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What is a dental composite? The difference between composite and laminate

Abstract of this article: What is dental composite? Steps before performing dental composite. How is dental composite done? Introduction of composite types. Advantages and disadvantages of dental composite. How to take care of dental composite? Differences between dental composite and dental laminate. In the composite, are the teeth shaved and damaged? What is the service life of dental composite? Tips on choosing a dental composite …

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:Dental composite

Today, the world of beauty is so vast that it is not possible to define a certain framework for it as in the past, because the tastes and definition of beauty are completely different, but it still has a prominent point, and that is neatness and cleanliness. A beautiful face needs a beautiful smile to establish itself. Sometimes a person has a beautiful face with well-shaped limbs but seeks to hide his smile. Various factors such as: smoking, genetics, unhealthy water, accidents and… cause tooth damage The same reasons can lead to a ugly smile and consequently a decrease in self-confidence!

Certainly, everyone is looking for white, lined and well-proportioned teeth. There are various ways to have such a smile, and one of the best and most prominent techniques is dental composite. It can be said that in this technique, a chemical bond is established with the tooth. It is because it is much faster and less expensive compared to other cosmetic dental treatments.

?What is a dental composite

Composite refers to a wide range of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments. What we know as dental composite is actually called composite resin, which is used in different ways in dentistry. It can be said that composite is a technique in which tooth-colored materials are used, which are made of polymer. Using dental composite technique, a series of dental problems can be solved, including:

1. Some deformities
2. Lifting and enlarging small teeth
3. Minor correction of teeth
4. Correct the surface and edges of the teeth
5. Replacing old dental fillings or filling newly decayed teeth.
6. Interdental spaces: Sometimes there are gaps between teeth that have an unpleasant appearance. With dental composite, the distance between teeth can be closed.
7. Tooth fractures: repair of fillings and minor cracks in the teeth; In some cases, a tooth may be broken by an accident and disrupt the order of the teeth.
8. A series of types of tooth dislocations: Deformity and irregularity of teeth in some cases can be solved with dental composite. it is needed.
9. Some types of tooth discoloration: Teeth whitening, especially in cases where tooth discoloration is not eliminated by bleaching and can not be solved by other methods. These discoloration can be hidden with composite.
These are dental problems that can be solved with the dental composite technique.

:Steps before performing dental composite

Certainly, composite is not an exception to this rule for any decision about beauty. Before choosing and performing this technique, one must first know whether it is a suitable candidate to perform this method or not. , Costs, number of treatment sessions, results obtained, and… have information that this information will be done in a session called a consultation with the dentist.

In this session, the dentist with the necessary examinations, in addition to answering the person's questions, also makes sure that the person has no problems other than dental problems in terms of gum health. At first, the person will undergo a complete oral examination. If inflammation is observed, it should be removed before starting work and then action should be taken for the dental composite. Also, in this session, the person's wishes will be examined and his expectations from the dental composite will be determined.

?How is dental composite done

Step 1: After solving the problems of teeth and gums, removing caries and eliminating inflammations, it is time to perform composite. If the dentist needs to shave, anesthesia is injected first. Anesthesia injection will no longer be needed.
_ For composite paint is used from the person's point of view. If a person wants his teeth to be more white, white composites are used.

Step 2: In this step, the teeth must be cleaned of any germs and germs, so the teeth to be treated are first thoroughly cleaned and separated from the other teeth by a barrier.

Step 3: In this step, a little acidic gel is applied to the teeth to rough the surface of the teeth. This action makes the restorative material better placed on the teeth or so-called stick.

Step 4: Then the composite, which is a paste-shaped material, is placed on the teeth with a special pen.

Step 5: After performing these operations, the composite materials are placed in layers on the surface of the teeth and are fixed on the teeth by special lights emitted by a special dental device, then it is time to form the teeth. Forming the most important step It is composite because the final result depends directly on the result. The dentist continues the composite operation of the tooth until it reaches the desired level and shape.

Step 6: In this step, the composite is hardened and the teeth are exposed to laser light.

Final step: Now polishing and polishing should be done. This operation will make the teeth transparent. Accuracy in this step will also be very effective in the result of the operation. In this step, you can express your opinion about the result of the composite tooth. The angles can be adjusted to some extent, so if you see a slight problem in the angles of the tooth, you can ask a specialist to fix it.

