Statement of the problem: The paper focuses on the design subject. The matter of what is design and how it is work has always been the concern of theorists and researchers. In the meantime, it is a significant issue that rather than the existence of a single theory, we have a variety of views and context of the attitude. When uncertainty arises, we are confronted with a phenomenon that is not linear and cannot be perceived just through the logic. Some find metaphysical aspects, some have examined unconscious from the psychological point of view and others have a mystical look at the issue. Purpose of the study: As a designer and audience, this unknown aspect of design can be mysterious, stimulant, frightening, or enjoyable. Design as creativity arises from designer’ s individual physical and mental world, it is created by imagination, measured by science, and once again returns to the imagination. A set of internal and external components is involved in design. Recognizing this design space and its transformation is what matters to us. An approach is process-centered. In addition to studies on the characteristics of physical space, mental space’ s characteristics are also should be studied. We consider this mental space to be the same as the imaginary space of the designer. Direct access to the imagination mechanism is impossible, but we can try to explain its effectiveness on the structural levels. Research Methodology: The research method is a synthesis of narrative and hermeneuticphenomenological analysis. it is process-oriented and focuses on the design process. The research is based on a set of connections and interactions. Conclusion: Creativity should be relying on the imagination. It is a lovely escape with no limits. in imagination, everything is possible. It is an experience of freedom. Everyone’ s having a unique imaginary space that is quite different from others. A series of individual elements forms the characteristics of this space. in a design process, designer flows in continuous transition between this imaginative space and physical space.