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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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Abstract: This study sought to answer the question of what are the causes of marital infidelity in the Iranian family. To Answer the Research Question, Qualitative Meta-Synthesis (QMS) Method Were Used. Then, 78 Scientific Papers Which Were Considered Marital Infidelity in Iran were identified and were Analyzed. The results showed that the factors of infidelity in Iran can be classified into 9 main categories, including: 1. social factors, 2. Psychological factors, 3. Cultural factors, 4. Family factors, 5. Personal factors, 6. Relational factors, 7. Economic factors, 8. Media factors, 9. Contextual factors. Each of the main Categories is divided into Different Subcategories. The social factors of infidelity were including “Infidelity Opportunities”, “Friend groups” and “Environmental Conditions”. Psychological factors of Infidelity Were Including “Personality Type”, “Attachment Styles”, and their “Love Schema”. Cultural factors have Pointed to “Change in Beliefs and values” and “the level of Religious Education” of people. The Family factors were including “Inappropriate Marriage”, “Family Conflict” and “the Kind of Family Background of people”. The Personal factors are “Sexual Dissatisfaction”, “Emotional Dissatisfaction”, “the Feeling of Loneliness”, “the Spouse Unavailability”, “Weakness in Controlling Spouse”, “Domestic Violence”, “Revenge of the Spouse” and “the Role of the Third Person in the Relationship”. The Economic factors are including “the Economic Status of the person”, “the Role of Economic Problems”, “the motivation of entering into infidelity under the Pretext of Job promotion”. The media factors Were Emphasized on “weakening Iranian Values through social Media Networks and Foreign Satellite Channels” and “Producing of New Needs by Media”. Finally, the Contextual factors were including the Role of “Age” and “Gender” in the Infidelity. Findings showed that Infidelity Occurred in the group of men and youth in Iran, more than other social Groups.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 80

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Eslami Armin | Shokouhi Bidhendi Mohammad Saleh | Jalilisadrabad Samaneh

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ABSTRACT Considering the concept of quality of life in cities to be the same, urban planners do not have a precise understanding of the factors affecting the quality of life. Therefore, according to the size of the city, different indicators should be considered to measure the quality of life. Thus, according to the main goal of the research, which is to recognize, identify and compile the factors affecting the improvement of the quality of life in middle and small cities on an intra-provincial scale, Qazvin and Zia Abad cities in Qazvin province were selected as study samples. In order to achieve the goal of the research, exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis were exerted. The findings show that the homogenization of the indicators affecting the quality of life in all cities is incorrect. Some concepts, such as the size of the city, are effective in compiling and selecting the indicators affecting the quality of life. So, the indicators affecting the quality of life in each city can be different according to some concepts, such as the city's characteristics or the city's size. Examining study samples also shows that in small cities, social indicators are more important due to strong social solidarity among people and the high importance of social and cultural concepts. Moreover, in middle cities, due to the importance of finding economic concepts and urban services in people's lives and people's less communication with each other and the weakening of solidarity and social connections, indicators of urban services and facilities and economic factors have the most importance in explaining the quality of life; this shows that the Quality of life indicators are different in all cities Extended Abstract Introduction Quality of life is a multifaceted and dynamic concept that can be different from city to city and region to region and can be defined by various indicators. Not paying attention to this issue and considering the concept of quality of life equally in all cities has caused the level of quality of life to decrease in many cities, especially middle and small cities, in recent years. On the other hand, considering the concept of quality of life in cities to be the same, urban planners do not have a precise understanding of the factors affecting the quality of life. Following this, the main goal of this research is to identify, identify and compile effective factors for improving the quality of life in middle and small cities on an intra-provincial scale. In order to achieve this goal, the cities of Qazvin and Zia Abad in Qazvin province were selected as study samples, so that according to the size of the city, in order to achieve the goal of the research, the factors affecting the quality of life are analyzed on an intra-provincial scale.   Methodology The research method is applied research based on quantitative methods. In line with data analysis, after extracting 60 indicators of quality of life, first, the indicators were separated into separate and structured factors using the exploratory factor analysis method in SPSS software. And then, step by step regression method was used to measure the effective factors in improving the quality of life in cities.   Results and discussion The research findings show that based on exploratory factor analysis, 16 factors were extracted in Zia Abad city and 15 factors in Qazvin city as effective factors on the quality of life in small and middle cities. In order to present and explain the factors affecting the improvement of the quality of life in small and middle cities, the factors extracted from the factor analysis were analyzed by multivariate regression method and step-by-step method. Furthermore, finally, (13) factors were introduced in Zia   Abad and (13) factors in Qazvin as the main factors influencing the quality of life. The analysis of the findings indicates that in Zia Abad, factors such as life expectancy and social relations, security, the state of urban services and access to urban facilities, living expenses, the state of urban furniture, urban traffic, the state of offices and housing have more effects in explaining and improving the quality of life. In Qazvin, factors such as the state of urban services, the state of green and public spaces in the city, the state of security and economic opportunities in the city, the density and hope of urban, economic, and cultural life, the state of roads and leisure in the city are effective in explaining the quality of life. Following this, according to the above findings, quality of life is a multidimensional and dynamic concept that directly relates to the type of cities and the specific characteristics of cities. Therefore, the quality of life and its indicators can differ from city to city; because every city has its characteristics and characteristics with citizens with different cultures and thinking, which causes the factors affecting the quality of life to be different. Therefore, considering the quality of life and its indicators to be the same in all cities is wrong, which can lead to the decline of the quality of life and the failure of quality of life improvement programs.   Conclusion Finally, the research results indicate that quality of life is a simple concept covering various urban life aspects. This concept can be defined as a determining factor in the excellence and progress of cities and residents' satisfaction with their urban life. It is multifaceted and dependent on place and time. As a result, the perception of people in different cities and communities about the concept of quality of life and the factors affecting it can be different. Following this, factors and indicators should be selected according to the characteristics and conditions of that city in urban planning to improve the quality of life for each city. Thus, this research, using the classification of cities based on the size of the city, has presented factors specifically for middle and small cities, which in small cities due to strong social solidarity among people and the great importance of social and cultural concepts, social indicators are more important. Moreover, in middle cities, due to the importance of finding economic concepts and urban services in people's lives and people's less communication with each other and the weakening of solidarity and social connections, indicators of urban services and facilities and economic factors have the most importance in explaining the quality of life; this shows that the quality of life indicators are different in all cities.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 54