- After performing the composite and completing the steps, the dentist evaluates the composite to make sure that the composite teeth have the performance of natural teeth or not, so that carbon paper is given to the patient and he is asked to brush his teeth. Gently bite on the paper and the dentist will check the condition. If a defect is seen at this stage, the specialist will fix it by aligning the teeth and your composite will be finished.

:There are different types of composites. Here are some of them
Coarse-grained composite:

This type of composite is called macrophil, which of course is almost useless today because it is relatively harder to work with. This type of composite is more durable and resistant than other types because its particles are larger than the rest. It is wetter and of course it has less beauty and harder polishing.


This type of composite is a fine-grained tooth. This type of composite has advantages and disadvantages over macrophiles. Although this model has better polishing properties, but it was much less resistant. This type of dental composite is available in the market today.

:Types of hybrids, micro-hybrids and nano-hybrids

It can be said that this type of modified sample is from the previous two types and does not have their disadvantages. These composites have both good polishing properties and good strength.

:Nano composite

Nanocomposites are new composite samples that have a very high resistance, also have high polishing properties and are more resistant to abrasion.

:Advantages of dental composite

• This method tries to correct the teeth without shaving and if necessary, the teeth are shaved very little.
• Ability to adapt to the size of the teeth
This method tries to make the teeth look very natural.
• The treatment time is very short.
• This method is reversible and can be easily repaired in case of paleness or fracture.
Corrects the color, shape and rotation of teeth.
• In this way, the teeth are not sensitive to temperature.
• After finishing, you can make changes according to the person's opinion.
Reasonable price compared to other dental cosmetic techniques
Dental composite is a low-invasive, new, fast and efficient way to beautify teeth.

:Complications of dental composite

Complications of dental composites are in many cases due to unprincipled treatment and lack of necessary care.
Improper treatment: This can lead to complications such as gingivitis, which is very common and the only way to treat it is to remove the previous composites, perform the necessary treatments and put a new composite. In addition to this complication, discoloration of the teeth and Caries problems are also considered as complications of unprincipled treatment.

Lack of hygiene: In some cases, due to lack of dental hygiene, caries occurs, for example, if you do not use dental floss and food remains between the teeth, caries occurs over time.

Abnormal appearance of teeth: This will occur due to lack of delicacy in the work of the dentist.

Difficult to eat: If the composite is not installed and polished properly, it may cause eating discomfort.

:Composite dental care

Brush your teeth well every time you eat, or be sure to brush at least twice a day.
Be sure to floss once or twice a day.
Reduce the frequency of snacking because after each meal, the oral environment becomes acidic and the bacteria weaken the enamel with their activity.
Get rid of bad habits such as: nail biting, ice chewing, pencil butt chewing and چرا because these actions cause the lips to fill or break teeth and composites, if you are used to grinding teeth, it is better not to do dental composites.
If you have tooth sensitivity or toothache, be sure to see a dentist to investigate the cause so that the necessary work can be done on the tooth before it is too late.
See your dentist every 6 months or at least once a year for an oral examination.

:Differences between dental composite and dental laminate

This is the question of many people who are looking to know the cosmetic techniques of dentistry. In this section, we will examine them in full: Dental composite and laminate are both methods that pursue a goal and that is to beautify the shape of the teeth. And brighten their colors, but there are fundamental differences.

:Comparison of dental composite and dental laminate

Advantages of dental composite over ceramic laminates:
Doing time: These two techniques are completely different in the amount of time required to perform them, so that one treatment session will be enough to do the dental composite and the materials will be prepared in the office and by the dentist, but the laminating technique requires materials. It should be prepared in the laboratory, which takes about three weeks, and then the dentist should do the laminate, which is time consuming, so in the treatment time, the composite is superior to the laminate, so there is no need to wait in the composite treatment.

Shaving teeth: In the composite method, teeth do not need to be shaved unless the tooth is decayed, but in laminate, the teeth should be shaved about half a millimeter.

Possibility of repair: In the laminating method, it will not be possible to repair and replace, but in the composite method, it is possible to repair and replace.

Cost: The cost of ceramic laminates is higher than composite.

Dental composite
Do not miss the article (What is autoplasty or cosmetic ear surgery?) On the website of Dr. Pakdel Clinic.

Disadvantages of dental composite compared to ceramic laminates:
Composite life is shorter than ceramic laminates.
Although today's composites are more durable than ever before, they do not match ceramic laminates in terms of resistance to pressure and abrasion.
Composites are less resistant to stains and discoloration than laminates.
The two techniques differ in the materials used.

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