In 1970, Menegazzo [Gruppi nei quali ogni sottogruppo e intersezione di sottogruppi massimali, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 48 (1970), 559 {562.] gave a complete description of the structure of soluble IM -groups, i.e., groups in which every subgroup can be obtained as intersection of maximal subgroups. A group G is said to have the FM -property if every subgroup of G has finite index in the intersection xÙ of all maximal subgroups of G containing X. The behaviour of (generalized) soluble FM -groups is studied in this paper. Among other results, it is proved that ifG is a (generalized) soluble group for which there exists a positive integerk such that |xÙ:X|£k for each subgroup X, then G is finite-by- IM -by-finite, i.e., G contains a finite normal subgroup N such that G/N is a finite extension of an IM -group.