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Safavi Seyyed Ali | Sepahvandi Ali Reza

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Facilitating cycling for children is of strategic importance in the development of cycling culture. In the present research, the main research question is What are the factors enhancing elementary school males' preferences for cycling to school? It is necessary to simultaneously pay attention to items such as amending protective laws, social encouragement, and improving the quality of cycling infrastructure, in the form of a master plan. The present study aims to investigate how to develop cycling under indigenous conditions in Iran with an emphasis on elementary schools. By investigating factors affecting the use of bicycles, identifying the obstacles to it, and providing suggestions for improving relevant cultural and social conditions, enhancing the quality of cycle paths, creating bike parking, and so on, the present research attempts to find realistic solutions to improve the adults' attitude toward cycling to encourage their children to cycle to their schools as well as to places within the neighborhood. For this purpose, 14 variables related to children's preferences for cycling are identified through documentary studies and unstructured interviews. Next, using a structured questionnaire and asking 256 students from seven elementary schools, the variables were statistically measured, and then, classified into four personal, environmental, social, and functional factors through exploratory factor analysis. Results indicate that functional factors not only have the most impact on the development of cycling but are also effective in improving other indicators. Finally, a model is developed and explained for promoting children's preferences for cycling through explanatory-exploratory analysis.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 350

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Ayazi Sayyid Ali Naqi | Marvian Hosseini Sayyid Mahmoud

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The ethical actions are important because of the priority of the mission goal and their close relationship with social progress and development. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the identification and social analysis of these types of actions among the verses of revelation and it deals with the effect of ethical actions in the production of social capital in the process of progress based on religious teachings and answers these questions based on the Quranic teachings. What impact do ethical actions (behavior) have on the formation of social progress? How do moral actions generate social capital and influence progress (development)? What coordinates, examples and dimensions does this group of actions have? What are the effects and consequences of this group of actions? Those actions that are desirable and progressive in the development of social interactions have been socially studied, analyzed and searched by using the inductive content analysis method. Honesty, trustworthiness and fulfillment of an obligation, altruism (Arabic: إیثار, self-sacrifice), asking forgiveness or istighfār (Arabic: استغفار ʾistiġfār), and forgiving others, kindness, non-violence, chastity and purity, patience and honesty and benevolent actions combined with social supervision have been discussed, which lead to sincerity, togetherness, coherence and expansion of social interactions and emotional relationships far from hatred and warm and emotional relationships and as a result, it causes the production of social capital and its improvement and will lead to the density of actions focused on purpose and excellence that are necessary for progress.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 150

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 92

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Security is one of the most up-to-date topics in urban planning and architecture particularly on a neighborhood scale because its environmental factors are not deniable. Hence, this study aims to identify all environmental design factors affecting security promotion in the neighborhood’s center through a comprehensive conceptual model. This study also evaluates the effect of these factors on the center of Sang Siah Neighborhood. In the literature review step, all environmental design dimensions and factors of security in the neighborhood have been identified and designed within a conceptual model using a modified Delphi technique. This model was then evaluated in the center of Sang Siah neighborhood (the symbol of the social-cultural identity of the historic fabric of Shiraz). This step has been done using the case study and survey method using questionnaires distributed among 98 persons in the neighborhood. The sampling method is “random cluster.” In the activity-service dimension, research findings indicate that people and experts look for the occurrence of cultural activities in behavior settings with two different expressions. The significant difference in this subject is the participation index, which interests people. In the social dimension, people think that trust and solidarity between them in using natural surveillance indicators and a sense of belonging that are of interest to them and experts can improve security in the neighborhood. In the meaning dimension, a shared view exists and both groups of people and experts introduce the vitality index as the most effective factor in improving security. In terms of physical dimensions, experts use aesthetic factors to achieve their safety goals while people have a functional approach to it.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 520

