gender socialization, as one of the most basic types of socialization, affects a person's individual and social life, including the stability of his or her marital life. The aim of this study was to explain the relationship between gender socialization and divorce between 178 divorced women and 222 women with emotional divorce, which was conducted by survey method in Bandar Abbas. This study used biological and social theories to explain gender socialization and theories of structural functionalism and the love triangle to explain divorce. In the present study, simple and stratified random sampling proportional to volume was used for women with emotional divorce and chain sampling was used for divorced women. Questionnaire data were collected through interviews and face validity was confirmed through literature review and expert judgment, structural validity was confirmed by factor analysis and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha. The results showed that gender socialization of 29.4% of divorced women and 70.6% of women with emotional divorce is traditional, and on the other hand 60.2% of divorced women and 39.8% of women with emotional divorce, Had a modern gender socialization. According to the results of Chi-square test, there is a significant relationship between the type of gender socialization of women, gender values, gender inequality and power relations with the type of divorce. Accordingly, women with emotional divorce have a more traditional outlook than divorced women.