating information in terms of their spatial distribution pattern, but maintaining and creating sustainable conditions for the future both statistically and it is ecologically one of its limitations. These constraints play an important role in the safe Use of different Land Uses in the planning process. Therefore, creating sustainable conditions in the region and modeling it in order to Use the natural resources of a region regularly and sustainably is one of the preconditions for achieving upstream visions and documents, including the sustainable development plan.

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Introduction Land-Use and related developments are the results of a complex network of interactions between internal forces (natural-ecological and socio-economic environment)and a set of external factors that can be traced in an interconnected chain. Prerequisite for understanding these developments recognize the fundamental and important factors that shape these Changes (Saeedi and Shafiei, 2008). These Changes have forced planners in the process of Land planning to carefully consider the issue of Changes in the spatial system of Land-Use. Meanwhile, some researchers have focUsed on understanding Land Use Change independently and based on studying the trend of Change. Others have sought to understand the impact of demographic or environmental issues on Land Use Change. Methodology This research is of a fundamental-applied type and relies on both library and field methods and has investigated the factors influencing Land-Use Changes. In the library method, by referring to various scientific sources, including books, articles, scientific reports and related documents, classification techniques, resource evaluation, note-taking and summarizing have been Used. According to field research techniques, multi-time remote sensing images and GIS, direct observation and interview methods have been Used. Results and discussion Kashan, is the significant administrative, political and economic center of Isfahan Province and most-populous cityin the region. Due to its special structure in providing various services and facilities, There are also cities outside the towns, so that perhaps the term "exclusive usurpation of needs" (Ehlers, 2001, 234) in the region can be best attributed to it. The study shows that in the last thirty years (1986-2016) the population and size of the city have expanded that itself has a direct relationship in the Uses. Factors affecting Land-Use Change in the central part of Kashan include: Socio-cultural, economic and physical factors. As indicated earlier, the city of Kashan, due to its important economic position in the region as an important external factor, has affected the Land Use system of the surrounding villages. Accordingly, the trend of these Changes is towards the destruction of more agricultural Lands and increasing man-made Uses. In 2017, the area of Lands built in the central part of Kashan reached 6995. 75 hectares. Forecasts show that this figure will be added to 6996 hectares in 2031 which indicates physical-spatial conflicts in the study area. Table 6 shows the matrix of Land-Use Changes during the years 1396-1381 in terms of percentage. The results of Land-Use Changes show that in the study area, the highest Change with 17. 75% and barren Lands with the lowest Change of 0. 009% had the lowest conversion rate to constructed Lands. Conclusions According to the research findings, in the study area, several internal and external factors have led to Changes in the Use of agricultural Lands (agricultural and horticultural) from other Uses. Also, analysis based on demographic indicators show the polarity of the population in Kashan city and surrounding villages and other villages in the district. Continuation of the current unbalanced spatial-spatial trend have irreversible environmental consequences and, consequently, socio-economic consequences. In addition to intensify urbanization in the region, lead to a sharp rate of migration of villagers to the city and depopulation of villages. This means increasing spatial imbalances in the region. The effects and consequences of this growth, meanwhile, increase the polarity of Kashan city and surrounding villages, which is associated with the focus on changing agricultural Lands (agricultural and horticultural) to industrial man-made Uses and related production units. Industrial and manufacturing Uses, meanwhile, have had far-reaching effects on environmental conditions due to their unbridled and uncontrolled nature. These include consequences such as the expansion of the city in rural areas and agricultural Lands around the city, the destruction of small pastures in mountainous and mountainous areas, pollution of water and soil resources, air pollution and human problems caUsed by these pollutions. In addition, the logical result of agricultural Land-Use Changes in the region exposes pressure on infrastructure networks such as water, gas, electricity, etc. Practical goals should be set to preserve the environment, the independence of the villages and to prevent dispersal. To facilitate the achievement of the mentioned content goals, in the process dimension, it is required to take the necessary measures to formulate the organizational, institutional and managerial structure.