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 9

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Asgari Ali

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Belonging to third place and sociable spatial realization in contemporary collective spaces in response to the shrinking living space and the house of the contemporary human is a proper solution for improving social interactions and urban vitality. This solution requires creating some spaces to meet the need for interaction for the prosperity of community members by creating micro-spaces in macroscale urban cultural, educational, and commercial buildings with pause and relaxation aspects. The extant study aims to explain the feasibility of spatial realization with third-place sociability in contemporary buildings investigating the factors affecting its strength in the architecture of free spaces of commercial complexes. This is applied research in terms of objective and is a mixed quantitative-qualitative method in terms of the search system. The data were collected through two library and field methods and were analyzed using the path analysis technique and structural equation modeling (SEM). In this method, sampling was done randomly among the audience's society of the study area within ten intervals of the year. Realization of a third place and promotion of a sense of belonging depends on physical factors affecting the invitation of the audience to be present in the place but also requires matching policymaking of executors and managers that organize the place, quality of the audience society, and behavioral factors ruling it. In this case, the priority of social moralities, demographic homogeneity, obtaining privilege from users' long-term referrals to commercial complexes, and avoiding short-term profitable approach to individuals' presence can be seen in prosperity and higher impact of space quality on vitality.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 380

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Afisi Oseni Taiwo

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This paper examines the liberal society that Popper lauds, that aims to be truly open, and discusses why another, more communitarian kind of society, particularly societies in Africa, may also reflect the quest for intellectual openness that is Popper’s ideal. Moreover, this paper avers reasons why Popper should be comfortable with such a liberal-communitarian mix. The inter-subjectivity in his critical rationalism is a balance of an explicit individualism, and an implicit social element (Afisi, 2016a). Popper is indeed an author of such a balance. For a society to be truly open requires the careful recognition and protection of individual freedom. However, the extent to which individuals are free to perform actions that they desire without external constraints, and the level of their individuality in relation to others when performing such actions, remain a contentious issue between liberals and more communitarian thinkers. Popper’s critical rationalism provides the necessary impetus to this contention through his view of freedom that I contend can best be viewed as carefully balanced, a view which combines individuality with a social element that upholds community values necessary for openness of society. With this combination, Popper’s politics of liberalism provides an effective model of how a truly open society can be achieved. The values inherent to Popper’s liberalism including those concerning intellectual openness, individual freedom, mutual respect, measured self-respect, welfarism, humanitarianism, accountability, critical debates and feedback from the citizens, together concern the conditions for a society to be truly open. There are many competing thoughts as to what openness might be in Popper’s philosophy. The present study of Popper does not presume to address them all. The focus here is specifically on using Popper’s idea of critical rationalism to balance relations between liberal politics of individual rights and freedom, and communitarian politics of the common good, as it relates to situations about how socio-economic and political conditions in Africa societies should be structured. While I contend that Popper’s works in political philosophy focused centrally on Western political tradition, and not about Africa in its strict sense, significant lessons can be distilled from Popper that can offer suggestions on social reforms in Africa. This paper explores Popper’s project of the open society across the plurality and differences of societies, so that his liberal ideas of individual freedom are not undermined, and the progress of the communitarian idea of the common good, that Africa societies are built upon, is also well enhanced. Liberal individualism and community values inherent to communitarianism are both well accommodated within Popper’s critical rationalism.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 40

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Shirali Esmaeil

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The present research was conducted with the aim of the relationship between social factors and family violence against children (child abuse). The used method was a survey and the data collection tool was also a questionnaire. From a total of 155 families with a history of child abuse based on the social emergency statistics of Tehran in the last 6 months of 1397, 110 families (parents with one or more children) were selected in District 9 of Tehran Municipality. The random sampling method was simple. In the present study, children under 11 years (6-11 years) were defined as the age range of children and family violence was also defined as violence applied by parents, older siblings. Research hypotheses were tested with SPSS statistical software through Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results showed that the experience of violence has a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence, neglect against children and family violence against children. In other results, it was found that violence-oriented mentality has a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence, neglect against children and family violence against children. In the continuation of the obtained results, the positive relationship of family problems with mental violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children was confirmed and it was found that gender stereotypes have a positive relationship with mental violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children. Finally, in the main hypothesis, the results showed: social factors have a positive relationship with psychological violence, physical violence and neglect against children and family violence against children.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 80

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