To determine the in vitro propagation protocol for two pear clonal rootstocks, OH×F333 and OH×F69 four separate experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, effect of MS, QL and modified QL basal media on the vegetative characteristics including length and proliferation rate of shootlets, leaf number and expansion, inter-node length and necrosis of in vitro tips were measured and recorded. Modified QL had the highest proliferation and shoot length among tested media. In the other two experiments, effects of 2iP and BAP in two separate experiments were evaluated on pear rootstocks in 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/l for 2iP, while for BAP due to its importance in media 0 mg/l was excluded. Results of these experiments indicated the appropriateness of 0.5 mg/l 2iP and 1 mg/l BAP on shootlets number and quality. In the forth experiment, the suitable rooting condition was assessed by long and short period exposure of in vitro micro-cutting to IBA. Results demonstrated higher rooting in short-period treated micro-cuttings as compared to the longer periods. The highest rooting rate, leaf expansion, root length and quality were also observed in 2 mg/l IBA. In conclusion, to micropropagate and to facilitate appropriate in vitro survival of these pear rootstocks a growth media containing modified QL enriched with 0.5 mg/l of 2iP and 1 mg/l of BAP are recommended. A short-phase treatment of micro-cuttings with 2 mg/l of IBA for root induction is also recommended.