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Nowadays identification of the process of Land Use Change and its effective factors are considered as the important issues of urban planning. Among the factors influencing Land Use Change, demographic factors are the most important and they are overshadowed by other factors. This research deals with the effects of migration on Land Use Change in Islamshahr City, aiming at finding a clear and logical understanding of the dynamic and variable issues of Islamshahr City as one of the largest immigration cities…

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Vulnerability of soil separates to detachment by water is described as soil erodibility by Universal Soil Loss Equation which can be affected by Land Use Change. In this study it was attempted to quantify the Changes of Universal Soil Loss Equation K-factor and its soil driving factors in three Land Uses including rangeLand, rainfed farming, and orchards in Babolrood watershed, northern Iran. Soil composite samples were obtained from two layers in three Land Uses, and the related soil physico-chemical properties were measured. The rainfed farming Land Use showed the highest clay contents, but the highest amounts of soil organic matter and sand particles were found in orchard Land Use. The high intensity of tillage led to the significant decrease of soil aggregate stability and permeability in the rainfed farming Land Use. The Universal Soil Loss Equation K-factor was negatively correlated with soil permeability (r=-0.77**). In rangeLand, the K-factor (0.045 Mg h/MJ/mm) was significantly higher and the particle size distribution had a great impact on the K-factor. The orchard Land Use, converted from the rangeLand, did not show any increase of soils erodibility and can potentially be introduced as a good alternative Land Use in sloping areas. However, more detailed studies on environmental, social and economic aspects of this Land Use are needed.

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Changes in Land Use are considered as significant factors by decision makers which can be precisely evaluated by Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) techniques. However, Land Use alteration should also be evaluated for monitoring and curtailing the Land degradation, especially deforestation and degradation of rangeLands. The present research was then carried out in the Mahidasht Watershed, a western semi-arid region in Iran for evaluating Land Use Change during 1955-2017, using aerial photos (1955) and Landsat satellite images (TM 1989, ETM 2002 and 2017). The main Land Use types of the study watershed including agriculture, forest and, rangeLand and mix Land Use boundaries were mapped for each period (1955, 1989, 2002 and 2017). Results showed that forests and rangeLands suffered from accelerated destruction during 1955– 2017 period. The reduction rate in areas of forests and rangeLands were 87 and 147 ha/y. In contrast, the area of rain-fed agriculture and mixed Land Use (mixed of the forest-rangeLand, and rangeLand-rain-fed) that are more vulnerable to degradation hazard were increased by 500 ha per year. Rill and gully erosion features were obviously found in converted areas, especially in the rain-fed Lands, indicating siltation and other environmental problems such as deforestation and carbon dioxide emission. In addition, irrigated Lands were increased by 59. 8 ha annually due to enhancing groundwater extraction through water well drilling. Currently, excessive water extraction has resulted in a negative balance of groundwater table leading to water scarcity in this area. The mix Land Use were found more vulnerable to soil erosion and deforestation problems.

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Today, Land Use Change has become a very important challenge in many countries and Land Use has Changed along with the rapid urban growth and under the influence of the urbanization process and need of citizens for diverse Uses, and process of these Changes is a process that leads to create a proper understanding of the interaction between humans and the natural environment, and this issue is more important in sensitive urban areas. The aim of the present study is to investigate the factors affecting urban Land Use Changes in Ahvaz metropolis. The current research is a descriptive-analytical investigation. The sample size is estimated to be 200 people based on Sample Power software. In order to break down and analyze the questionnaires, different statistical softwares such as SPSS 27, Amos 24, statistical methods of structural equation modeling, and one-sample T-test have been Used. The results along with the conceptual model of the test show that a strong and significant relationship has been observed between four political-legal, physical, socio-demographic, and economic factors with Land Use Change (p<0. 05) and the fit indices. The model also shows the appropriateness of the data with the conceptual model and as a result the model is approved. Also, the T-Tech test of a sample checking the averages show that the highest average and as a result the greatest impact on Land Use Change was related to the economic factor, the physical factor, the social-demographic factor, and the political-legal factor respectively. Based on the results, the influence of economic and physical factors can be considered high, and sociodemographic and political-legal factors have a moderate effect on the Change of urban Land Use.

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Land Use of Sylhet has Changed gradually. This is found from the field survey that in 1970 the area was dominated by marshy Land (645.33 katha), vacant Land (430.88 katha) and crop Land (336.17 katha). By 1988 there was no university in the area. Residential area also increased. It covered 39.11 % of total study area. Now in 2007 there is a radical Change noticed in the area in comparison with 1988. Population has increased and accordingly residential area has also increased. Now it covers about 58.71 % of the study area. A survey was conducted to judge the view of the old residents of the area about the Change of the Land Use pattern. The impacts of Land Use Changes are desertification, climate Changes and hill cutting. Improper Lands Use like removal of vegetal cover brings about marked Changes in the local climate of Sylhet. Deforestation Changes rainfall, temperature, wind speed etc. It was observed that rainfall pattern; atmospheric window of Sylhet has been Changed significantly within last ten years.

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