Natural phenomena act out of our control and most of the time the environment and people do not act as though they have been instructed. The existing know-how, research, guidelines, codes, and recommendations are not being completely used, implemented or put to work. A quick overview of the past events can substantiate this claim. After every major earthquake, it has been generally concluded that: “It was a surprising earthquake in the sense of ...; the ground motion characteristics being different than expected; the soil behavior and soil-structure interaction being different than expected; the failures were due to poor design and construction and due to ignorance of the ABC’s of engineering principles, further code modifications, and more code refinements are required; and finally more research and funding are needed.” These types of statements will be repeated, almost, after each earthquake.To overcome this difficulty, I believe that “Earthquake Engineering Scientists” should modify their views of the present methodologies and approaches in favor of simplified, doable, affordable and socially acceptable solutions that answer and meet people’s needs in a more direct and to the point approach. Analyzing the success of medical doctors, their influence on people by creating an acceptable level of trust between themselves and the patients, shows that most of people’s demands are being met by the use of simple and almost deterministic solutions based on pharmaceutical research which goes back to Avicenna’s time. Prescription of medicine to a human body, with more complexity than earth’s interior, is what engineers should envisage doing for the safety of the built environment using new technologies such as nanotechnology, smart materials, etc. If simple answers and understandable solutions are available to people, they will respond differently. Definitely the majority of people cannot effectively use the existing manuals and guidelines which they do not understand. They have never understood the causes of many diseases; However, they have used the prescribed medicines due to the confidence and trust that has been built (in most cases) between the doctors and people throughout the history.