In this paper the rational and intuitive spiritual journey by SOHREVARDI and Habermas' philosophical theories, especially focused on the system of values and ethics, instrumental rationality and communicative rationality are evaluated with his thoughts. The purpose of this paper has been to demonstrate that SOHREVARDI was not ignorant even in his own intuitive journey, and to achieve the true reality of human felicity and the necessary intuitive knowledge, he deems wisdom and intuition are supplementary to one another. Accordingly, SOHREVARDI somehow founded the school of thought called "Integration School" that is a blend of wisdom, quotation, and intuition. There are similarities between SOHREVARDI's theories and thoughts with Habermas in terms of system of values and instrumental rationality and communication which this paper has studied and analyzed them here. Habermas and SOHREVARDI both believe that one can achieve beyond rationality realities upon the expansion of rational perceptions. SOHREVARDI is of a believe that mystical discoveries are also comprehensible through rationality. Habermas on the other hand believes that one can achieve valuable truths through rationality but through communication and mutual understanding. In Sheikh Eshraq's opinion, rationality is supplement of intuition and vice versa; nevertheless, Habermas' notion is that rationality is after proving it. The rationality that SOHREVARDI tries to develop is the philosophical rationality to achieve truth and felicity of human beings through the growth and development of intuition.